Monday, December 17, 2012

Weapons of Our Warfare

In Spiritual battles...the weapons of our warfare are forged in the furnace of TRUTH.

FALSE DOCTRINE sends people into battle with TOY WEAPONS...leaving the Church wondering why Satan seems so victorious in these last days.

Satan's lies are NO MATCH for TRUTH!

But...against PLASTIC WEAPONRY...Satan has been having a field day!

The results? Deceived soldiers enter battle believing their toy guns can wipe out the enemy. As the toy gun makes the SOUND of battle, its lack of REAL AMMUNITION becomes gravely soldiers are quickly overpowered and subdued, lying wounded and broken...many unto death.


2 Corinthians 10:3-6 NKJV
"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled."

Knowledge and wisdom are founded in TRUTH...and only TRUTH can bring "every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." Our minds are CAPTIVE...whether to TRUTH or to LIE...whether to CHRIST or to SATAN.

FALSE DOCTRINE is the equivalent of asking SATAN to supply the WEAPONRY by which we are to defeat him! In so doing, the Church has been handed TOY GUNS with which to equipped with REALISTIC SOUNDS and ACTIVE TRIGGERS...but toys ABSENT of any REAL POWER and AMMUNITION.

Satan never even FLINCHES at a TOY SWORD swung in defiance as the soldier proclaims "God wants us RICH and COMFORTABLE!"

It is only when the TRUE SWORD...the Sword of the wielded by the hands of a soldier established in that Soldier proclaims "Jesus is Lord! And Jesus calls us to accept His gift of GRACE through faith, believing that He IS the Son of God...Who was crucified, buried, in the tomb for 3 days, and Who rose again after 3 days...and He is sitting at the right hand of the Father, ever making intercession for you and for me! And the call of Jesus to each of us who accapts that free gift? A call to He commands us to TAKE UP THE CROSS, AND FOLLOW HIM!" is only THEN that TRUTH is able to PULL DOWN STRONGHOLDS...STRONGHOLDS of:

Sin and Sorrow!
Deception and Doubt!
Pain and Persecution!

When the Church lays down its TOY GUNS and once again picks up the SWORD of is THEN that the works of Satan in the lives of the members...AND in the lives of those we encounter daily...will begin to CRUMBLE, as TRUTH bombards the STRONGHOLDS of DECEPTION that has, for so long, given the people a FALSE SENSE OF SECURITY.

Let me be clear:

Satan basks in SAFETY when pulpits are filled with the message of EARTHLY GAIN and RICHES...but Satan COWERS in DEFEAT when the Body of Christ...the Army of God...takes up their CROSS and their Sword of Truth and they BOLDLY march into battle...willing to DIE for the CAUSE OF CHRIST in defense of TRUTH.

The preaching of FALSE DOCTRINE actually EMPOWERS Satan: the preaching of TRUTH actually DISARMS Satan!

The WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE are forged in TRUTH...and the CROSS we bear is NOT a is our STRENGTH in battle!

It is time the Church lays down its TOY GUNS and, once again, firmly takes hold of the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT as it marches into battle. If we march in OBEDIENCE ("...and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.")...the battle is already won...through the power of Jesus Christ!

In Christ,

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