Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My Dream: Early morning hours of 05/23/2012

Today, I sit to write something that is troubling. It has NEVER occurred before in my life. 

What I am about to write is EXACTLY as it was given to me in a dream last night. Nothing is changed nor altered in any way. 

I lay down to sleep just after midnight. I awoke at exactly 6:15...6 hours after going to sleep. This, again, is the first time I have ever experienced this in my life...and I will not write here the interpretation of the dream. 

This was my dream:

I was at Lee College (now Lee University) as it was when I first transferred there. It was night time, and I was on the street that used to run through the middle of campus (Church Street?). I was on the side of the street nearest the Music Building (the old Music Building...which was next to old Ellis Hall). A few others were there with me. Across the street was one car parked against the curb. 3 people were standing behind the car. They were talking, laughing, enjoying a conversation together. I recognized a few faces, yet (as dreams can be), I did not altogether see who they were. The car and those people near it were in the vicinity of the last girls dorm in that line of buildings (the name I cannot recall ?)...the dorm nearest the park area with the gazebo. 

As everyone talked and seemed to be enjoying the fellowship of friends, something unbelievable and chilling happened. 

Suddenly, a dark figure (black, almost smoke-like in appearance, seeming to shroud the figure within it) appeared in the air and, in a flash, it swooped down and grabbed one of the 3 people who were across the street! In an instant, it carried the person away…too fast for any of us to know where it went. Only for a second or two could you hear the cries of the one that this dark figure had come to take!

Each of us on the street saw it happen. The 2 others that had been with the one who had been taken saw it, yet they were confused…scared and confused. Those with me…and I…saw it happen. 

Each of us knew that something evil had occurred...sure that the “being” that had come in swiftly and taken the person was evil. 

We were all frightened…everyone. 

In fear we were looking toward the sky...looking randomly around...somehow all of us sensing that it would return and grab another person off the street. 

Everyone was almost in a panic with fear! 

In moments…our fear became reality! 

Once again the dark figure appeared, swooping in and again taking one of the people across the street! 

Again...the dark figure was gone in a flash, with only the cries of the one taken being heard for just a moment.

Again...we all could sense that this evil “being” would return. 

But this time…somehow I knew he was coming for me! 

I do not know how I knew…I just knew. 

The two people who were now standing there with me…one a female and one a male…frantically turned to me. As they did…I reached out and grabbed them both, wrapping my arms around them and holding them tight. Just as I did this, I felt the presence of the dark figure near. Yet, this time, he was not visible. 

Suddenly, as I held the other two tightly, I felt the hands of someone grab my shoulders and begin to pull at me, trying to tear me away from the two people I was holding. I was fearful…yet something came over me. I began to say (not out loud, but in my spirit) “No, you can’t have me! I am a child of God! You are not getting me!” 

I continued to feel the pull of the dark figure on my shoulders, yet, as I resisted, I felt strength. 

Suddenly, the hands released me and the presence of the dark figure seemed to be gone again.

I grabbed the two people with me and I pushed them into my car. 

(As with many dreams, this part was odd and does not have explanation.) 

Someone was driving…yet I do not know who. The two I had put into the car were hysterical, and they both were turned toward me (I seemed to be in the back seat). They were asking in fear “How did he not get you?! How did you not get taken?! What is going on here?!” I remember speaking these words “He cannot get me! I am a child of God! I refuse to let him take me! I refuse to be taken!”

Suddenly, we were getting out of the car in front of one of the buildings at Lee...yet…this time…the buildings all around were not as I knew them to be when I first went to Lee. 

The only description I can give here is to liken the buildings to some I saw when I went overseas. 

The building I now faced was like one of the historic churches of Europe that had ornate statues as part of the architecture, yet… also had some odd, evil-appearing creatures carved and built into the structure as well. 

(Many churches I saw in Europe seemed to incorporate depictions of good AND evil figures into the structure, which to me was always troubling. I always wondered why a church would want an evil, menacing figure as a part of its structure and facade.)

At this point, the two with me seemed to vanish (at least I had no knowledge of them with me any longer). I made my way into the building and the entry area and foyer were both full of people. There were people standing everywhere. Some were sitting on the floor. I suddenly saw a man sitting in the middle of the floor with his head down. His knees were up, his hands folded across the top of his knees, and his head rested on his arms. 

I recognized the man as Danny Ray Murray. 

I went over to him and knelt down. As I did, I touched his arm and said “Danny.” He looked up. He seemed distraught, and he recognized that I was also. 

I said to him, “Danny, I need to ask you something. Did you see what happened!?! I have to know!” 

Danny looked up…paused a moment…then said, “Yes, Ron, I saw it.” 

I wept.

Thus, the dream ended, and I awoke suddenly and fully…wide awake. The dream was vivid in my mind. I replayed it in my thoughts, and after doing so, I felt the Spirit of the Lord tell me what the dream meant.

I will not give any interpretation here. I knew immediately God wanted me to sit and write this dream down. Thus, I have done so. My heart is heavy…and it is time to pray.

God bless!

In Christ,
Ron Smith

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