Monday, June 4, 2012

The Interpretation: The Dream of May 23, 2012

Here is the interpretation of the dream of May 23, 2012. I will first explain symbols and their representation…followed by the meaning of the dream in totality. You will gain much insight simply by the recognition of the symbols in the first section.


1. Lee University: represents itself, a microcosm of the Church of God, which is a microcosm of the Church in general (the worldwide set of “believers” as mentioned in the New Testament, epitomized by the letters to the churches recognized in the Book of Revelation contained in the Bible.)

2. Lee University (Lee College) at the time I transferred there in 1986: represents the above institutions as they once were, an era from the mid 80s to the late 80s. This is a specific era of change being represented.

3. Night: represents darkness has fallen

4. The people on the street: represent various people in various positions/states of being in regard to Christ and salvation

A. The people I “recognized”, yet did not fully see (saw enough to know I knew them, yet I did not actually recognize them): represent those whom people “knew”, yet these people were not seen for whom they TRULY were

B. The other people: those who were present during the period of time who witnessed, whether understanding or not

5. The place where those taken were standing: The street on which we all stood was CHURCH STREET...representing that those being taken are in the midst of the Church: and the last dorm immediately adjacent to the park (I received a call this past week which revealed to me the name of that dorm…and the name was amazing to hear) is CROSS HALL...representing the fact that those who are taken had once stood in front of the Cross of Jesus Christ...but, as many who stood before the Cross of Jesus at the actual crucifixion, these did NOT stand as true believers.

6. The dark figure: Satan and his demons…and their works

7. Lee University AFTER we fled the street (where we exited the car and I realized that the buildings were no longer the buildings of 1986): represents the present day Lee University, as well as the other applications and institutions mentioned above

8. The building I saw, with a mix of statues that appeared good and “evil”: represents the specific institution of the present day church as described in Revelation

9. The people who filled the entry/foyer area of the building: represents those who are a part of the church, the modern church

10. Danny Murray: represents a leader who has been there from the past to the present, with a position to see all that has occurred and the transformation

The Interpretation and Connection of the Symbolism

The beginning is representative of a transitional time (a time centering around the year 1986) in the life of Lee College (Lee University), the Church of God, and the Biblical example of the church as instituted by Jesus Christ., of which He is the Founder and the Head. God is saying that this period of time in history was a pivotal and crucial time in the 3 specific institutions which are represented, hereby to be simply referred to as the Church in most cases.

During this time Satan launched what will be his primary and sustained attack on the Church. His attacks have been ongoing, but this attack sets in motion the last-day successful infiltration of the Church. It is not an “if” or a “when” scenario…God, in His Word, said it WOULD come…and it began during this period, roughly 35+ years ago. This attack and infiltration would be done under the dark of night: “secretly introducing heresies” and as a “wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

Satan, being the father of lies, does not spare his own. After his successful infiltration, Satan then attacks those he has used to accomplish his work. These people…represented in the dream by those who were taken…were themselves found in front of the “CROSS” (represented by Cross Hall). But, these people were NOT as they appeared. These people are noted in Scripture in Matthew 7:13-33 - verse 15: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” and verse 21: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven…” and verse 23: “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you;’” This all represents a FALSE church being present and arising from within the Church as established by Jesus Christ: the two “churches” now existing at the same time, even intertwined in many cases, due to the darkness and deception of Satan and his successful “cloaking” of his appearance, even causing many to see him as “an angel of light” (TRUTH), though he is evil in its purest form.

Satan, after the initial infiltration, destroys and takes those which he used for his purpose. They were taken by Satan, even as they appeared to be as those who had come by way of the Cross of Jesus (they stood at the “Cross”). They had knelt at the Cross of Jesus only for show…not in TRUTH. Just as with Jesus when He was crucified, there were two types of people present: those who came as Servants of Christ, in love and respect for the dying Lamb of God, whom they worshipped…and, those who came just as observers, never truly having any relationship with Jesus, neither accepting Him as their Savior. They came to the “Cross” simply to APPEAR to be a follower of Jesus…while, in reality, they were only false worshippers who used the Cross for their own gain (whether to gain ACCESS or to gain RESPECT or to gain POSITION). These people were taken by Satan…and they were unable to resist his pull. They are destroyed by Satan (as he turns even on those who have helped him) due to their ACTUAL position…a position which was NOT “in Christ.” The Bible says “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Those taken had no position in Christ on which they could take a firm stance to RESIST Satan. Resistance to Satan can ONLY come from a RIGHT position of authority…only when we are found “in Christ.” Being found IN CHURCH does not equate to being "in Christ."

Many around saw what happened…especially the two which I put in my car and escaped with. God DOES provide a way of escape…and it is in our position in Christ, from where we RESIST the devil. As WE resist Satan…we can even save those who are confused and unaware of what is TRULY happening. We are able to bring TRUTH where Satan has brought deception, and that TRUTH can bring an escape and freedom from the deceptions of Satan.

All of this represents the Church (and Lee University, the Church of God - Cleveland, TN - denomination) as it is infiltrated by Satan…which began to occur in the mid 80s. This infiltration led many to be deceived…and, because of this deception, many people were TAKEN by Satan. In turn…these same people who were taken had also influenced others…others who were left to propagate a “gospel” which they actually were deceived into believing was a gospel of truth…yet, it was a lying gospel: a false gospel. All of this was done in DARKNESS…in the QUIET of night. Much of the error was allowed simply by SILENCE and by the COVER OF NIGHT. Sin was overlooked. Sin was hidden. Sin was covered up. With each passing year…what was once an initial “infiltration” grew to be accepted and it even left the darkness…appearing now in full light, yet still unable to be seen due to deception. What was once UNACCEPTABLE became the NORM in many cases.

As those who are able to resist Satan, we then are to save those that we can…by telling them that the resistance MUST come from a proper position in Christ…a position of TRUE SALVATION. A false gospel contains only false power…and there is no position or power available upon which a resistance to Satan can successfully be made. It will be from a stance of TRUTH that I…and others…may be saved!

Over the years, we see the change that this infiltration of Satan has brought about. The transition and change from the mid 80s is now evident. We now see the Church…an institution…which is ornate and modern: impressive in structure and appearance. Yet, we now see the results of the past 30 years of building on an infiltrated foundation: a building which contains statues of beauty and grandeur…mixed with depictions of evil and darkness. It is an institution which now presents LIES along with the TRUTH. It is an institution which has combined the truth of Scripture with the wisdom of man: a humanistic gospel. The Church finds itself with many people inside…yet, notice they are NOT in the sanctuary: they are gathered in the entry/foyer area. They stay in the realm of FELLOWSHIP and CONVERSATION…unaware of the need to enter the sanctuary. They have been in view of what has occurred outside, but none were moved to action…none were affected in any noticeable way. They are the living results of a MIXED gospel…a false gospel…which has taken from them any RECOGNITION of evil…and it has also taken away their ability to REACT to the work of Satan.

In the middle of the room sits one who is recognized: in the dream, it is Danny Murray. Danny represents a leadership broken by what has been witnessed…yet, they are left only to sorrow and lament over what has occurred. They have been there to witness the many years, the many changes. The leadership now faces and sees the effects of Satan’s attack and infiltration…yet they are not sure how it happened and they are left unsure of what to do now.

God is saying to His Church:

“You have been attacked and infiltrated. This attack began years ago. Satan’s attack came so secretly and successfully due to your failure to stand on my Word: a failure to focus on truth above every other thing; a failure to resist Satan. Instead, the Church embraced some of HIS ideas and lies under the banner of LOVE and TOLERANCE. Yet, I spoke in My Word that you were to defend the faith! Instead, you have allowed the lies of Satan to be taught side-by-side with my Word. You have allowed false doctrine to creep in, with false teachers and false prophets standing in your institutions speaking words of death and lies of Satan. Many have fallen and been taken away by Satan by this deception. My Word is truth…and it WILL NOT be compromised! The prophets are speaking lies in My Name! I did not speak their gospel of SELF…nor their gospel of INCLUSION! My love is an everlasting love. From the beginning of time until this present age, I have loved My creation. I provided a way to Me through the death of My Son. Yet, many have rejected My love. They have refused to accept My offer, even denying the very Word of Life I have spoken. They have distorted My Word for personal gain and in their attempt to create their own salvation. Yet, the day will come…and is soon coming…when I will say to them ‘You were wrong! Depart from Me…I never knew you!’ I long for My Church to return to Me. I love to gather My children to Me. I call you to REPENT. I call on you to apply the salve of My Word to your eyes, removing the blindness with which Satan has deceived you. Return to My Word. Return to My truth. Return to Me…and I will make you a great and mighty army in these last days! I will heal you…and you will be strong and true again.”

This dream and interpretation are not…and were not…expected by me: Ron Smith. I do not have any understanding of why God gave ME this dream, nor the interpretation. I speak this with full knowledge that My God hears and knows what I am saying: this dream was from God. I in NO WAY created this dream from my own desires. The morning I woke from this dream…I was so shaken that I was asked by the first person whom I encountered “Are you ok? What is wrong?” I could, at that point, only say “I had a dream.” It took approximately 30 minutes before I could relate the dream to them…and then, I could only do it through tears. I have never experienced any dream such as this. I simply know that God gave the dream…and I was to speak it and deliver its message. I am well aware that some will accept the Word that God has spoken…and that some will reject this Word from the Lord. None of that is of my concern, in reality. I had to…and did…obey God in this. Thus, it is done. I simply ask that those who read this will begin to pray as never before. Pray first for YOURSELF…and ask God for His truth and wisdom. Pray next for the LOST…those who need to hear the TRUTH of Jesus Christ, absent of any false doctrines and false motives. Pray lastly for the Church…the institution built on the premise of Jesus Christ, the Living Word and the Written Word. Pray that GOD…The Father, Jesus the Son, the Holy Spirit…will reveal His truth and that the lies of Satan will begin to be driven from His Body. Pray that REPENTANCE, REVIVAL AND RENEWAL will take place in every believer and in every Christian church in America and around the world.

May God bless us all as we follow and serve Him!

In Christ,

Ron Smith

June 4, 2012

(I want to note that this dream is no way an INDICTMENT of Dr. Paul Conn nor any particular person. It is not an INDICTMENT of Danny Murray in any way. I love and respect both of these men. God did NOT say they are at fault...nor are they guilty of any sin in any way. God knew they had MEANING to me in my life...and God used Lee and Danny Murray as symbols I would understand clearly. I traveled with Danny Murray and grew to love him and his family. They are very precious to me. Dr. Paul Conn is a man that spoke with me on many occasions. He spoke truth and wisdom into my life and I hold him in high regard. This entire dream was NOT about individuals...but about the infiltration of Satan into the Church and its institutions. Far from being an INDICTMENT...I admit that I failed to see the infiltration during my tenure at Lee College. I admit to being TROUBLED during my tenure there...and I admit to my own personal issues and failures. Thus...I often wonder why God is choosing to speak TO me and THROUGH me. I do not count myself as "worthy" in that regard. I simply I have above...that you enter into PRAYER over what I am sure God has spoken. If you doubt the authenticity of this dream and interpretation...then I ask for your prayers still. NOTHING can be deemed unworthy of prayer...of that I am sure. God bless!)

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