Monday, November 26, 2012

Welcome to OBLIVION

WELCOME TO OBLIVION…the city of the masses!

It is a quaint place…a place where there is no trouble, no dissension, no clutter, no hardship, no judgment, no worry, no pain, no rebuke, no reproof, no discomfort, no repentance, no confession, no conviction, no remorse, no death, no wrath, no tomorrow, no eternity…and NO REALITY.

You see…the path leading to this city is DECEPTION AVENUE. Once inside the city limits, you will find EASY STREET and COMFORT COVE and PROSPERITY LANE. You will find no dead ends in OBLIVION…every path leads to BLESSINGS PARKWAY which feeds back in to PROSPERITY LANE.

The town square is lined with ROSES…because EVERYTHING is always coming up ROSES in OBLIVION. The historic homes which surround the square are all in pristine condition…at least on the OUTSIDE. The laws of OBLIVION regulate the APPEARANCE of the residences…and so much time is spent maintaining the FAÇADE that there is no time left to deal with the INTERIOR of each dwelling place. The landscape is IMMACULATE…a source of PRIDE of the community.

There are no JUDGES in OBLIVION: they are just not needed…nor are they welcome. The LAW? No…there is no SHERIFF, no POLICE: who needs law enforcement when no one breaks the law!

There IS a FIRE DEPARTMENT…just in case a FIRE breaks out and it needs to be QUENCHED quickly! Oh…do not misunderstand: there ARE fires…but those are CONTROLLED burnings which are PURPOSELY SET. But be sure…the FIRE DEPARTMENT is on top of things…and no FIRE will break out on its own…especially one fueled by a CLEANSING WIND.

The Newspaper is a source of GREAT PRIDE within the community! THE NEWS LEADER always contains such POSITIVE MESSAGES. You never read anything which isn’t UPLIFTING and ENCOURAGING! And the ADVERTISEMENTS are TERRIFIC! Of course…there are no WANT ADS: I mean, in OBLIVION, everyone already has all they could possibly want. Every desire is met as it is simply DECLARED and PROCLAIMED. Long ago, the founders of OBLIVION realized that they could CREATE by the power of their SPOKEN WORD. So…day in and day out…THE NEWS LEADER makes sure that what is spoken into the lives of the OBLIVIONS are words of POSITIVITY.

Of course…there is no ELECTRICITY within the boundaries of OBLIVION: Negativity is NOT ALLOWED…and, as you know, you cannot have POWER without a POSITIVE and a NEGATIVE. But…the OBLIVIONS see that as a BLESSING: that way, when darkness comes, they cannot see what is staring them right in the face…and they, therefore, do not have to DEAL with what they CANNOT SEE.

The RECREATIONAL AREAS of OBLIVION are IMMACULATE…and they are ALWAYS FULL! People FLOCK to the PLAY AREAS daily! They are the MOST POPULAR places in the whole city! Well…they share that honor with the CHURCHES of OBLIVION.

The Churches? OH…WHAT A SIGHT! They are all WHITE and they are sources of GREAT PRIDE within the community. Never before has MAN built such EXTRAVAGANT EDIFICES…with STAINED GLASS WINDOWS through which light can enter, yet you cannot see the INTERIOR through them. But…they are OH SO BEAUTIFUL in their APPEARANCE! The ACTIVITY around the CHURCH is only equaled by the AMUSEMENT found in the RECREATIONAL AREAS! You can depend on the CHURCH to be a CONSTANT: always there, always encouraging, never judging. The sermons are PRACTICAL…not CONFRONTATIONAL: no DISCOMFORT or UNEASINESS in the message which would create a sense of CONVICTION. NO! The Churches in OBLIVION realize that ATTENDANCE is the KEY to GROWTH…so APPEALING is the CENTRAL GOAL of its existence. The ULTIMATE GOAL is…and must be…to GET PEOPLE TO CHURCH. If they are CHURCHED…they MUST be OK!

LOOK! I see the Mayor of OBLIVION coming down EASY STREET now! Let me introduce you to him: he is a GREAT man!

Everyone…this is our LEADER. Say hello to…the Honorable Dr. D.C. Lucifer!

Come be a part of OBLIVION! It is a place where YOUR DESIRE is OUR DEVOTION...and YOUR PLEASURE is OUR PURPOSE! It is a great place to live…and a great place to raise your children! You will LOVE it!

Hope to see you there: god BLESS!



1 comment:

  1. I had a dream about this place, it was destroyed by an evil flood, flood of evil? I tried to warn everyone, but they wouldn't listen.
