Monday, May 14, 2012

Are we Followers or Servants?

It is easy to get FOLLOWERS...but that doesn't make you, nor them, SERVANTS or DISCIPLES. (John 6)

Jesus begins here by feeding the 5000. He walks on water and then teaches that He is "the bread of life". Then, in speaking to FOLLOWERS, he says, "Most assuredly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw the signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled."

Here, Jesus recognizes and exposes those who are FOLLOWING only because they RECEIVE. He also, through the words "not because you saw signs", is denoting and recognizing that these same people are not following Him due to the signs that point to Him being the Messiah. FOLLOWERS stay around as long as they can get something...whether it be food and bodily nourishment, or if they may recieve manifestations and notoriety within a certain prominent ministry. Many things may be represented here...but Jesus is plainly dealing with the issue of those who follow only for THEIR PERSONAL benefit. Likewise, we can also gleen from this passage...when taken with many other teachings of Jesus, Paul and Peter throughout the New Testament...that this same issue may occur in the reverse order: that men or women in a position of LEADERSHIP may use the methods and gospel of RECEIVING benefits...whether from the ministry or even from a means to keep and to gain FOLLOWERS.

But, the deciding factor in all of this is found in verses 60 through 66, where we find those exposed as being only FOLLOWERS could no longer bear the TRUTH and TEACHING of Jesus...and they left Jesus, never to follow Him again.

If a church wants FOLLOWERS, there is a formula: give the crowd what they want to hear and what they want to eat and bless them with promises of riches, etc. and they, indeed, will follow! They will come for what they can get!

If a church wants SERVANTS and DISCIPLES, there is also a formula: preach the truth of the Word of God, speak as Jesus did, never compromise or sell out to the belief that a large crowd means you are doing the "right" thing, be willing to do more than MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKING in the pulpit, focus on God instead of the attendance (attracting FOLLOWERS), and simply OBEY GOD.

Remember: a large crowd is not the stamp of approval on a is simply a realization that a large crowd is FOLLOWING. Now...where will we lead them? And will we be willing to speak the truth without fear if some begin to walk away?

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