Thursday, September 20, 2012

When Leadership Goes Astray: The Spirits of Antichrist and False Prophets

Articles and reports from many and various sources are consistently showing the American people that our leadership and government officials are simply LYING TO and DECEIVING the American people.

1. Information from Obama's own biography CONTINUALLY are PROVEN to be false and misleading. Even in the circumstances by which he lived overseas, Obama lived in the AFFLUENT neighborhoods, yet he and his wife REPEATEDLY paint his past as "poor", etc. It is blatantly FALSE. This is the FIRST United States President who holds office while the American people have almost NO INFORMATION about his past. Very little is TRULY known about Barak Obama...and his past is EXTREMELY sketchy. Yet, what we DO written in his own PROVING to be lies and fables.

2. American government officials REPEATEDLY and CONSTANTLY declare that the recent unrest and MURDERS in the Middle East are due to a video...EVEN AFTER THEIR OWN INTELLIGENCE SAYS OTHERWISE! These attacks have do with that video! The video was hardly mentioned by ANYONE involved...until some false claim was made regarding it. All of this is coming out in the news now.

3. It has now been revealed by NUMEROUS news sources that one of the leaders in the recent uprisings in the Middle East is a former detainee from the Guantanamo Camp. We wrongly release TERRORISTS who played a part in 9/11/2001...and they then return to wreak havoc and murder on our American soil...a United States Embassy. I will point out here that this terrorist was released during the Presidency of George W. Bush.

Our leadership and government declare to us that we are:

1. Economically strong. LIE!
2. Strategically safe. LIE!
3. Unified in purpose. LIE!
4. Morally pure. LIE!

Our country is economically, strategically, and morally corrupt. A country which is over 16 trillion dollars in debt is NOT strong! A country which releases TERRORISTS who simply attack and murder our citizens AGAIN...after being NOT strong! A country which murders MILLIIONS of its unborn children is NOT strong! A country which was formed on a principle which stated that GOVERNMENT should have no right to insert its own wishes and will into RELIGION and the practice thereof, yet it TWISTS that very principle to LIMIT and PERSECUTE those who stand in obedience to the BIBLE...then they protect and defend every religious group EXCEPT Christians...that country is NOT strong! A country which abandons the truths of God's Word, only to accept the lies of evil and Satanic beliefs and religions, is NOT strong!

Then...we place our focus on the Church...

There have LONG been signs and warnings which show that there are MANY false prophets and false teachers who have infiltrated the Church..very successfully, I might add. These messengers of Satan are often just DECEIVED people themselves, yet Scripture defines their motivation as "greed" and "lust". In those words we discover that FINANCIAL WEALTH plays a HUGE part in the message being spoken by these false prophets. Further, the Bible clearly defines their methods of ministry as "enticing words" and "seductive" and "destructive heresies." To ENTICE and SEDUCE are words which CLEARLY denote that these ministers will seek to ATTRACT those who listen, using "flattering words" the Scripture tells us. Those very terms show us that these false prophets are seeking to APPEAL to the fleshly desires of the masses. And...with these ENTICEMENTS...the people bite to hook of false doctrine...and they are snared like a fish, as the heretical teaching "secretly" begins to work its DESTRUCTION.

The teachings from these false prophets range from WILDLY REDICULOUS to DECEPTIVELY SEDUCTIVE.

1. Joseph Prince's doctrine of GRACE: Prince uses GRACE to build a false doctrine which strays FAR from BIBLICAL grace. As far as the work of grace in salvation, Prince's teachings seem to mirror God's Word. But from there, it is in the APPLICATION of grace in the every day life of the believer by which Prince enters into false doctrine and false teaching. Prince espouses a grace which no longer requires REPENTANCE when we sin as a believer. This false doctrine promotes a FALSE GRACE...a grace which eliminates our sin and our need to repent when we DO sin. This false grace says our sins are forgiven BEFORE we even commit them, yet any decent study of BIBLICAL grace shows us that Paul wrote to THE BELIEVERS...when he spoke about our need to REPENT when we sin! Throughout the New Testament, the Apostles were most often speaking to BELIEVERS as they expressed the need for REPENTANCE..thus, the need for Jesus as our "Advocate with the Father". Far from being BIBLICAL TRUTH...Prince's teachings are deception of Satan...and this deception is for the express purpose of dismissing the need for REPENTANCE when we sin. For reference the Letters to the 7 Churches (notice to whom these Letters were addressed!), specifically noting the call to REPENTANCE which is made to the BELIEVERS.

2. The PROSPERITY GOSPEL: No false teaching is more popular than the one labeled the PROSPERITY GOSPEL. Yet, no false teaching is so DEFINED and EXPLAINED within Scripture as FALSE DOCTRINE as is the PROSPERITY GOSPEL. I have always been amazed at how God's Word actually describes what some false teachers will be preaching..."supposing that gain is godliness"...yet so many have NO IDEA just how fully decribed within the Bible is the FALSE DOCTRINE of the PROSPERITY GOSPEL. Let me simply say I have MANY TIMES written on this issue: the twisting of Scripture to propagate a teaching which says God wants all Christians FINANCIALLY WEALTHY here on earth is a LIE! Scriptures are taken WAY out of context by those false teachers who preach these lies. As with the "hundredfold blessing"...just one such false doctrine...the context of the passage is TOTALLY IGNORED by those who teach that false doctrine, as they fail to note and explain that Jesus is telling those who have given ALL for the cause of Christ (note that NONE of us fit that defintion right now!) will be rewarded in ETERNITY in such a way! The promise is SPECIFIC and Jesus states that is what is "waiting" in the "kingdom to come"...when Jesus' Kingdom is established FOREVER!

3. Other FALSE DOCTRINES which demote God and which exalt Man: These are MANY and VARIOUS...such as: Doctrines which OVERSTATE the intent and meaning of Scripture regarding the "power of the tongue". Scripture teaches NOTHING which gives US...HUMANITY...the power to "create our world"...or to "create" ANYTHING...simply by what we "speak" or "declare" or "confess"! And...hear me loud and clear...I truly wish Scripture DID teach us something like that...but it DOESN'T! This false doctrine is based on GROSSLY and WILDLY misinterpreting and misrepresenting God's Word. When Scripture speaks about the power of the tongue, it is simply referring to our ability to ENCOURAGE others and ourselves...or the ability to TEAR DOWN others and ourselves. ONLY in that way does our TONGUE have power! Face it: not one of us could do this: "By the power of my words, I speak into existence a large, 3000 square foot home with 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths, a 3 car garage with 3 cars to park there...being a Porche 911, a top-of-the-line 2013 Jaguar, and a top-of-the-line 2013 Executive Position at a Fortune 500 Company, a million dollar a year salary, etc. etc." You see, if our "tongue and words create your world"...then that would be possible! IS NOT possible. And...guess what? If you WANT those things....then GO TO COLLEGE, GET A DEGREE, GO TO GRAD SCHOOL, STUDY HARD, WORK HARD, BE FAITHFUL ON THE JOB, and will get all of that! But...keep this TRUTH in mind: how can EVERYBODY be promised such things? Everybody CANNOT be THE BOSS! Everybody CANNOT be AT THE TOP! Somebody has to be the: factory worker, the plumber, the school teacher, the accountant, the secretary, the pastor of the SMALL, COUNTRY church! And remember: ONLY GOD ALMIGHTY...JESUS CHRIST...HAS THE POWER TO SPEAK THINGS INTO EXISTENCE!! God is CREATOR!! We are only CREATION!!

So...what is my point today??

I have laid out for you two deceptions...two places from which will come LIES and DISTORTIONS...all in an attempt to MANIPULATE the people for the purpose of PERSONAL GAIN and PERSONAL POWER. From these two "offices"...from these two "positions"...LIES and DECEPTION will come. And we can see that these LIES and DECEPTIONS are already present within the GOVERNMENT and the CHURCH are heavily involved in propagating these LIES and DECEPTIONS.

What is the significance??

The Bible describes a man who will step onto the POLITICAL scene in the last days...a man who will APPEAR to be GOOD...yet that man will be the most evil man to ever walk the face of the earth. The Bible calls him several things: we usually call him THE ANTICHRIST. He will be a POLITICAL who distorts truth, even deceiving the elect. In the end...he will reveal his reality: that he is a pawn of Satan who seeks the destruction of all that is good..even the destruction of God Himself.

The Bible also describes ANOTHER man...a RELIGIOUS man. By all APPEARANCES...this man is a GOOD man...a "godly" man. Yet...that man will be the most evil and demonic religious leader to ever walk the face of the earth. The Bible calls this man THE FALSE PROPHET. His message is actually ASTONISHING in its content: he will come pronouncing "peace" and "blessings" and "comfort" and "unity" and "favor"...and "influence with those in high places". He will distort truth as a pawn of Satan. Scripture points out that he will walk hand-in-hand with THE ANTICHRIST. Yet...we learn that even amongst PARTNERS there is no honor: for, in due time, THE ANTICHRIST will even turn on THE FALSE PROPHET...and THE FALSE PROPHET will learn what unity with WORDLY SYSTEMS gets you in the end!

You see...the Bible describes a time when GOVERNMENT leadership and SPIRITUAL leadership GO ASTRAY. From both of these "offices", truth is denegrated...while LIES and FALSE TEACHINGS are exalted to positions of PROMINENCE.

We now live in times such as is described in God's Word.

I urge each of you to EARNESTLY begin to read God's Word...praying for wisdom and discernment. NEVER allow a leader to deceive you! Look for this clue of a FALSE PROPHET/FALSE TEACHER:

An angry or similar response to any questioning or disagreement with doctrines which they are teaching. When TRUTH is taught...EXAMINATION is WELCOMED! Yet...false teaching cannot stand up to scrutiny. Thus...KNOWING the Word of God...beyond ESSENTIAL. False prophets will most often urge you to "read MY book" or "listen to MY teaching"...pointing you to THEIR words. But TRUTH is found in GOD'S WORD.

REMEMBER: God's Word tells us to "hide" His Word "in our hearts"...that we "might not sin against God." You see...when the Word of God is "hidden" within us...DEEP in our spirit...FALSE DOCTRINE is easily recognized. TRUTH rebuffs LIES.

Obey God's Word...and "test" and "try" the spirits..."to see if they be of God." God WELCOMES your willingness to TEST all things spoken! Refuse to believe what a leader speaks if the ONLY criteria for belief is "because he spoke it."

Even what I...Ron Smith...write or speak: I welcome and URGE you to EXAMINE light of Scripture.

There is an ANTICHRIST...and a FALSE PROPHET...soon to come. Yet...the Word of God says MANY antichrists and false prophets will set the stage for these two specific men to gain their power and position.

Therefore...I urge you to pray, seek God, read and study God's Word as never before. Be strong and vigilant. Place your hope and faith and trust in THE WORD OF GOD...above the words of men.

In Christ,

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