Thursday, October 4, 2012

Perry Stone's "The Meal That Heals": The Teaching That STEALS

Here is a quote from this video...and it is NOT Biblical truth.

"We also talk about, in this book, how that through receiving daily communion it is possible for a person to receive the 3 fold atoning work that Jesus did on the cross." Perry then states this "3 fold" work includes "physical healing for the body, the healing of course of the human spirit...the removing of sin and the iniquity that is in a person's life, but also the healing of the emotions and the soul and the mind."

Now, the key here is what Perry says THE WAY to receive this so-called "3 fold atoning work" include the "removing of sin and the iniquity that is in a person's life".

Perry SPECIFICALLY says this is received "through taking daily communion"...furthering that FALSE DOCTRINE by continuing to say by doing this daily RITUAL that "it is possible for a person to receive...physical healing for the body" and salvation (the actual word which denotes ANY "removing of sin and iniquity" in the life of a person) and "the healing of the emotions and the soul and the mind."

Stand back from your screen and listen:


Excuse me, folks, but if you do not get this important truth of Scripture then you understand NOTHING about Jesus...nor the Word of God!

Salvation is NOT received “through receiving daily communion”!

We are “saved” when we place our trust in Jesus Christ (when we BELIEVE that He is the Son of God, equal with God…that He came to earth as a baby in a manger, the supernatural birth coming through Mary, that He lived a sinless life on earth, that He died for our sins on a cross, and that He rose again on the third day)…and we subsequently CONFESS our sins to Jesus (the Bible says that He is “faithful and just to forgive us our sins”), we ask Jesus for FORGIVENESS of our sins, and we then REPENT of those sins (repent means “to turn away from…to actually turn around and walk in the opposite direction).

This SALVATION is by GRACE through FAITH…not by any WORKS…”lest any man should boast.”

The path to SALVATION is GRACE…not “daily communion”!

Everything quoted above which is spoken by Perry is PERRY STONE’S OWN WORDS! You can listen to them for yourself! I have quoted them VERBATIM. I have NOT twisted his words in ANY WAY!

And…these words by Perry Stone himself are HERETICAL FALSE DOCTRINE! And…Perry speaks these words about a book that is supposed to be “unique for several reasons” (the very words of Perry). This book is INDEED unique:

It is “unique” because it claims to teach truth which comes from the revelation of God’s Word…yet the words of Perry Stone have NO BASIS within the truth of GOD’S WORD!

One quick BIBLICAL explanation of the idea of “breaking bread”:

Jesus said to “do this in remembrance of Me.” Jesus NEVER taught “Do this to receive salvation or physical healing or emotional healing.” Jesus simply said WHEN you do it…remember the suffering that he endured for YOU! His cry was much like our cry on the anniversary of September 11, 2001...”NEVER FORGET!”

Yes…”breaking bread” has a reference to what we called COMMUNION…but this was done simply by EATING MEALS…as denoted in Acts 2:46-47 “So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church
daily those who were being saved.

Jesus and the Disciples were eating what we denote as “The Last Supper” together. Notice: they were just having a dinner together…yet it was the PASSOVER MEAL. The PASSOVER MEAL is done as a REMEMBRANCE…when the DEATH ANGEL “passed over” the houses of those who had applied the BLOOD above the doorpost!

Jesus used this PASSOVER MEAL to tell them to REMEMBER. It was a foreshadowing of His coming death….that His body would be broken…that His blood would be spilled out.

The call was “REMEMBER”: the call WAS NOT “Do this to receive physical healing, emotional healing and…"...least of all…"salvation!"

Taking communion DAILY does NOT equate to some promise of God of physical/emotional healing…and it NEVER equates to SALVATION!

PLEASE do not be DECEIVED by such false doctrine as spoken here by Perry Stone!

Let me clarify and summarize:

We are to take COMMUNION as BELIEVERS…after we are saved. We do this to REMEMBER what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross: He was wounded, bruised, broken, beaten, rejected…and He shed His blood for you and for me so that we could gain ETERNAL LIFE through the GRACE of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!


Here is the link to a video commercial done by Perry Stone regarding "The Meal That Heals":

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