Friday, June 22, 2012

In Defense of the Sheep!

The assault on TRUTH has reached monumental proportions. In some cases, the WOLVES are now in charge of ShEEP SECURITY!

Pastors who ignore FALSE DOCTRINE are sacrificing their flock on the altars of Satan.

Be VERY CAREFUL which ministries you support and direct your congregation towards, Pastors. You may very well be leading your sheep to the slaughter!

Remember: Jesus would appear to John on the Isle of Patmos, commanding John to pen the last words that He wished to speak to His Church. In doing so, Jesus would focus on REALITY: He would define the actual state and existence of each Church that He was speaking to. And, in doing so, He would follow this order:

1. The revelation of Who He Is...specifically focusing on what He was about to reveal.
2. A commendation for what the Church had done "right" (Laodicea got no commendation at all!)
3. A rebuke for the wrong and sin into which the Church had now entered (some form of false doctrine mentioned in each...with the exceptions of Smyrna and Philadelphia, who received no rebuke)
4. A statement of judgement to come if point #5 was not done
5. A call and command to REPENT
6. A declaration that God would forgive them...IF they had followed point #5...REPENTANCE
7. The declaration that those who OVERCOME (the sin that had entered in) would receive a crown of life

Jesus did not appear to John with some prosperity message!

Jesus did not appear to John with some politically correct message!

Jesus did not appear to John to reveal some new doctrine new "outpouring"!

Jesus would, instead, focus on the reality of the moment: and that reality was that the Churches had entered into a time of unchecked sin accompanied by false doctrine. The last Words Jesus would speak in Scripture...His last focus...refers to the "marrying" of TRUTH with LIE...leading to an acceptance of false doctrine beyond belief! In one case....the Church was now accepting the teachings and doctrines that had, in the past, led to sacrificing things to idols...even children! Keep in mind that the false teachings of the MOMENT lead to some manner of DESTRUCTION in the future!

Throughout these 7 letters, there is a STRONG and OVERWHELMING focus on recognizing and renouncing the infiltration of false doctrine into the Church. some cases, even if YOU are preaching TRUTH...the sheep you shepherd are "mixing" THAT truth with the FALSE DOCTRINE that they hear and watch at home or in the car. Who your sheep follow when out from under YOUR teaching matters! You cannot...and MUST not...just ignore (failing to address and renounce false doctrine) for that reason. Regardless of WHERE the mixing of TRUTH and LIE takes place...its existence in your "pasture" can destroy the flock.

Remember: if TRUTH is not defended...neither are the SHEEP!

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