Monday, August 13, 2012

The Sin of Silence

Many around the world are giving EVERYTHING for Jesus…giving their lives for the cause of Christ! The recent attack and murders of Christians in Nigeria, perpetrated by Muslim gunmen who freely state their desire to murder and kill all Christians, is just one of HUNDREDS of incidents that are going on throughout the world…all focused on the persecution and destruction of Christianity and its believers.

But my thoughts today come to me regarding the vast differences in the Gospel in the majority of the world and the “gospel” being preached and taught and shown in the United States of America.

I just finished mowing the yard. That is a weekly ritual…as it is for most. During this time, I think and pray and ponder what I feel God is speaking to me through His Spirit. Today, God truly dropped these thoughts into my spirit…and I knew that He wanted me to write them here.

Yes, again I sit to write on the direction of the Church and the rampant excesses brought on by false doctrines and the false prophets who espouse the teachings. Do not be surprised…unless you have ignored the New Testament, you will recognize that the subject of FALSE PROPHETS and their selfish teachings are found throughout…culminating in Jesus’ appearing to John on the Isle of Patmos, where Jesus instructs John to write 7 letters to 7 different churches. And contained in those letters is one STRONG unifying theme: the failure of the Church to renounce sin and false doctrine!

As I stated here today from the outset, there are people dying for their beliefs in Jesus Christ even as I write! Simply for taking a stand…attending a gathering or church…witnessing…ANY act or word that promotes Christianity and Jesus…scores of people will DIE today. Throughout the world, serving Jesus is DANGEROUS…PERILOUS…FATAL!

Yet, as many throughout the world give their very lives for simply SERVING JESUS, the masses in America who profess to know and serve the SAME Jesus that those DYING FOR JESUS serve…the “gospel” espoused by most in America bears very little resemblance to the Gospel of Truth which these martyrs die for!

Let me put it the way I feel God dropped it into my spirit:

“Many are DYING for the cause of Christ…while many in America are SEEKING TO GAIN FROM the cause of Christ!”

As I pondered this thought, it became even more clear to me just how WRONG the Church in America has become. Let me qualify that statement: I do KNOW that there are A FEW Churches that have NOT sold out to the FALSE DOCTRINES that promote financial wealth and health and wonderful happiness, all without any worries! But, just as Scripture says, the road MOST taken is the “broad road”…through the “wide gate”…you know, the road that leads to DESTRUCTION. Of course, then we find that FEW…those who realize that it is the “narrow road”…through the “narrow gate”…that TRUTH is found.

The Church in America…for the most part (I will not state again that a FEW Churches cling to truth)…has indeed lost its way, blinded by men and women and ministries that tell them what they WANT to hear…not what they NEED to hear. Ministries are growing and the people are flocking…yet, in reality, it is like the followers of Jim Jones (and the People’s Temple) as they gather to sip the Kool-Aid that is being served: it is sweet and tasty, yet it only brings DEATH!

I KNOW that this word is coming from God…the word that I am speaking. And I am sure that God is saying:

“I did not send these prophets to speak to My people. I did not promise all of the things that they say I have promised. As they speak their words of encouragement to an unrepentant people, they devise these words from their own lusts and desires, gaining “wisdom” from other men and other teachers, while ignoring the truth of My Word. Is there prosperity to come for those who believe in Me? Yes! But that promise is given as the future hope to come: when I establish My Kingdom on the earth that I created, once again bringing peace to my people. In like manner, I promise healing to ALL, when I come again and once again wipe out DEATH and its pain! Even now, many rise up to distort and pollute my true Gospel, making GRACE of no real effect. They speak “FREEDOM!” while actually offering BONDAGE! They equate MY LAW with the doctrines and rules of MAN…and they are NOT the same. I never said GRACE and SALVATION were the same: I said one was the WAY to the other! My Son is the ONLY way to Me…the Father. Yet they teach my people that OBEDIENCE is not necessary, that following My statutes is living by “law”. But I say that if you love Me, you will OBEY Me! Many forget this truth: Yes, I love you and, thus, I sent My Son to die for you. But, just as My mercy did not keep Me silent as the people rebelled in the days of Noah or in the days of Lot…My mercy will not stop Me from sending My Son to go and get His Bride. In so doing, I will save those who have OBEYED Me, yet I will begin to JUDGE those who have NOT obeyed Me. I will pour out my wrath on those who have deceived many…yet I will offer rescue to those who failed to heed My Word before. But then…those who choose ME will finally see what so many in America have failed to see: it is NOT in earthly wealth and pleasures that My people show their belief in Me…it is in DYING that they show their love for Me! Why would I desire My Church to be wealthy by EARTHLY standards when EARTHLY treasures are as DUNG!? As I spoke before, what profit is it to a man to gain the whole world…to seemingly have all the wealth and treasures and pleasures that the world could afford…yet that man would be so bound by those THINGS that he misses ETERNAL LIFE! My people dine on rotten meat…ignoring the life-giving strength of TRUTH! I am desperately trying to speak words of truth to My people…yet they close their ears. Theirs ears belong to another god…the god of SELF. And many are using THEIR “gospel” to fill their own pockets! I am AGAINST these prophets! I want My Church STRONG again. I want My Church filled with TRUTH again! I want MY CHURCH!”

Today, many are speaking lies into the Church as “wolves in sheep’s clothing”, as they “secretly introduce heresies” into the BODY. There are many false doctrines that they propagate, but they all are similar, gaining even their teachings from one another…as opposed to gaining TRUTH from the Word of God. These ministers/ministries include:

Joel Osteen
Joyce Meyer
Kenneth Hagin
Kenneth Copeland
Jesse Duplantis
Creflo Dollar
Benny Hinn
Mike Murdock
Joseph Prince
Tony Sutherland (actually a one-time friend and fellow musician)
Fred K. C. Price
John Avanzini
Robert Tilton
Marilyn Hickey
Charles Capps
Jerry Savelle
Morris Cerullo
Paul and Jan Crouch
Juanita Bynum
Paula White
There are many other followers of these people who are following in the footsteps of their mentors.

These ministers and ministries promote false doctrines that twist and misapply Scripture to the point of heresy, in many (and most) cases. I am sure many who read this will find SOMEONE that they believe DOES NOT belong on this list…yet all of them have espoused very false doctrines which are IN OPPOSITION to the Word of God. Far from just “harmless”, “agree to disagree” teaching, the “gospel” espoused by these and others is hardly recognizable as having anything to do with the truth of God’s Word.

It is time that the TRUE Church speaks out. It is time that the TRUE Church “clears the temple”, so to speak! The Church needs to RECLAIM the PULPITS OF AMERICA for the KINGDOM AND TRUTH OF GOD!

Any time false doctrine is taught from a pulpit…that means truth IS NOT taught from that pulpit! And you never know when that SILENCING OF TRUTH will allow someone to walk out of Church ON THEIR WAY TO HELL!

Time is short! The truth is needed now more than ever! I pray that a revival of DISCERNMENT AND PRAYER will sweep over the Church in America…and that FALSE DOCTRINE and those who propagate it will be either SWEPT UP or SWEPT AWAY! God wants even the false prophets saved…but, if they resist, may they be removed from their pulpits forever!

I write this in grief…not anger. May God use this to bring DISCERNMENT to many. And may the many then take it further.

I believe we can change the course of the Church in America…if we DO NOT sit SILENT as the enemy successfully pushes his false “gospel”.

God bless!

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