Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Seeking Truth in the Sea of "Promises"

How many times have you heard a minister say “We are to claim the promises of Scripture!” It is a popular teaching and trend in the Church today. Congregations are being told to “take hold of", "claim”, “declare”, “stand on”, and “speak” the “promises of God” over/in their lives. The basis of this belief is in a thought process that says “Every promise in the Book is mine!” But, in reality, we need to examine this popular teaching to discover the truth of Scripture regarding this issue.

First, notice that in ALMOST EVERY INSTANCE the ministries espousing this VERY POPULAR teaching always focus on specific “positive” Scriptures…yet Scriptures taken out of context!

If Scripture TRULY taught that EVERY promise contained in the Bible is a promise made to EVERY believer…then NO promise, WHETHER GOOD OR BAD, could be overlooked.

Follow me as we examine just a few examples here:

1. In Genesis 17, God would speak to Abram. It was then that God would make a promise to him: (vs. 4) ”…my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.”
This promise was specifically made between God and Abram (Abraham). ONLY Abram would be denoted as ”a father of many nations.” This is not a promise that can be claimed by ANY OTHER believer.

2. 3 John 1:1-2 is often quoted as a “promise of God”: (NLT, including verses 3-4 for proper clarification) “This letter is from John, the elder. I am writing to Gaius, my dear friend, whom I love in the truth. Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit. Some of the traveling teachers recently returned and made me very happy by telling me about your faithfulness and that you are living according to the truth. I could have no greater joy than to hear that my children are following the truth.” Here is the same passage in the KJV: “The elder unto the well beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”

This is a letter penned by John to a specific person: Gaius. Not only is this introductory greeting ONLY for Gaius…but this passage is NOT a promise at all! It was common practice in ancient (Biblical) times to make reference (or ask) about the recipients physical health…and, here, John does so in a way that gives insight into Gaius and his spiritual walk. It is NOT a promise to believers in any form or fashion! It is, instead, a heart-felt statement from one friend to another. John is simply saying something that we might say when we write to a dear friend…something like this: “Dear Mary, I hope things are going well with you. I hear that you are doing GREAT spiritually, and I pray that you do just as well in other areas of life.” These introductory verses to 3 John were NEVER intended to be instituting DOCTRINE for the believer! It is one man’s GREETING to another, showing not only the bond of caring between the two, but also showing PLAINLY the Godly life and spiritual walk of the man named GAIUS.

3. In Acts 9, we have the story of Saul (who would become the Apostle Paul) and his conversion. During this passage, we find this command of God (as given to Ananias): “But the Lord said, “Go, for Saul is my chosen instrument to take my message to the Gentiles and to kings, as well as to the people of Israel. And I will show him how much he must suffer for my name’s sake.”

This is a statement that is specifically for Saul (Paul). This is an example that is plain…and most would NEVER try to take this Scripture out of context, supposing that it was a statement for EVERY believer. The main reason no one would try to take this Scripture and make it UNIVERSAL is due to this one fact: this passage makes reference to SUFFERING. Again, it is extremely evident that, in cases of “claiming promises” of Scripture…the only “promises” that “believers” want to “claim” are those that “promise” GOOD THINGS.

These are just 3 simple examples…but there are literally hundreds, if not thousands, throughout Scripture.

What is my reason for dealing with this issue in this way? What is the significance and importance of addressing this issue?

It is IMPERATIVE and ESSENTIAL that the Church realizes the necessity of PROPER EXEGESIS OF SCRIPTURE. “Rightly dividing” the Word of God includes more than a SUPERFICIAL quoting of Scripture…which, in the case of false doctrine, always involves taking the passages of Scripture which are quoted out of context. The CONTEXT in which a passage of Scripture appears is EXTREMELY important! ANYTHING could be proven by Scripture if passages are taken out of context! ANYTHING!

It is NOT ENOUGH that Scripture is quoted!

Remember: Satan quoted Scripture to Jesus in the wilderness! Yet…THAT SCRIPTURE WAS OUT OF CONTEXT AND THE PASSAGES WERE PERVERTED BY SATAN!

There are vast resources available today which allow a thorough examination of Scripture. Yet, we find that many teachers today BUTCHER the truth of God’s Word under the guise of “revelation”. Look at these words:

1. “God had no avenue of lasting faith or moving in the earth. He had to have covenant with somebody. ... He had to be invited in, in other words, or He couldn’t come. God is on the outside looking in. In order to have any say so in the earth, He’s going to have to be in agreement with a man here.”

2. "Jehovah means Half Male/ Half Female and that God is as much female as he is male." .... "Adam was originally half male and half female."

These are just two teachings and quotes from Kenneth Copeland. Both of these teachings have NO BASIS in truth. Yet, Copeland uses Scripture in efforts to support his teachings. Not only are these teachings preposterous, they can EASILY be proven false by a PROPER study and evaluation of Scripture. Regarding the word “Jehovah”…Copeland’s teaching is RIDICULOUS and ABSURD to the extreme…with NO support from Scripture nor ANY reputable study materials. Whether Hebrew or Greek…no PROPER study and exegesis of Scripture could EVER result in such a teaching!

Scripture MUST be taken in CONTEXT…and it MUST be absent of human manipulation!

If EVERY “promise” of Scripture is for the believer (that is NOT saying we cannot LEARN from EVERY passage of Scripture…let me make that clear!), then believers also have to begin to “take hold of", “claim”, “declare”, “stand on”, and “speak” even the NEGATIVE “promises”. Even IF believers insist on believing that EVERY “promise” is for them…then that would include ALL…EVERY…”promise”: EVEN THE BAD ONES!

The cause of ALL of this Scriptural misrepresentation is a view of Scripture that makes it ONLY applicable and important when...or speaks some positive, feel-good message to us. In totality, the Bible reveals to us OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST: GOD! That IS ALWAYS good…no question! But ULTIMATE good does not equal IMMEDIATE GOOD! It was NOT a positive message in the ears of the 12 Disciples who were closest to Jesus when the Lord said “You shall be hated” or “You shall be persecuted”…even telling them that they would be hunted down for their confession of Christ…and they might even be put to death! The ULTIMATE GOOD was the fact that they knew and served Jesus and, thus, they would spend eternity with Him! But…the truth of what Jesus spoke was not an IMMEDIATE GOOD in regards to their humanity. Being persecuted, hated, hunted, tortured and martyred held no thoughts of BLESSING and EARTHLY PLEASURE!

We all desire to hear GOOD THINGS. Yet, with maturity, we realize that TRUTH is more important!

If you went to the doctor and, during that visit, the doctor discovered you have some deadly disease…would you want the doctor to lie to you? What if there were avenues of medicine that could possibly save your life…and the doctor decided NOT to tell you that you have the disease?

If doctors took the same position as many modern ministers and ministries, then doctors would not reveal the TRUTH to the patients. Instead, doctors would ONLY tell the patients GOOD THINGS. And…in doing so…the doctors would actually be keeping their patients from being able to do anything about the disease which afflicts them, simply allowing the patients to believe a lie…helping to facilitate the death of the patients! (Just a note: many “faith” teachers say a person should never “speak” that they are sick: they call that a “negative confession”. Isn’t it odd that the Bible actually teaches this: if there are any sick among the body of believers, then let them come to the elders of the church, having hands laid on them, with the elders praying for them. In other words, a person must ADMIT their sickness…TELLING the elders they are sick…to allow the elders to agree together in prayer FOR the person who IS SICK! The Bible does NOT teach the false teachings espoused by many “faith” teachers. We must also note that, barring Jesus returning for believers in what we call the Rapture, EVERY person will die of something: our earthly bodies will NOT live forever. We all will die of something if the Lord tarries.)

I believe…no, I KNOW…God desires for the Church (specifically MINISTERS) to return to the Word of God, “rightly dividing” the Scriptures. It is not just by coincidence that the MAJOR focus of the last several Books of the Bible focus HEAVILY on the issues of FALSE DOCTRINE and PROPER INTERPRETATION OF SCRIPTURE.

God KNEW that this day would come…and it is here: a day when “men will not endure sound doctrine”!

I pray that the men…and/or women…of God who fill the pulpits of the churches throughout our nation and around the world (with a special prayer for those within the denomination of which I am a part…the Church of God, headquartered in Cleveland, TN) will denounce the SUPERFICIAL exegesis of Scripture which is so prevalent in today’s churches. I pray that ALL preaching and speaking done under the banner of “ministry” will be done with the purpose of REVEALING TRUTH…with no thought of speaking only what the listeners want to hear (which is the distinguishing characteristic of FALSE DOCTRINE and FALSE TEACHERS).

I also pray that the Church…the Body of Christ…will seek God, repenting of the “itching ears” that have helped guide the Church down the path of error.

With that, I pray for my OWN revelation of the truth by God’s Word, allowing it to correct, instruct, reprove and perfect me in Christ Jesus.

God bless!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Misplaced Faith and Evil Infiltrations

A person's faith is only as good as the object in which that faith is placed.

David Jeremiah gave this illustration/question to show the premise of misplaced faith:
"Would it be better if a man who is ice fishing out in the middle of a large, deep lake has a little bit of faith in ice that is 4 inches thick...or if that man has a lot of faith in ice that is only 2 inches thick?"

Wisdom realizes that faith must be directed with knowledge and truth...having the proper Biblical support.

Having a LOT of faith in the wrong situation...directed towards the wrong object...can be harmful. Our faith MUST be directed toward something sure and true, sturdy and strong, eternal and divine: our faith must be in CHRIST JESUS.

In this same way we MUST place our faith in the tried and true teachings and doctrines of God's Word. Many in the Church today are strong in faith...yet their faith has been placed in erroneous doctrines and teachings.

The amount of faith and energy being directed toward...

television ministries, financial prosperity, personal comfort, political correctness, appearance and stage presence, performance, religious conferences and "holy ghost" impartations, hype, self-help, being nonconfrontational (regarding "offending" anyone during a sermon, etc.), happiness, and earthly pleasures... nothing more than MISPLACED FAITH.

God has a purpose and a plan for Christians and His Church. That purpose is to deny ourselves...and to take up our cross and follow Jesus! Yet, the faith we need to accomplish this task is being sidetracked under the guise of "spirituality" and "new seasons" and "anointed conferences". The Church has become SO BUSY within itself that it has lost the reality of its purpose and calling.

And, just as in the example above, misplaced faith can place the Church on THIN ICE! Standing on false doctrine and supporting false teachers is opening the doors wide, allowing the infiltration of Satan to seduce and to deceive the flock!

Keep in mind: We can move mountains with faith the size of a mustard seed...but that faith must ONLY be in Jesus. And in every Biblical example, that faith must be in accordance with THE WILL OF GOD! Mountains serve a the world and in our lives. Every mountain does not need to be MOVED!

In the same way...Jesus promises us an eternity with Him. That eternity is a "forever" filled with every good thing we could ever imagine! We will want nothing! We will lack nothing! Our fulfillment will be in the One Who gave us that wonderful gift...JESUS CHRIST! No one....NOBODY...not ONE PERSON who lives...actually NEEDS all the blessings of eternity given to them here on this earth! That is nothing more than HUMAN DESIRE speaking within us when we seek our eternal inheritance here on earth!

Remember: The Prodigal Son's spiral downward began with his desire and demand for his inheritance to be given to him NOW! (Luke 15:11-32)

The Church has become the modern-day "Prodigal"....and the "Prodigal Church" is seeking its inheritance NOW! And...only through repentance and by returning to the FATHER'S HOUSE can the Church hope to avoid eating with the swine in the pig pen of Satan!

God is calling His Church...calling His Church to "RETURN HOME". The Church left the Father's House, going out to seek its own way...seeking pleasure and prestige and riches. Deceived, many churches now sit in pig pens...while falsely believing they dwell in the palace of God's Presence. They feed on SPIRITUAL SLOP while under the illusion that they feast on SUPERNATURAL STEAK.

The deceptions are many...and Satan now sits in HIGH PLACES!

I end with this true account:

At one of the churches at which I served, we watched a documentary video (the name of which I cannot recall - I am in the process of trying to find the information so I can give a link to the video) which dealt with the issue of Satan’s infiltration of the Church (any and all churches which are labeled/denoted as “Christian”). In this video, there were interviews with present and former witches, warlocks and Satanists. The basis of this video was to expose the fact that Satan LONG AGO set out on an organized campaign to infiltrate the Church…and, that infiltration has been VERY successful. The revelations in this video were the following:

1. Covens and other Satanic organizations are VERY organized…and they exist in every area of the country, with territories denoted and outlined .
2. These organizations have methodically met, planned, and instituted the plans to infiltrate the Church.
3. Witches, warlocks and Satanists were “dispatched” to specific churches…with the directive to become a part of the Church in every form and fashion possible.
4. Witches, warlocks and Satanists had been and WERE PRESENTLY a part of every ministry within local churches, with many serving as teachers, elders, deacons, worship leaders and even pastors!
5. The purpose of the infiltration was…and IS…to plant the seeds of false doctrine and heresy within the body of the Church.
6. Satan IS present in Church!

Will the Church come to its senses and admit these realities? And, in doing so, will the Church fall on its face before God…seeking the Lord, admitting its wrong, repenting of its sin and selfish focus, returning to the ways of Truth, desiring WISDOM above WEALTH, discerning and following the truth instead of the ways of men?

We…the Church…exist to REACH THE LOST in accordance with the Word of God. We must carry the TRUTH to the world…yet, we have let Satan DISTORT and PERVERT truth within our midst. Without TRUTH…people cannot be set free!

Our FAITH must lead us to TRUTH again! If that does not happen…our position is on THIN ICE!

God bless!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Greasy Grace and Mercy Mayhem

Passion Week: Jesus' Triumphal entry into Jerusalem, His final days teaching His disciples, the clearing of the money changers from the Temple, the Garden of Gethsemane, His arrest, the Disciples' fear and hiding, Peter's denial, Jesus' beating and trial, His Crucifixion, His Resurrection, the Empty Tomb. Here, in essence, we have everything that would encompass the ministry of Jesus...from crowds giving Him praise to, days later, some of that same crowd calling for His crucifixion. And, with the end of the week bringing His crucifixion and death, no painting nor movie can capture the brutality of His last hours...beaten beyond recognition, even to the point of being unrecognizable as human, according to Scripture. Jesus would pay the ultimate price for His life, dying that we might live. By His death, the TOMB became a WOMB, and GRACE was birthed 3 days later! The price for grace was high...the cost for mercy great!

Now, roughly 2000 years later, the very tenets of our religious liberty and faith have somehow been morphed into almost unrecognizable entities, making the completed work of Jesus on that cross an almost meaningless act of love absent of any real power to change us. GRACE has now become to the Church...a LICENSE TO SIN. MERCY has now become to the Church...the FREEDOM FROM CONSEQUENCES. The question is: Is this REALLY what God intended when His ultimate plan was put into action? Did Jesus Christ really take that brutal punishment so that we could continue to sin daily, repeating our sin over and over? Was Jesus instituting a new way that included freedom from the consequences of sin here on earth? Let's examine...just for a moment...the truth of GRACE and MERCY.

Grace: unmerited favor, undeserved favor, an unwarranted act of love and favor. Ephesians2:8,9 says "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of ourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." I could write an entire book on GRACE...but suffice it to say that NONE of us EARN salvation. Salvation is a free gift of God, given to us by grace through faith when we receive Jesus Christ as Savior. But, here is where modern theology tends to leave the work of grace unfinished...with Jesus as our Savior.

It is true, OF COURSE, that Jesus IS our Savior. He accomplished that by dying in our place. WE are the ones who deserved death for our sins. Jesus, on the other hand, was blameless...innocent of all charges, not guilty of sin...the spotless Lamb. Yet, Jesus chose to die in our place. That makes Him our SAVIOR. HE SAVED US FROM DEATH. It is through the work of our SAVIOR that we are freed from a certain death. We must understand that Jesus' death was the ONE AND ONLY death that could pay for our sins. Once Jesus died on that cross, there is no death that can pay the penalty for lamb, no dove, no burnt offering. Salvation has been paid for by the blood of Jesus. BUT...BUT...we cannot TRULY accept Jesus as our SAVIOR if we do not accept Him as our LORD.

The term SAVIOR denotes that Jesus died in our place...the term LORD means we live under His rule and authority. We cannot call ourselves CHRISTIANS simply because Christ died for our sins...Jesus died for EVERYONE...he didn't just die for those who have presently accepted Him. His death was for ALL mankind. It is by misinterpreting this work of grace that men like Carlton Pearson have erroneously begun to believe and teach a false gospel that "ALL MEN ARE SAVED...THEY JUST DON'T KNOW IT." Carlton is CORRECT in his beliefs and statements that Jesus died for all men...thus, making him EVERY MAN'S Savior. But, do most Christians and scholars today...miss the truth of Scripture regarding this fact. It is NOT ENOUGH that Jesus is our Savior...he is the Savior of SAVED and UNSAVED alike. He became our Savior at the point of death on the cross...and no man, no theology, no doctrine can change that fact. CHRIST ALONE is the Savior of this world...of all mankind. He IS our Savior whether we accept Him as that or not. become a Christian...a follower of Christ...we must accept the work of Christ on the cross...accept Him as ADMITTING we are a sinner, BELIEVING that Jesus is the Son of God who died for our sins and He rose from the dead, CONFESSING our sins to Him, and REPENTING of our sins...which means TURNING AWAY from our sins, going in the opposite direction. Then, we become a DISCIPLE (more than a FOLLOWER) of Christ. In other words, we make Jesus our LORD....we let Him control our direction, we obey His commands.

1 John 2:3,4 says "And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him." Yes, it is by grace we are saved, but that simply denotes that we have not EARNED salvation...we can ONLY gain salvation by accepting the free gift or God by faith. There is nothing WE can do to bring about our own salvation! Salvation ONLY comes through Jesus. That is GRACE.

But...BUT...somehow, somewhere, in some mixed up, misunderstood theological debate...grace has become, at least in some modern theology and teaching, something that it is NOT. Grace is NOT forgiveness of sin that OVERLOOKS our sin. There is NOT ONE Scripture that EVER denotes grace as anything remotely like that. Somehow modern teaching has transformed grace into what amounts to a LICENSE TO SIN. With the proclamation that "WE LIVE UNDER GRACE", the Church has accepted and even perpetrated a false gospel that promotes the right to sin without subsequently asking forgiveness for the sin and continuing forward with repentance of the sin. I often read or hear statements such as this: "God forgives all sins...past, present and future sins." Truth? NO! Grace NEVER covers sin without confession and repentance of the sin! And...grace does NOT cover FUTURE sins! The fallacy of any teaching that allows sin to be forgiven WITHOUT confession and repentance is astounding.

Follow me here: A man is a murderer. He hears the Gospel and accepts Jesus as His Savior. erroneously defined by the man's stance, so he continues to murder, his sins covered by the grace that forgives past, present and future sins. The man never again repents, falsely believing in a grace that takes care of our sins forever, regardless of our actions and regardless of our lack of repentance. Of course, we can all see the absurdity in such an illustration. But, in less obvious cases of sin, we struggle with the same truth that is EVIDENT AND OBVIOUS in the case stated above: grace does not cover future acts of sin, and grace does NOT cover UNCONFESSED and UNREPENTANT sin. Paul would tell the churches that wherever there is sin, grace abounds even greater. But, Paul would continue on to say that grace does NOT give us the right to sin so that grace CAN abound...Paul said that thought is ABSURD!

The modern theology and teaching on grace has created a Church that now believes that sin is not as important once they are other words, since the person is now under grace, all sins are "taken care of" by Jesus, and a little sin here and there is ok. I believe with all my heart that the Church...the leadership, the Pastors...must once again preach that sin must be confessed and repented of...whenever, wherever it takes place. Grace is NOT a license to sin. It is the very reason that many will face God, crying, "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?" and He will reply "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." (Matthew 7:21-23)

Does any of this mean that we will be perfect when we become a Christian? Of course not. But what it DOES mean is that, when we sin, we MUST not sweep that sin under the rug under the guise and excuse of GRACE. Quite the children of God, believers and followers of Jesus, we must ALWAYS seek to follow God perfectly, and when we fail to meet that standard (when we sin), we must acknowledge our sin and repent of our sin. The Bible plainly shows us how sin can take root if we do NOT handle it in this manner: James 1:12-15 "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death." Without repenting of sin, sin can take root in us...incubate in is...until it is fully birthed. Once birthed, that sin can bring death. When we sin, we must repent. That is when grace is applied. Grace is freely given, but it is through repentance that we accept that free gift. Thus, we are no longer condemned, receiving grace instead of receiving what we deserve. And that thought brings us to our other word: MERCY.

Mercy: showing leniency, commuting a sentence, lessoning of an earned penalty. Through the work of GRACE, God shows and bestows on us MERCY. We are all sinners and we deserved to die for our sins. We, as sinners, are condemned to die for our sins. Jesus took our place. We DESERVE death...God GIVES us life. He shows MERCY. That is an amazing and loving act from God! God shows mercy for this reason: we cannot save ourselves! God loves us...and that love brings MERCY. But, again, a false doctrine regarding MERCY has crept into the Church.

Mercy is an act of God that doesn't put us to death for our sins as we deserve! Mercy simply allows us to go on living! Mercy allows us to survive our sins! Mercy is NOT doing away with the consequences for our wrong here on earth. There are consequences for sin: Murderers go to prison, maybe serving a life sentence or even being put to death; rapists go to prison; liars lose friends and credibility; adulterers lose marriages and trust; fornicators lose health due to sexually transmitted diseases; the list goes on and on. We must LIVE with the consequences of our sin...but, thank God, we do not have to DIE with the consequences of sin...which is eternal death, eternal separation from God in hell. If a young girl has sex with her boyfriend and gets pregnant, mercy will not do away with the pregnancy. God will not use mercy to make the baby disappear. The consequences of sin here on earth must be carried out and lived with. What mercy DOES do is take away the ETERNAL punishment for sin.

But many use the idea of MERCY to deal with issues of DISCERNMENT...which they mislabel as JUDGEMENT. God never tells us to NOT recognize sin. Scripture repeatedly tells us to be aware of sin. Within the Church, we are told by Paul to not only recognize sin, but to deal with it. How can the Church deal with sin if it fails to point it out and recognize it? Today, mercy has become the word used for OVERLOOKING sin. That is not God's intent or meaning regarding MERCY. If a minister, deacon, elder, etc. fail is not to be overlooked. Mercy does NOT mean that the minister should be allowed to remain behind the pulpit without repentance, with time away from the pulpit and ministry for restoration and reconciliation, and deal with the issues brought on by the sin. It is NOT mercy to ignore is STUPIDITY and DISOBEDIENCE and IGNORANCE. MERCY cares enough for someone to point out the sin and deal with the sin in an appropriate manner. It is because of mercy that a minister who has fallen into sin can one day be restored and can one day be reconciled to ministry. Far from being merciful, using mercy to COVER UP and/or IGNORE sin is harmful, and it may become spiritually fatal. There is nothing merciful about an eternity in hell!
The earthly consequences of sin may actually work for good in the lives of those who have sinned (which includes us all!). Without consequences, we may see no real need for abstaining from sin. If God simply did away with all consequences of committed sins once we repented, then we would probably see no need to stop sinning! Society, the Church and Christians would surely develop a mentality that says "I will sin and just ask forgiveness so I do not have to face consequences." If mercy many proclaim it to be...a "get out of jail free card" then MERCY and GRACE become a sham, thus making the Bible irrelevant, Jesus a farce, God a fairy tale.

GRACE and MERCY are essential doctrines of the faith, but only if we define them and apply them properly. Mishandling these two can result in a Church that overlooks sin and allows it to build a stronghold of deception in its midst that will tear down the truth of God's Word and make it ineffective and powerless. It is because of GRACE and MERCY that we are able to find forgiveness...not hide from sin's consequences. With a proper understanding of GRACE and MERCY, the Church can rise above modern false doctrines and the POWER OF GOD can be seen and experienced in the midst of congregations across the nation and the world. Far from bringing freedom, many modern doctrines bring error and a powerless gospel...powerless to transform lives in OVERCOMING sin instead of living BOUND by sin.

Jesus' death on the cross was more powerful than modern doctrines make it to be! Jesus died that we may have life...and life more abundantly! That death brought victory OVER sin...not a life relegated to living in sin and just OVERLOOKING it. God is MUCH more powerful than that! To misuse and misinterpret GRACE and MERCY as many modern doctrines have done is to render the work of Jesus on the cross as POWERLESS and WEAK. Jesus DID NOT die to leave us in our sin! Jesus died so that we could OVERCOME and CONQUER sin!

Thank you, Jesus, for your grace and mercy! Thank you, Jesus, for not only forgiveness, but also for leading, guiding, disciplining, and correcting. May we recognize the great work you did for us on the cross. May we recognize that you died that we may OVERCOME sin. May we make you more than our Savior...may we make you LORD of our lives.

(I do plan to do an extensive writing on GRACE in the near future. As I stated, the aspects of GRACE are extensive...and understanding the truth of God's Word on the subject is essential to "right living" in Christ. God bless!)

In Defense of the Sheep!

The assault on TRUTH has reached monumental proportions. In some cases, the WOLVES are now in charge of ShEEP SECURITY!

Pastors who ignore FALSE DOCTRINE are sacrificing their flock on the altars of Satan.

Be VERY CAREFUL which ministries you support and direct your congregation towards, Pastors. You may very well be leading your sheep to the slaughter!

Remember: Jesus would appear to John on the Isle of Patmos, commanding John to pen the last words that He wished to speak to His Church. In doing so, Jesus would focus on REALITY: He would define the actual state and existence of each Church that He was speaking to. And, in doing so, He would follow this order:

1. The revelation of Who He Is...specifically focusing on what He was about to reveal.
2. A commendation for what the Church had done "right" (Laodicea got no commendation at all!)
3. A rebuke for the wrong and sin into which the Church had now entered (some form of false doctrine mentioned in each...with the exceptions of Smyrna and Philadelphia, who received no rebuke)
4. A statement of judgement to come if point #5 was not done
5. A call and command to REPENT
6. A declaration that God would forgive them...IF they had followed point #5...REPENTANCE
7. The declaration that those who OVERCOME (the sin that had entered in) would receive a crown of life

Jesus did not appear to John with some prosperity message!

Jesus did not appear to John with some politically correct message!

Jesus did not appear to John to reveal some new doctrine new "outpouring"!

Jesus would, instead, focus on the reality of the moment: and that reality was that the Churches had entered into a time of unchecked sin accompanied by false doctrine. The last Words Jesus would speak in Scripture...His last focus...refers to the "marrying" of TRUTH with LIE...leading to an acceptance of false doctrine beyond belief! In one case....the Church was now accepting the teachings and doctrines that had, in the past, led to sacrificing things to idols...even children! Keep in mind that the false teachings of the MOMENT lead to some manner of DESTRUCTION in the future!

Throughout these 7 letters, there is a STRONG and OVERWHELMING focus on recognizing and renouncing the infiltration of false doctrine into the Church. some cases, even if YOU are preaching TRUTH...the sheep you shepherd are "mixing" THAT truth with the FALSE DOCTRINE that they hear and watch at home or in the car. Who your sheep follow when out from under YOUR teaching matters! You cannot...and MUST not...just ignore (failing to address and renounce false doctrine) for that reason. Regardless of WHERE the mixing of TRUTH and LIE takes place...its existence in your "pasture" can destroy the flock.

Remember: if TRUTH is not defended...neither are the SHEEP!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Satan's Computer Virus: The Infiltration of Satan Into the Body

This is what I heard the Spirit of the Lord say during prayer this morning...with the leading to write it here. I will note that I cannot write it "word for word"...thus I repeat what I heard Him say (not an audible voice, but spoken into my spirit) to the best of my ability.

"How long will my people love the ministries of man more than they love My Word? How long will the Church desire the words of men more than it desires My Word of Truth? I AM truth...and I cannot be separated from it. In Me there is no blemish, no spot, no wrinkle, no untruth. How long will my Church seek comfort and recognition above seeking My Truth? I desire a Church that will fight the good fight. I desire a Church that will defend the faith. I desire a Church that will turn its ear toward sound doctrine and set aside the doctrines of men and of fables. When I instructed John to write in My Word, I warned My people of the dangers of allowing false doctrines to be spoken along with My Truth, thus turning My Truth into a lie. I long for My Church to seek Me again. I long for My Church to hunger for My Truth again. As I spoke to the Churches in Revelation, I speak to My Church today: repent and denounce the false doctrine in your midst. I will heal the Body as you turn back to Me, and I can then do mighty works through it in these perilous times."

As I prayed regarding this Word from the Lord, He impressed on me this example:
Computer viruses, which are introduced through links and are disguised in many ways, are never labeled this way: "BEWARE: I AM A VIRUS!" Instead, computer viruses are hidden within something that appears good and harmless. Yet, when you click on a link that is actually a hidden virus, that virus is now given access into your total computer hard drive and system. Once that virus has gained that access, it can wreak havoc on the entire system of your computer, even to the point that it totally destroys the viability of the computer. Further, it often introduces into the computer "Spyware"...which sees all you do, enabling information about you to be gathered!

Thus it is with Satan and false doctrine. The danger cannot be seen or even comprehended in most cases. Yet, once false doctrine is introduced into your spirit, that false doctrine can begin to do its destructive work. It opens a door to Satan...whether we see it as such or not. False doctrine is the spiritual "trojan horse", giving Satan access into our spirit. What appears harmless and docile becomes a devouring force within us, destroying our spiritual awareness...our DISCERNMENT...making us lay down our spiritual inhibitions, causing us to accept...and, at times, even to speak and propagate...all manner of false teaching and "destructive heresies".

Make no mistake: ALL false doctrine is DESTRUCTIVE! There are no "harmless" false teachings.

The measure of a man's...or woman's...ministry CANNOT be evaluated by the amount of TRUTH that is contained therein: the measure of a man's...or woman's...ministry MUST be based on this one standard:

THE TOTAL ABSENCE OF FALSE DOCTRINE! There can be NO false doctrine intertwined with God's Truth!

Just as in the example above (of the computer virus): any doctrines which contain ANY mixing of TRUTH and LIE labeled as FALSE TEACHING. And ANY false teaching can bring about the destruction of discernment and, with that, the destruction of the spirit and Body.

Beware: false teachers come as "wolves in sheep's clothing"! (Matthew 7:15)

Thus, I speak to the Church. Hear these words from Ezekiel 22:23-31.......

"23 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 24 "Son of man, say to her: 'You are a land that is not cleansed or rained on in the day of indignation.' 25 The conspiracy of her prophets in her midst is like a roaring lion tearing the prey; they have devoured people; they have taken treasure and precious things; they have made many widows in her midst. 26 Her priests have violated My law and profaned My holy things; they have not distinguished between the holy and unholy, nor have they made known the difference between the unclean and the clean; and they have hidden their eyes from My Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them. 27 Her princes in her midst are like wolves tearing the prey, to shed blood, to destroy people, and to get dishonest gain. 28 Her prophets plastered them with untempered mortar, seeing false visions, and divining lies for them, saying, 'Thus says the Lord God,' when the Lord had not spoken. 29 The people of the land have used oppressions, committed robbery, and mistreated the poor and needy; and they wrongfully oppress the stranger. 30 So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. 31 Therefore I have poured out My indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; and I have recompensed their deeds on their own heads," says the Lord God."

May we now seek God as never before...and may the Church (of which I, too, am a part) repent.

In Christ,

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

God's Presence: Handle With Care

If you are like me, you LONG to be in the Presence of God!

Of course, as Christians, we recognize that we are ALWAYS in God's Presence.
But...we all know that there are special times...special moments...whether alone or in a church service...that the Presence of God is almost surreal!

Those times can almost be overwhelming!

God is with us! The term used for Jesus/God...EMMANUEL...means just that: GOD WITH US.

God longs to spend time with us. God longs to commune with us. I am not referring to the fact that God is OMNIPRESENT...the fact that He exists...that God is everywhere. I am speaking about specific times where we MEET with God to COMMUNE with Him.

In other words, I am not dealing with the issue that God OVERSEES all that we do...but, I am instead referring to INTENTIONAL times He visits with us...whether by OUR initiation or by HIS initiation.

If you do not understand that VISITATION time...then I hope one day you will.

Suffice it to say: God visits us, whether alone or as a body, in very intimate, powerful ways at times.

We can learn from Scripture about the true essence of His Presence with us. is there that we learn some truths that often are overlooked and, at times, exploited for human purposes.

Look with me at this subject:


In 2 Samuel 5, we see David reigning as King over all of Israel. Saul is now dead. David now reigns over a united Israel...there is also a recognition that all is NOT in order:

The Ark of the Covenant had been lost.

Due to disobedience, the Ark of the Covenant...something so precious and powerful to Israel...had been lost to the enemy!

King Saul had become disobedient to God...and, in 1 Samuel 28, we find Saul and the Prophet Samuel both recognizing that the Presence of God has departed from Saul.

Saul had once been God's God himself gives that account of him in Scripture. his disobedience...Saul allowed the Ark of the Covenant to be captured by the enemy and taken away. At that point, the Presence of God had departed from Saul AND the Presence of God had departed from Israel.

The Ark of the Covenant was the physical representation of God's Presence...and it had been lost!

The Ark of the Covenant was designed by God Himself. In it was placed (Hebrews 9:1-5):

1. The Tablets of Stone, on which was inscribed the TEN COMMANDMENTS
2. A Jar of Manna
3. Aaron's Rod that budded

Here, we have a picture of the Ark of the Covenant and its contents...a powerful representation of what Israel had lost!

Look at the representations with me:

---The Ark of the Covenant - GOD'S PRESENCE
---The Tablets of Stone - GOD'S POWER
---The Pot of Manna - GOD'S PROVISION
---Aaron's Rod that budded - GOD'S PROMISE

Today, I want to simply focus on the issue of the Ark of the Covenant itself...GOD'S PRESENCE.

Exodus 25 gives us a description of the Ark of the Covenant...the way God directed it to be constructed. It was constructed in such a way that would allow it to be borne on the shoulders of those who were chosen to carry it.

And...we learn later that it was not to be TOUCHED by ANYONE.

That was the reason for its EXACT it could be carried...but not Israel...nor anyone else.

All of this background information brings me to my focus for this writing.

As stated before...the Ark of the Covenant was lost in battle due to the disobedience and recklessness of Saul and his followers. (Read through all that transpires from the time of its the Ark of the Covenant brought turmoil and consequences to those unbelievers who housed it.)

David time...instruct men to go retrieve the Ark of the Covenant and bring it back to its rightful place in Jerusalem. David gathered "the choice men of Israel" and they went to Baale Judah to retrieve the Ark of the Covenant.

Here...2 Samuel 6:3 says, "So they set the ark of God on a new cart, and brought it out of the house of Abinadab, which was on the hill."

David and "all the house of Israel" played music before the Lord, celebrating the retrieval of the Ark of the Covenant.

Then...suddenly: "And when they came to Nachon's threshing floor, Uzzah put out his hand to the ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen stumbled."

In fear that the Ark of the Covenant would fall from the cart as the oxen stumbled, Uzzah reached out to steady it...hoping to prevent it from tumbling from the cart.

Then: "...the anger of the Lord was aroused against Uzzah, and God struck him there for his error; and he died there by the ark of God."

Uzzah was dead!

What is the lesson here? Why did this happen? Could this have been prevented?

First, notice in 2 Samuel 6:3 these words:

"So they set the ark of God on a NEW CART."

God's Word had been specific:

The Ark of the Covenant was to be constructed PRECISELY as He had was to be CARRIED precisely as He had instructed.

First...David instructed the men to put the Ark of the Covenant on a NEW CART. David made a have the Ark of the Covenant carried in a manner in which God HAD NOT instructed that it was to be carried!


Second...we see as the Ark of the Covenant is being transported toward its destination...the oxen stumble. Uzzah, one of the drivers of the cart, sees the possibility that the Ark of the Covenant could fall to the ground.

So...with the best of intentions...he reaches out to stabilize it.

Which of us if there that day would not have done the same?!
It seems so logical! It seems necessary! would prove FATAL!

God had instructed that the Ark of the Covenant was NOT TO BE TOUCHED! It was not to be handled by man!

And...even with good intentions...Uzzah would lose his life for this seemingly simple act.

How could God do such a thing? WHY would He do such a thing?

God's represented by the Ark of the a powerful thing.

God had instructed that it was to be handled a certain way...HIS WAY.

David chose to have the very Presence of God handled in a manner CONTRARY to God's divine instructions!

David did it HIS way...not GOD'S way! a result of the MISHANDLING of God's Presence...a man DIED!

God is tired of men trying to handle His Presence THEIR way! and women and ministries are HANDLING God...doing it their way.

God wants His Presence in the midst of His people...but too many leaders are too busy HANDLING His presence...trying to use it to build build build kingdoms of their own making.

David handled God's Presence HIS WAY...and one of his own men died because of it!

I believe this is a message from God for the Church today:

Stop HANDLING God‘s Presence!

How many times have I seen I, myself, have led worship in services countless times throughout the years:

God's Presence manifests in a powerful way in a church service...and...suddenly...the Worship Leader or Pastor steps forward to take over.

I am not saying that God does times...want to give instruction to the body at this point.

But, how many times is it really THIS that is the Worship Leader or Pastor thinks:

"Yes! God is moving! I had better take charge!"...or..."Wow! God is moving! Let me use this for some other purpose!"...or..."Yes! God is moving! But…He needs my help!"

God did not arbitrarily issue the command that the Ark of the Covenant was NOT to be touched!

It had a purpose!

Just as everything in the Old Testament was a foreshadowing...a picture...of something to come, so this story is also a lesson to us today.

God wants His Presence in our midst. God wants to do great things in the Church. God longs to allow us to experience the POWER, PROVISION and PROMISE (remember the contents of the Ark of the Covenant!) of His Presence...but He demands that it be done HIS WAY!

I once posted this statement just on FB:

"I think God wants His Church back!"

I believe that is what God is wanting to say to the Church...HIS Church.

Man has tried to handle His Presence...and the results have been devastating!

Individual churches have grown...but most due to a compromised gospel. Do not dismiss that thought as nonsense! God's Word tells us that this truth is real...and it will become even more prevalent as we near the return of Jesus.

Man has devised every possible way to "GROW A CHURCH"...but, the truth is...ALL statistics show that church attendance continues to wane.

Worse...ALL statistics show that those who ARE attending church are no longer believing in ESSENTIAL DOCTRINES of the Bible!

Somehow...and I include myself in this...we have FAILED!

We have done things that GOD NEVER SAID DO (Saul carried the Ark of the Covenant into battle when God DID NOT instruct him to do it at that time!) in ways GOD NEVER SAID DO THEM (David putting the Ark of the Covenant on a "new cart")!

You see...David respected God's Presence. Thus, he instructed the use of a "NEW CART".
An old least to David...was not good enough for the task.

But...God did not want His Presence carried on a NEW CART nor an OLD CART!

God wanted it to be carried by men who obeyed His Word!

And...obeying His Word meant carrying it by the poles that were properly placed in the rings that would allow the Ark of the Covenant to be carried by the men designated to do so!

Modern ideas of ministry and "new revelations" may be the trend today....but I believe...again...that GOD WANTS HIS CHURCH BACK!

God wants men to take their hands off of His Presence!

God wants to do things His way!

God wants to do what He wants to do the way He wants to do it!

We are to take a HANDS OFF approach!

This may all sound odd to some....and it may sound enlightening to others...but...God's Presence is not for us to is not ours to touch.

This story shows us today that God's ways are not our ways.

Man...leadership...the Church...must allow God to do things HIS way.

Today...we have every famous "Church Leader" writing books and giving the Church his or her "how to" method on every possible subject...usually, on CHURCH GROWTH or PROSPERITY and a myriad of present-day themes.

Leaders are consulting other leaders on every possible subject...many copying the other in hopes of similar outcomes...usually the hope being GREATER ATTENDANCE ON SUNDAY or LARGE OFFERINGS.

I cannot believe that we have come to the time and place where this needs to be said...especially to the Church...but it must be said:

God wants to be in charge again! is high time we let Him have that control!

How many people have had to die (Uzzah) due to our insistence on using a "NEW CART!?"

I often use this phrase:
"It isn't rocket science!"

In other words...there is a simple answer...and simple solution:


Let Him lead. Do what He says do...the way He says do it.

Let's keep our hands off of HIS PRESENCE!

The possibilities are beyond belief if we do!

And...the consequences are beyond belief if we don't!

God's Presence: "Handle" With Care.

RELATIONSHIP: Boundaries of Obedience

Although the Church seems to have declared its slogan as "It's about RELATIONSHIP"...I believe it is more appropriate and true to say "It's about RIGHT RELATIONSHIP!"

RELATIONSHIP must be defined...and put in a proper be a HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP. Too many in the Church simply denote "relationship" in a way that denounces and actually seeks to NOT follow the precepts and commands of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus said: "If you love me, keep my commandments." (John 14:15...also see verses 21-24...powerful example of LOVE by OBEDIENCE).

There are many Biblical examples of our relationship with Christ...but each is tempered and defined by OBEDIENCE. LOVE and OBEDIENCE must walk hand in hand regarding our RELATIONSHIP with Christ. Along with that OBEDIENCE also comes FAITHFULNESS. We are called the "Bride of Christ" and Christ is noted in Scripture as the "Bridegroom". In EVERY case of RELATIONSHIP denoted in this way...whether an EARTHLY marriage or a SPIRITUAL marriage between the Church and Christ...there is an expectation of FAITHFULNESS. That faithfulness is shown by our adherence...OUR the Word of God and the Laws of God. Jesus ONLY came to do away with MAN-MADE RELIGIOUS LAW...and He FULFILLED the CEREMONIAL/SACRIFICIAL LAW. Jesus STILL wants us to OBEY His commandments and laws that are eternal and ongoing precepts of life here on earth!

We are "saved by grace through faith" and NOT by works. But, as Jesus said above, there can be no TRUE love without OBEDIENCE to His commandments. True RELATIONSHIP with God is a relationship that accepts the LORDSHIP of Jesus in our lives. True RELATIONSHIP is definitive and has boundaries. There are MANY examples of RELATIONSHIPS....but all relationships are not HEALTHY...and some are actually DESTRUCTIVE. A healthy RELATIONSHIP with Christ accepts the FATHER/CHILD, CREATOR/ CREATION, LORD/SERVANT relationships that are denoted in Scripture. We must interpret Scripture with Scripture…and each RELATIONSHIP mentioned in the Word of God is IMPORTANT to understand in our walk with Jesus. We CANNOT simply choose which relationship with Christ that we want! We MUST accept the fullness of ALL that is taught to us in Scripture.

Modern theologies espoused within the Church are excluding many of the RELATIONSHIP necessities mentioned in Scripture…especially regarding the OBEDIENCE factor. And any RELATIONSHIP that calls itself “love” yet it is absent of OBEDIENCE is actually A LIE AND A FALSE LOVE: IT IS NOT LOVE AT ALL! The Church MUST understand this VERY ESSENTIAL point: We can ONLY love the LOST properly if we love GOD properly. And, with that truth in mind, we then realize that we cannot have a proper relationship with ANYONE if we do not FIRST have a proper relationship with JESUS.

Note: I would urge you to read my previous post/blog regarding love to get a better understanding of the necessity to correctly and Biblically define LOVE. Here is the link:

Relationships can vary: and they can range from GOOD to BAD. There are parent/child relationships, sibling relationships, boss/employee relationships, Pastor/church member relationships, and many more. Each of these relationships are found to have BOUNDARIES that define them. When these boundaries are breached…then the resulting problems can range from detrimental to severely perverted and evil. It is Satan’s intent and desire to do just that: pervert relationships…whether with each other or between us and God. Between humans, it can lead to such perversions as: incest, rape, molestation, sexual harassment, homosexuality, and many other sins and consequences. When we are deceived into believing that a relationship with God is, or can be, absent of OBEDIENCE TO GOD then we are in severe spiritual danger.

We are CONTINUOUSLY warned by the Word of God about the deception of false doctrine and false teaching…and LOVE and RELATIONSHIP are two areas where Satan is working his illusion on millions and millions of people…both in the Church and outside of the Church. Satan perverts and distorts both of these TRUTHS and turns them into LIES…yet, his deception is so subtle…and even convincing…that many within the Church are successfully deceived, actually becoming a part of propagating Satan’s “new gospel”. Notice the words of Jesus as He taught His Disciples:

(Matthew 7:13-27) "Enter ye in at the strait gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be who go in thereat. Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. Therefore, by their fruits ye shall know them. "Not every one that saith unto Me, `Lord, Lord,' shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that doeth the will of My Father who is in Heaven. Many will say to Me in that Day, `Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name, and in Thy name have cast out devils, and in Thy name done many wonderful works?' And then will I profess unto them, `I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity.' "Therefore, whosoever heareth these sayings of Mine and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, who built his house upon a rock. And the rain descended and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house; and it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of Mine and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand; and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell, and great was the fall of it."

Here, we see a few examples of those who might BELIEVE that they have a RIGHT RELATIONSHIP with Jesus…yet, in truth, the relationship is NOT as they think. Jesus paints a picture of two gates, two paths, two trees, two fruits, and two houses. Each of these denote a WRONG RELATIONSHIP and a RIGHT RELATIONSHIP. And, by the Words of Jesus, we learn that some will have been involved in ministry…and yet they are NOT involved in a RIGHT RELATIONSHIP with the Lord.

Therefore, it is IMPERATIVE that we evaluate and assess our relationship with Jesus…and, in so doing, that we make the necessary adjustments to bring that relationship in line with the Word of God. Further, that RELATIONSHIP must LEAD us somewhere. Our relationship with Jesus MUST compel us to “good works”…it MUST lead us down a path that causes our sights to be set on two things: JESUS and THE LOST. If our relationship with Christ only causes us to focus on OURSELVES then we are NOT in a proper relationship with God!

I pray today that the Church will examine itself…and that the Church will examine its relationship with Christ. In doing so, I pray that the Church will recognize the false doctrines of SELF that have been “secretly” introduced into the Body by Satan. I pray that the Church will denounce the personal wealth teachings that are CLEARLY (I cannot even understand how ANYONE would be deceived by this obviously SELFISH and SATANIC “gospel”) NOT of God…they are Satanic…which cause so-called “Christians” to focus on their personal financial status and personal comfort while ignoring the fact that we are living in THE LAST DAYS…and that time is short. The LOST…the UNSAVED…need to be reached. And the Church MUST get its eyes back on the purpose for its existence: to focus the eyes of the LOST on JESUS! We are to take the Gospel…the TRUE Gospel…to the LOST of this world. They need CHRIST…they DO NOT NEED wealth and the “prosperity gospel”. Remember:

(Mark 8:36) “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”

It is time that the Church remembers this: wealth in HEAVEN is NOT EQUAL to wealth here on EARTH. In heaven, earthly wealth…GOLD…is simply PAVEMENT! (Revelation 21:21) Wealth in heaven is SPIRITUAL…not EARTHLY AND CARNAL! And NOTHING (earthly wealth) we gain here on earth has ANY bearing on ETERNITY! Every home…every car…every boat…every golf club…every vacation house…every pension fund…every DOLLAR…will be AS NOTHING at the return of Jesus Christ! Every earthly treasure will be BURNED UP…every “high place” will be BROUGHT DOWN. And every MOTIVE and MESSAGE will be seen for what it truly is…and Satan’s deceptions will be fully exposed! I pray…before that time comes…that the Church will awaken from its SLUMBER and DECEPTION and SATANIC SEDUCTION and that the Church of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will become the MIGHTY ARMY that God called it to be!

In the end….when it is all reduced to a simple thought…I pray that the Church will enter into a proper, obedient, and healthy RELATIONSHIP with God; and, in doing so, that the Church will accomplish all that is possible in the time it has left on this earth. And remember: WITH GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!

God bless!


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The LOVE Perversion: Satan's Secret Heresy

"Christian love" which isn't based in Christian Truth is a Satanic lie. Satan wants to separate "love" from TRUTH. Apart from the truth of God's Word, love becomes meaningless. Notice: almost ALL Eastern religions base their theology on 3 things: love, peace, and harmony. But, even though many of their leaders have been world renowned and oft quoted...the end of their path of love did not lead to heaven! Famous leaders lived and died on a theology of love...except the love they based eternity on was a false love. Only love based on the Word of God...Jesus Christ, the Incarnate TRUTH. Satan has infiltrated the Church with "love"....yet this love is not born out of the One True is not born out of Scripture. This "love" has deceived many to follow a love absent of conviction of sins, and it labels those who speak the truth regarding sin as "judgmental and unloving". Our love for the lost will NOT be what sets the lost free. Yes, it is by our love that they will know we are Christians....but only true CHRISTIAN love can do that. Notice this: Gandhi loved...yet he was NOT a Christian. Those who followed Gandhi followed a love that led to a false god. So how will OUR love....Christian known as DIFFERENT from the love of Gandhi? It will ONLY be different if that love is FIRMLY established in Jesus...and that love is more than a feel-good gospel absent of recognition of sin. True love SPEAKS TRUTH...because it is TRUTH that makes people free (John 8:32 "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.") Few people notice that almost every major sin issue in the Church and in society today is based on Satan’s attack and perversion of love. Notice with me these truths:

1. Pornography - Pornography is a perverse distortion of love, relegating love to a sex act alone, absent of God’s true love and espousing fornication, adultery, and lewd acts. It entirely takes love out of an act that God intended to be just that…an act of love between a man and a woman, and it was to be a part of a marriage commitment. (Galatians 5:19)

2. Homosexuality - Homosexuality is a distortion and perversion of what God intended within the realm of sex. Sex is instituted by God to be a loving act between one man and one woman within the structure of marriage. (Romans 1:18-32)

3. Abortion - Abortion promotes self-interest and espouses the love of one’s self above the life of another. Far from being love, abortion throws love out the window, entering into the realm of murder of children. Abortion is a direct OPPOSITE of love. Love does not murder…HATE does. (Luke 1:13-15) (Exodus 20:13, 23:7)

4. Racism - Racism, in any form, is in direct contradiction to love. Racism continues to be a huge issue in society…and it runs in every direction. Scripture tells us that “nation shall rise against nation”. That passage is actually denoting “people group against people group”, or “nationality against nationality”. The sad thing is, it is Satan who is behind every racist belief, including PERCEIVED racism. Satan not only wants people to be racist, he also wants everyone to perceive every act of other races to be a racist act. Satan wants division among the races…any way he can get it. (Ephesians 4:32) (John 13:34-35) (Galatians 3:28) (Romans 2:11) (Ephesians 2:14)

5. Almost every Biblical sin has to do with some form of perverting and/or opposing love: adultery, fornication, hatred, strife, bitterness, envy, lust, murder, stealing, lying, bearing false witness…the list can go on and on. (The Scriptures are endless on these sins. I encourage a search/study of each mentioned.)

Society is struggling to deal with…and even define…love. In truth, society can never be expected to handle the issue of love correctly if the Church continues down the path of mishandling love. Instead of helping society to understand that TRUE love speaks the truth…that TRUE love cares enough to warn of the dangers and consequences of sin…the Church has, instead, embarked down a road that defines love just as society and Satan has: love only speaks good things and never mentions wrong or sin. We fail to see that Scripture paints many pictures of love…and all of them are for our good. The Bible shows that a Father…and/or Mother…discipline their children BECAUSE they love them. When a child does wrong, parents are to sit down and confront the wrong of their child: they are to point out WHAT was done wrong, WHY it was wrong, the CONSEQUENCES of that wrong, and the OUTCOME of dealing with that wrong. If parents love their child…then parents will DISCIPLINE that child. That is Scripture…NOT just my opinion. (2 Samuel 7:14) (Proverbs 19:18) (Hebrews 12:7)

Therefore, we can evaluate the distortion of love that is being espoused by many in the Christian community this way:

If the pulpits of Christian churches cease to preach and teach on/against the issues of sin and its ramifications…if Christians define love as absence of confronting sin, absence of pointing out sin, and absence of any real consequences for one’s actions…then the pulpits of Christian churches are actually failing to truly love! (Revelation 3:19)

This modern distortion of love…instituted by Satan…is actually a tactic of Satan to silence truth in the Church and in society. In following Satan’s deception, the Church is, in some cases, guilty of loving people right into hell! If anything I have written is heard…if any words I have ever spoken has ever meant anything or had any effect on someone’s thinking…let it be this statement:

PEOPLE IN HELL NO LONGER CARE HOW MUCH YOU LOVED THEM! THOSE WHO WERE LOVED…YET NEVER CONFRONTED OVER THEIR SIN…ARE IN HELL CRYING OUT TO THOSE WHO NEVER SPOKE THE WORD OF TRUTH TO THEM! THEIR CRIES ARE THESE WORDS: “Why did you never tell me the truth!?! Why did you smile at me, claiming to love me, claiming to be my friend, and yet you never bothered to tell me that I WAS WRONG!?! WHY!?! WHY!?!"

Love cares ENOUGH to speak the truth. Yes…I will say it again…I would rather offend the world with truth than condemn the world through silence. Our love will not save the lost. Our love will not pull the lost from the hell they have entered. Only TRUTH can do that. That truth is that JESUS loves them. It is HIS love that took Him to the cross to die for our sins. Yet, Scripture declares this: “You shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” If the truth isn’t known…then there can be no freedom. The world will not know the truth…that they are sinners, as were all of us…if WE…THE CHURCH…CHRISTIANS…do not tell them! Love without truth is not REAL love. I pray that every believer…every church…Christ’s church…will begin to speak truth again. And I pray that as the truth is spread that the fields begin to finally be harvested. Satan wants to stop the harvest…he has done that by attacking the planting and sowing process. We must get to work. Time is short…and the laborers are few.

God bless!

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Interpretation: The Dream of May 23, 2012

Here is the interpretation of the dream of May 23, 2012. I will first explain symbols and their representation…followed by the meaning of the dream in totality. You will gain much insight simply by the recognition of the symbols in the first section.


1. Lee University: represents itself, a microcosm of the Church of God, which is a microcosm of the Church in general (the worldwide set of “believers” as mentioned in the New Testament, epitomized by the letters to the churches recognized in the Book of Revelation contained in the Bible.)

2. Lee University (Lee College) at the time I transferred there in 1986: represents the above institutions as they once were, an era from the mid 80s to the late 80s. This is a specific era of change being represented.

3. Night: represents darkness has fallen

4. The people on the street: represent various people in various positions/states of being in regard to Christ and salvation

A. The people I “recognized”, yet did not fully see (saw enough to know I knew them, yet I did not actually recognize them): represent those whom people “knew”, yet these people were not seen for whom they TRULY were

B. The other people: those who were present during the period of time who witnessed, whether understanding or not

5. The place where those taken were standing: The street on which we all stood was CHURCH STREET...representing that those being taken are in the midst of the Church: and the last dorm immediately adjacent to the park (I received a call this past week which revealed to me the name of that dorm…and the name was amazing to hear) is CROSS HALL...representing the fact that those who are taken had once stood in front of the Cross of Jesus Christ...but, as many who stood before the Cross of Jesus at the actual crucifixion, these did NOT stand as true believers.

6. The dark figure: Satan and his demons…and their works

7. Lee University AFTER we fled the street (where we exited the car and I realized that the buildings were no longer the buildings of 1986): represents the present day Lee University, as well as the other applications and institutions mentioned above

8. The building I saw, with a mix of statues that appeared good and “evil”: represents the specific institution of the present day church as described in Revelation

9. The people who filled the entry/foyer area of the building: represents those who are a part of the church, the modern church

10. Danny Murray: represents a leader who has been there from the past to the present, with a position to see all that has occurred and the transformation

The Interpretation and Connection of the Symbolism

The beginning is representative of a transitional time (a time centering around the year 1986) in the life of Lee College (Lee University), the Church of God, and the Biblical example of the church as instituted by Jesus Christ., of which He is the Founder and the Head. God is saying that this period of time in history was a pivotal and crucial time in the 3 specific institutions which are represented, hereby to be simply referred to as the Church in most cases.

During this time Satan launched what will be his primary and sustained attack on the Church. His attacks have been ongoing, but this attack sets in motion the last-day successful infiltration of the Church. It is not an “if” or a “when” scenario…God, in His Word, said it WOULD come…and it began during this period, roughly 35+ years ago. This attack and infiltration would be done under the dark of night: “secretly introducing heresies” and as a “wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

Satan, being the father of lies, does not spare his own. After his successful infiltration, Satan then attacks those he has used to accomplish his work. These people…represented in the dream by those who were taken…were themselves found in front of the “CROSS” (represented by Cross Hall). But, these people were NOT as they appeared. These people are noted in Scripture in Matthew 7:13-33 - verse 15: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” and verse 21: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven…” and verse 23: “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you;’” This all represents a FALSE church being present and arising from within the Church as established by Jesus Christ: the two “churches” now existing at the same time, even intertwined in many cases, due to the darkness and deception of Satan and his successful “cloaking” of his appearance, even causing many to see him as “an angel of light” (TRUTH), though he is evil in its purest form.

Satan, after the initial infiltration, destroys and takes those which he used for his purpose. They were taken by Satan, even as they appeared to be as those who had come by way of the Cross of Jesus (they stood at the “Cross”). They had knelt at the Cross of Jesus only for show…not in TRUTH. Just as with Jesus when He was crucified, there were two types of people present: those who came as Servants of Christ, in love and respect for the dying Lamb of God, whom they worshipped…and, those who came just as observers, never truly having any relationship with Jesus, neither accepting Him as their Savior. They came to the “Cross” simply to APPEAR to be a follower of Jesus…while, in reality, they were only false worshippers who used the Cross for their own gain (whether to gain ACCESS or to gain RESPECT or to gain POSITION). These people were taken by Satan…and they were unable to resist his pull. They are destroyed by Satan (as he turns even on those who have helped him) due to their ACTUAL position…a position which was NOT “in Christ.” The Bible says “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Those taken had no position in Christ on which they could take a firm stance to RESIST Satan. Resistance to Satan can ONLY come from a RIGHT position of authority…only when we are found “in Christ.” Being found IN CHURCH does not equate to being "in Christ."

Many around saw what happened…especially the two which I put in my car and escaped with. God DOES provide a way of escape…and it is in our position in Christ, from where we RESIST the devil. As WE resist Satan…we can even save those who are confused and unaware of what is TRULY happening. We are able to bring TRUTH where Satan has brought deception, and that TRUTH can bring an escape and freedom from the deceptions of Satan.

All of this represents the Church (and Lee University, the Church of God - Cleveland, TN - denomination) as it is infiltrated by Satan…which began to occur in the mid 80s. This infiltration led many to be deceived…and, because of this deception, many people were TAKEN by Satan. In turn…these same people who were taken had also influenced others…others who were left to propagate a “gospel” which they actually were deceived into believing was a gospel of truth…yet, it was a lying gospel: a false gospel. All of this was done in DARKNESS…in the QUIET of night. Much of the error was allowed simply by SILENCE and by the COVER OF NIGHT. Sin was overlooked. Sin was hidden. Sin was covered up. With each passing year…what was once an initial “infiltration” grew to be accepted and it even left the darkness…appearing now in full light, yet still unable to be seen due to deception. What was once UNACCEPTABLE became the NORM in many cases.

As those who are able to resist Satan, we then are to save those that we can…by telling them that the resistance MUST come from a proper position in Christ…a position of TRUE SALVATION. A false gospel contains only false power…and there is no position or power available upon which a resistance to Satan can successfully be made. It will be from a stance of TRUTH that I…and others…may be saved!

Over the years, we see the change that this infiltration of Satan has brought about. The transition and change from the mid 80s is now evident. We now see the Church…an institution…which is ornate and modern: impressive in structure and appearance. Yet, we now see the results of the past 30 years of building on an infiltrated foundation: a building which contains statues of beauty and grandeur…mixed with depictions of evil and darkness. It is an institution which now presents LIES along with the TRUTH. It is an institution which has combined the truth of Scripture with the wisdom of man: a humanistic gospel. The Church finds itself with many people inside…yet, notice they are NOT in the sanctuary: they are gathered in the entry/foyer area. They stay in the realm of FELLOWSHIP and CONVERSATION…unaware of the need to enter the sanctuary. They have been in view of what has occurred outside, but none were moved to action…none were affected in any noticeable way. They are the living results of a MIXED gospel…a false gospel…which has taken from them any RECOGNITION of evil…and it has also taken away their ability to REACT to the work of Satan.

In the middle of the room sits one who is recognized: in the dream, it is Danny Murray. Danny represents a leadership broken by what has been witnessed…yet, they are left only to sorrow and lament over what has occurred. They have been there to witness the many years, the many changes. The leadership now faces and sees the effects of Satan’s attack and infiltration…yet they are not sure how it happened and they are left unsure of what to do now.

God is saying to His Church:

“You have been attacked and infiltrated. This attack began years ago. Satan’s attack came so secretly and successfully due to your failure to stand on my Word: a failure to focus on truth above every other thing; a failure to resist Satan. Instead, the Church embraced some of HIS ideas and lies under the banner of LOVE and TOLERANCE. Yet, I spoke in My Word that you were to defend the faith! Instead, you have allowed the lies of Satan to be taught side-by-side with my Word. You have allowed false doctrine to creep in, with false teachers and false prophets standing in your institutions speaking words of death and lies of Satan. Many have fallen and been taken away by Satan by this deception. My Word is truth…and it WILL NOT be compromised! The prophets are speaking lies in My Name! I did not speak their gospel of SELF…nor their gospel of INCLUSION! My love is an everlasting love. From the beginning of time until this present age, I have loved My creation. I provided a way to Me through the death of My Son. Yet, many have rejected My love. They have refused to accept My offer, even denying the very Word of Life I have spoken. They have distorted My Word for personal gain and in their attempt to create their own salvation. Yet, the day will come…and is soon coming…when I will say to them ‘You were wrong! Depart from Me…I never knew you!’ I long for My Church to return to Me. I love to gather My children to Me. I call you to REPENT. I call on you to apply the salve of My Word to your eyes, removing the blindness with which Satan has deceived you. Return to My Word. Return to My truth. Return to Me…and I will make you a great and mighty army in these last days! I will heal you…and you will be strong and true again.”

This dream and interpretation are not…and were not…expected by me: Ron Smith. I do not have any understanding of why God gave ME this dream, nor the interpretation. I speak this with full knowledge that My God hears and knows what I am saying: this dream was from God. I in NO WAY created this dream from my own desires. The morning I woke from this dream…I was so shaken that I was asked by the first person whom I encountered “Are you ok? What is wrong?” I could, at that point, only say “I had a dream.” It took approximately 30 minutes before I could relate the dream to them…and then, I could only do it through tears. I have never experienced any dream such as this. I simply know that God gave the dream…and I was to speak it and deliver its message. I am well aware that some will accept the Word that God has spoken…and that some will reject this Word from the Lord. None of that is of my concern, in reality. I had to…and did…obey God in this. Thus, it is done. I simply ask that those who read this will begin to pray as never before. Pray first for YOURSELF…and ask God for His truth and wisdom. Pray next for the LOST…those who need to hear the TRUTH of Jesus Christ, absent of any false doctrines and false motives. Pray lastly for the Church…the institution built on the premise of Jesus Christ, the Living Word and the Written Word. Pray that GOD…The Father, Jesus the Son, the Holy Spirit…will reveal His truth and that the lies of Satan will begin to be driven from His Body. Pray that REPENTANCE, REVIVAL AND RENEWAL will take place in every believer and in every Christian church in America and around the world.

May God bless us all as we follow and serve Him!

In Christ,

Ron Smith

June 4, 2012

(I want to note that this dream is no way an INDICTMENT of Dr. Paul Conn nor any particular person. It is not an INDICTMENT of Danny Murray in any way. I love and respect both of these men. God did NOT say they are at fault...nor are they guilty of any sin in any way. God knew they had MEANING to me in my life...and God used Lee and Danny Murray as symbols I would understand clearly. I traveled with Danny Murray and grew to love him and his family. They are very precious to me. Dr. Paul Conn is a man that spoke with me on many occasions. He spoke truth and wisdom into my life and I hold him in high regard. This entire dream was NOT about individuals...but about the infiltration of Satan into the Church and its institutions. Far from being an INDICTMENT...I admit that I failed to see the infiltration during my tenure at Lee College. I admit to being TROUBLED during my tenure there...and I admit to my own personal issues and failures. Thus...I often wonder why God is choosing to speak TO me and THROUGH me. I do not count myself as "worthy" in that regard. I simply I have above...that you enter into PRAYER over what I am sure God has spoken. If you doubt the authenticity of this dream and interpretation...then I ask for your prayers still. NOTHING can be deemed unworthy of prayer...of that I am sure. God bless!)

Leadership: To Boldly Go Where Many Have Gone Before

I read this today:

"The point of leadership is to go places people haven't been before."

That sounds profound...yet I immediately felt the Holy Spirit revealing to me the error in this statement...specifically regarding Christian leadership. Follow me here:

Modern theology and methodology seems to focus on: the new, the innovative, the never-before-seen, the catch phrase, the entertaining, the hip, the latest, the stylistic, the production.

Yet, true theology and methodolgy focuses on: JESUS. Leadership exists for ONE purpose: to lead people to JESUS. It has been approximately 2000 years since Jesus died on the cross and, 3 days later, rose again. Yet, leadership still exists for ONE purpose: TO TAKE PEOPLE TO THE CROSS OF JESUS CHRIST.

I have no desire to take anyone to: the new, the innovative, the never-before-seen, the catch phrase, the entertaining, the hip, the latest, the stylistic, the production. I have only ONE desire: to lead people to Christ! The story is still the same: Jesus Christ, the Son of God, crucified on a cross, died and rose again on the 3rd day, ascended to heaven and is sitting at the right hand of the Father.

A Christian leader can...and should...only take people to where he HAS been before: to the cross of Christ.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Matthew 7 Quandry: What Is Jesus Teaching?

Let's clear up the superficial exegesis of Matthew 7: It is the most quoted Scripture by society and by those in the Church who want no one to point out, mention, or even discern the truth regarding sin and consequences of sin...especially WITHIN the Church and among those who label themselves as Christians.

At first glance...and with a superficial, shallow reading of the would APPEAR that Jesus is making a broad-brush statement that, within itself, would preclude ANY ability to make any statement against sin in ANYONE'S life...and, it would also greatly hinder the ability to DISCERN between the very aspects of false and true teaching which he would distinguish between in this same chapter. Jesus truly speaking what many "Christians" say He is speaking? Let’s examine it in a SUBSTANTIVE way…far beyond the SUPERFICIAL and SHALLOW reading that refuses to delve into the totality of the words and context of the passage.

We will begin here: Matthew 7:1-12

"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me remove the speck from your eye'; and look, a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces. "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him! Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”

Here, the word translated “judge, judged” is the word “KRINO” (a - belongs over the O here). This word means “judge, as in to try and condemn, to punish, to avenge, to damn, to decree a sentence upon, to sentence judiciously.” It is the same word used in John 3:17, which reads “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” The word “condemn” is also the word “KRINO”. In both cases, there is no reference to an act of pointing out sin, preaching against sin (Jesus Himself would do this within the context of Matthew7!), or discerning sin. In both Matthew 7 and John 3:17, the more precise interpretation of the passages should read thusly:

Matthew 7:1-2 “Do not condemn someone to death (do not pass a sentence). If you do sentence them to death, you will also be sentenced by that same standard if you fail to uphold moral law, also. Whatever the severity of the punishment you decree on them…that same severity of punishment shall be applied to your offense, also.”

John 3:17 “For God did not send His Son into the world to pronounce a sentence of death, but that the world through Him might escape that sentence of death and be saved.” (Note: this also is the same translation and interpretation of Romans 8:1 in reference to “condemnation”, which is the word “KATAKRIMA“…”no sentence of death”)

As we further follow Matthew 7, we find Jesus asking why they would pass a sentence on someone when they themselves presently sit guilty and, again, will be measured by the same standard…if death for one, death for both…if prison for one, prison for both (and so on). Here, Jesus has said “do not condemn someone to death or sentence them…but especially do not do it if you are also guilty of the same, and thus you will be sentenced by your own standard.” Jesus plainly states “Hypocrite!” It is a hypocritical assessment which actually seeks to condemn someone to death for moral failure that Jesus is condemning. Jesus did not come to do away with all sentencing for sinful acts…those acts such as murder, stealing, etc. But Jesus DID come to do away with death sentences for actions that broke MORAL law. Jesus wants us to live under grace…which simply means we are allowed to live even though we have committed an immoral act! Jesus then goes on to discuss the futility of a continued focus on those who hate the truth and who refuse to accept any words spoken regarding holy and moral living…discussing that, sadly, they are refusing to accept from God “good gifts” which He wants to give to everyone. Then, He sums up his thoughts on “pronouncing sentence” on all He mentions by saying “Therefore”…in other words, “since all I have said is truth”…and His words tell us that “whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them…” He is reiterating His true intentions when He spoke the words “Judge not, that you be not judged.”: in other words, “If you want to be sentenced to death for your moral sins, then sentence someone else to death for moral sins. But, if you want to be able to have a chance to live and repent of your moral failure…then give those around you that same opportunity.”

Never…never….is there ANY intent of Jesus to do away with ANY AND ALL mention of sin in a person’s life. He ONLY condemns HYPOCRITICAL sentencing of one caught in a moral failure. He is promoting GRACE…which, again, allows us to live and not die, even though we DESERVE death for ANY AND ALL sins. GRACE says we can live and not die…yet, it STILL leaves the consequences for our sins in place (the human effects of sin of adultery, fornication, etc which are manifested by diseases, broken relationships, etc). But, thank God, we are NOT sentenced to death and we are given a chance to repent!

Further into Matthew 7, Jesus actually speaks AGAINST false teachers, distinguishing them from those who are the TRUE teachers of the Word. IF a superficial rendering of Matthew 7:1 was ACTUALLY the proper exegesis of this passage…then Jesus Himself would be guilty of disobeying His own words as He speaks from verses 13-27. Yet, Jesus is PLAINLY not wrong…He IS God, after all!…as He points out false prophets and their wrong! He then denotes the “narrow” path to truth and eternal life, and expounds on that thought with the story of the house built upon the sand…contrasting that house with the one built upon the rock.

In every passage of Scripture where “judging” is mentioned in a negative way, it is actually denoting the idea of “passing a sentence, seeking vengeance (notice “to avenge” is a proper definition), to damn through a judicious rendering”. I must note here, also, that there is also a judgment which is actually COMMANDED by Jesus and Scripture: it is the idea of “discernment” and “judging between two opposing views.” In almost every case, it is THAT very definition and proper exegesis of words and passages of Scripture that is being labeled by many in society AND the Church as “unloving and judgmental”…in a derogatory way. We are COMMANDED to discern between two opposing views: BETWEEN RIGHT AND WRONG.

Suffice it to say, when Christians quote Scripture which labels and calls sin SIN, that act is NOT condemned by Matthew 7! Far from it! And when taken in context of the passage AND in the totality of Scripture, we ARE to “judge” (discern and speak out) right from wrong. Jesus Himself would do just that. Peter and Paul would follow His example. And…Ron Smith will go and do likewise.

God bless…and continue to proclaim the truth of Scripture. Defend the faith!

Ron Smith