Friday, December 12, 2014

A Response to Stephen

Here was a question posed to me:

"It is worth noting that many of the early reformers (Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, etc) believed Mary was perpetually a virgin. Randy and Ron: do you think those guys were wrong and that you know better than them?"

This is my response: you exalt these men above other men who have lived? Are these men gods...or men?

You see...we are called to exalt the exalt exalt Jesus.

What does the Word say, Stephen?

Does the Word say that Mary was "perpetually a virgin?"

Why do men SPEAK where Scripture is SILENT??

Why do men suppose to answer questions that God has not posed?

Why do we seek answers to issues that bear no answer within the only established realm we can examine: the Word of God?

Does SCRIPTURE declare that Mary was "perpetually a virgin?"

No. It doesn't.

Do some MEN say that Mary was "perpetually a virgin?"

Yes. They do.

Will I base my beliefs on MEN or on the Word of God?

I will stand on the Word of God...not the beliefs of men. I think I am "better than them?"


But I am WISER than they are.


I speak what the Word of God speaks.

Where it is SILENT...I am silent.

My OPINION is just that: an OPINION.

What the men you mentioned stated was an OPINION...not established TRUTH. ministers of the Gospel...the Gospel which is established in TRUTH (Jesus: "I am the way, the truth, and the life...")...preach what we KNOW (truth) or what we THINK (opinion)?

Only TRUTH can make people free.


Well...they are like arm pits:

We all have them...and some of them stink.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Our Call to the Cross

How often pulpits mistake the call of Christ as they declare:

"Come to Jesus to receive every great thing that life has to offer!"

What does Scripture TRULY tell us Christ offers?


His call to those who desire to serve Him?

"Take up your cross..."


The CALL that beckons us is not one of EARTHLY GAIN which will keep us evermore is a call that TRANSFORMS us to be evermore HOLY. 

In so doing...we discover the call to DENY count everything as LOSS that we might know the RICHES of Christ found only in Jesus.

No, Church...Jesus is not calling us to DWELL in COMFORT...He is calling us DIE at the CROSS.

"To live is Christ, and to die is gain."

"Life more abundantly" is not a promise of MORE THINGS to keep us HAPPY on EARTH...but it is a promise of ETERNITY if we will FORSAKE the THINGS of EARTH.

You see...Jesus does not offer us more LIFE on EARTH...but He offers ETERNAL LIFE through Him. 


This EARTH will one day PERISH...and all who set up their KINGDOMS here will find they were so busy purchasing WORLDLY building materials that they forgot to plan for "retirement"...known as ETERNITY.

One day...if we are faithful...we will exchange our CROSS for a CROWN. 

Sadly...many in the Church will arive at the ticket booth of Heaven without the PRICE of ADMISSION.

If you want to WEAR a CROWN...then you must BEAR the CROSS.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

FALSE LOVE: Living in the Belly of a Whale

How many remember the recent uproar over the statements by Phil Robertson of "Duck Dynasty" fame regarding homosexuality and gay marriage? The question today:

What did we learn from our Christians...of this issue?

Regarding the issues of sin, homosexuality, Christian beliefs, Phil Robertson and Duck Dynasty…I have noted varying views. But…I would be remiss if I did not speak what I have increasingly felt the Lord lay on my heart as I have prayed over these issues.

Many are taking a “do not touch” approach…saying there are more important issues. Of course…”spreading the Gospel” is most often noted as the main, “more important” issue.

But what we are witnessing in our society today…and in the Church…is called EROSION. And EROSION never just “plays itself out.” Be sure of that.

So…how has our society and the Church gotten to such an ERODED state?


Do you remember the story of David and Goliath? Most do…but not the complete story.

David was sent down to the battlefield to take food to his brothers. Goliath had DAILY challenged the army of Israel to do battle as he marched in the valley…defiant of Israel…defiant of God.

And daily…no one dared challenge Goliath. No one dared enter into battle.

David arrives simply to bring food…and, in so doing, he hears a GIANT malign and curse His God.

It is then David asks why no one is willing to fight!

David proclaims “Is there not a cause?”

Many today see no “cause”…and the idea of a need to do BATTLE has been washed away in a tsunami of “Just LOVE…and let Jesus do the rest.”

But…as I said from the beginning…let me say what I truly feel the Spirit of God speaking:

It is the many PAST BATTLES that have been AVOIDED that have led to the many CONSEQUENCES today!

How many even realize that you can go back through the Bible and find instances where the Children of God refused to fight…refused to stand strong…and that AVOIDANCE OF BATTLE led to later DEVASTATION???

The ENTIRETY of Scripture is FILLED with AVOIDED BATTLES…and many years later believers had to face the GIANTS created by those times of AVOIDANCE.

Let me say it plainly:

Each time Christians refuse to do battle against sin…the next attack is BIGGER…more DANGEROUS…more DEADLY! And…for decades now…the Church has gradually removed itself from BATTLE!

We ARE called to LOVE…no question.

But…we are ALSO called to FIGHT!

We are told to “put on the whole armor of God”…for a reason. Why? …”that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”

So…why are so many Christians refusing to take a stand…refusing to fight?

Because…they put a FACE and a NAME on sin…and they see a stand AGAINST sin as a stand against a FRIEND…a FAMILY member!

With that…they want no confrontation. They want PEACE…at all costs!

Thus…they AVOID the issue under the banner of LOVE!

But…what did Jesus say?

Let me paraphrase:

Jesus said if we are not willing to lose FATHER…MOTHER…SISTER…BROTHER…all to stand for Him…then we are not WORTHY of Him!

The Church is facing GIANTS today because it refused to stand against the SIN of yesterday!

Decades ago…many in the Church sat SILENT as Satan began to take over society:

1. Prayer removed from schools.

2. Abortion made legal.

3. Violence and sex glorified on TV.

4. Acceptance of homosexuality as a birth trait.

The list can go on.

Battlefield after battlefield…empty of those willing to FIGHT for HOLINESS…for what is RIGHT…for what is BIBLICAL…for what is GODLY…empty of WARRIORS who see a CAUSE…and are willing to DIE for it!

Remember again the story of David:

David was willing to FIGHT…and FACE DEATH…when his brothers sat SILENT!

And guess what?

It made his brothers ANGRY!

I was told here on FB last night that my standard of Christianity is “outdated.” I was told the days of being “direct” are over…and telling the truth “pushes people away.”

Tell me…

Where has SILENCE gotten the Church???

Show me UNWORN, SHINY ARMOR…and I will show you a person who CLAIMS to be in the BATTLE for lost souls…but they are only SILENT SPECTATORS in the BATTLE against GIANTS.


They love LIVING for Christ…but they have NO INTENTION of ever DYING for Christ!

There is a HUGE difference!

Believers…this is not a game. This is not a skirmish. This is a full fledged WAR…and God needs WARRIORS who are willing to DIE for the cause of Christ!

You doubt that?!?

If you do…you serve an AMERICAN gospel…but not THE Gospel!

Throughout the world…people are giving their very LIVES to take a stand for Jesus!

Just yesterday…Prince Charles made a speech in which he noted the war on Christians and Christianity…and how the SLAUGHTER of Christians has reached MONUMENTAL proportions.

Yet…Christians in America are afraid to “offend” a homosexual!

God help us all!!!

Oh…I know…”You have to BEFRIEND them to WIN them!”


Jesus went and spoke to people He DID NOT KNOW…and preached REPENTANCE and REMISSION OF SINS!

Jonah was sent to tell a city to REPENT. Jonah did not BEFRIEND them. But…

Jonah DID first try to AVOID them!

You see…many in the Church today are living in the BELLY OF A WHALE…while claiming to be LOVING THE LOST!

Amazing…isn’t it.

I wonder…

How would the inhabitants of Nineveh have greeted Jonah in eternity if Jonah had continued his path of AVOIDANCE??

I have a feeling many in the Church today will get to discover the answer to that question…as those they have AVOIDED will be crying:

“Why did you stay silent?!? Why did you let me go on believing a lie?!? Why did you let me continue to believe I was right with God?!? Why did you never tell me I WAS SINNING…AND THAT I NEEDED TO REPENT?!? WHY?!? WHY?!?”