The Church went astray when INSPIRING the MASSES took center stage over EQUIPPING the SAINTS.
Ephesians 4:11-16 NKJV
And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the EQUIPPING OF THE SAINTS for the work of ministry, for the EDIFYING OF THE BODY OF CHRIST, 13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 14 that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, 15 but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head--Christ-- 16 from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.
Notice these ESSENTIALS in this passage of Scripture:
1. God Himself calls “some” to specific positions.
“And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers…”
2. Those positions all work together for ONE purpose: “for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry” which is for the “edifying of the body of Christ”.
3. This EQUIPPING and EDIFYING is necessary until there is:
A. Unity of the faith
B. Unity of the knowledge of the Son of God
4. This EQUIPPING and EDIFYING unto UNITY is for the purpose of GROWTH.
“…that we should no longer be children…but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the Head -- Christ…causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.”
5. This EQUIPPING and EDIFYING unto UNITY for the purpose of GROWTH is necessary to prevent FALSE DOCTRINE.
“…that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine…”
“…every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting…”
7. Obeying God in this call to EQUIP and EDIFY the saints is NECESSARY to bring TRUTH in LOVE and to bring the united body into Christ.
“…but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things INTO HIM who is the Head -- Christ --from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies…”
8. This is ALL accomplished as there is UNITY in the purpose of EQUIPPING and EDIFYING.
“…according to the effective working by which every part does its share…”
So…how does INSPIRING the MASSES usurp the power found in EQUIPPING the SAINTS?
Imagine this:
It is a cool November day in Dublin, VA. The Pulaski County High School (my Alma Mater) football team is 20 minutes away from game time. Coach Hicks (the Head Coach during my tenure at PCHS) steps into the room and a hush fills the room. Standing before the players, Coach Hicks gives a rousing speech, telling his soon-to-be combatants that “destiny awaits” and that “this opportunity will never come again.” Coach Hicks “lights a fire” in the players, as the testosterone-filled room seems to rise with the crescendo of voices shouting “Yeah!” With every verbal affirmation of strength, the excitement and expectation within the room multiplies! Soon…the players seem to be hyped to a frenzy! With that…the players unite around the outstretched hand of Coach Hicks as one hand after another is placed on his strong, steady hand. As one, the players shout “COUGARS!”, breaking the huddle and lining up for the march to the field (yes, the players marched in formation out of the field house and down the steps of the stadium in my day: that may remain the tradition!). As the players begin the march down the stadium steps…with the stairs illuminating their entrance…the crowd turns to view the impressive entrance. Suddenly…the crowd gasps! “What is going on?!” they ask, as each one turns to those around them in shock! Week in and week out, the fans have watched this entrance…and it never ceases to impress, bringing “Cougar Pride” into the stadium…all with a bit of “opponent intimidation” mixed in! Yet…on this night…something is wrong! You see…after such a ROUSING speech by Coach Hicks…after the emotions and expectancy of the players was raised to an all-time high…it appears the team forgot one thing: THEIR SHOULDER PADS and UNIFORMS!
You see…it does no good to INSPIRE those who are not EQUIPPED for BATTLE!
Can you imagine the results of a contest between a team FULLY EQUIPPED and one WOEFULLY or NON-EQUIPPED?
Somehow, the Church failed to realize that the BATTLE FOR SOULS does NOT take place in the confines of its own buildings: the ACTUAL battle takes place on the STREETS of the WORLD!
The Church got into the INSPIRATION business…and it long ago left the EQUIPPING business! In so doing, the Church is sending people out into the world WOEFULLY UNPREPARED!
Here is an ESSENTIAL TRUTH to remember:
Today…sermon after sermon…doctrine after doctrine…is based on SELF. With every passing Sunday, the attendees are INSPIRED with messages of “God has great plans for you!” and “Your best life now!” and “God promised us wealth!” and “God loves you just the way you are!” (which is true…but He does NOT want us to REMAIN the way we are!) and “We all sin! So…don’t worry about it!” and “We are MORE than conquerors!” and “You are the HEAD and not the tail!” and “Satan is under our feet!” and “God wants to bless and favor you!”…….the list could go on and on and on and on!
This desire to INSPIRE the MASSES has led to an UNEQUIPPED army.
This is the sad fact:
Those leaving the Church to do “battle” Sunday after Sunday are not even aware that they are attempting to do battle without EQUIPMENT! The masses, being INSPIRED, are “ready to take on the world”…or so they think! In truth, congregations are often leaving Sunday services INSPIRED but not EQUIPPED. They have heard a ROUSING SPEECH…and the INSPIRATION has led to a false sense of EUPHORIA!
Can you see the monumental problem here?!?
With the rise of inspirational MEGA-CHURCHES we have witnessed the DECLINE in actual church attendance. George Barna, the well-respected Christian pollster, tells us that church attendance is now below 20%! On average, in the average town or city, only 19% of the population is now in attendance in a Christian church on Sunday! But worse…no one seems to notice the battered condition of those who ARE in attendance!
I vividly remember reading the statistics presented by Barna several years ago. I was astounded as I realized that those ATTENDING a Christian church on any given Sunday seemed to no longer believe what many call “essentials of the faith.” In Barna’s research and studies, he found that many within the Church no longer believed in the deity of Jesus. Further, many no longer believed:
Jesus was born of a virgin, Jesus is the only way of salvation, Jesus actually died on a cross and rose again, we are saved by grace, Heaven and Hell are both real places, Jesus will come again…and MANY more Biblical doctrines.
Actually, the Bible itself is now questioned in its authenticity and inerrancy…all within the confines of the Church!
Through much prayer, I continue to hear God speak these words:
It is IRRESPONSIBLE to send the people out into the world ILL-EQUIPPED!
Returning to the passage presented above…Ephesians 4...the role of the Church is to EQUIP the SAINTS! It is in the CHURCH that the people PREPARE to do BATTLE…but it is in the WORLD that the BATTLE will take place!
Today, “Christians” are the ones struggling to live HOLY in the world! The Army of God is now WEAK and ANEMIC, having been WOEFULLY prepared to face the battles of just an ordinary day!
INSPIRATION is not PREPARATION…and the INSPIRED masses are leaving the sanctuary ready to take on the Devil…only to be found WEAPONLESS and CLUELESS! In seeking to INSPIRE the masses, many churches are leading the people into spiritual SUICIDE.
It is DANGEROUS to inspire someone who is not EQUIPPED. The results are troubling and, often, disastrous.
In some ways, we ALL seek to be seen as INSPIRATIONAL. We all want to “inspire someone to greatness.” Yet, sometimes that DESIRE to INSPIRE becomes our downfall.
How often I laugh at ministers who actually promote themselves as a MENTOR! You see, mentoring is NOT something initiated from the top down! Think of those who have MENTORED you and ask this question: Did they seek YOU out or did you seek THEM out? Did they promote themselves as a mentor…or did their simple INFLUENCE in your life result in you NOTING them as a mentor?
You see…leaders often get so caught up in wanting to INSPIRE that they forget their actual role: to properly EQUIP those who come under their ministry. Leaders can often SO DESIRE to be a MENTOR that they forget the very purpose of MENTORING: to properly EQUIP the saints!
Today, I simply ask you to do one thing: go back and read Ephesians 4:11-16. In so doing, begin to PRAYERFULLY examine your ministry, your church, your church service, and EVERYTHING your preach and teach…doing so IN LIGHT OF Ephesians 4:11-16 (and, indeed, the entire context of Ephesians 4 within the truth of God’s Word).
Then…realize this:
There is a role for INSPIRATION…but INSPIRATION cannot replace...nor come BEFORE...the purpose of EQUIPPING the SAINTS.
And…you cannot EQUIP the SAINTS without the WORD OF GOD!
No matter how eloquent the sermon…no matter the wisdom we possess…no matter the charisma of our presentation…no matter the size of our congregation…no matter the INSPIRATIONAL VALUE of our words, NOTHING can replace and replicate the work of the Holy Spirit in illuminating the TRUTH of His Word for the EQUIPPING of the SAINTS!
In the totality of God's Word, the term INSPIRE (and any form of the word) is almost NONEXISTENT. In fact, the term INSPIRE (or any of its derivatives and/or forms) is only mentioned in a few various translations...and it does not appear in the original texts. The most prominent texts never use the term INSPIRE at it is never shown as the purpose for preaching/teaching.
Never be guilty of sending out the Army of God TOTALLY INSPIRED but WOEFULLY UNEQUIPPED!
Food for thought.
In Christ,
Ron Smith
Insight on Life, Scripture and the Journey for Christians and the Church
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
The Ballad of the Prosperity Preacher
“All to Jesus I surrender.”
That is what I preach out loud.
My Mercedes and my Jaguar
Parked beside my mansion now.
Some to Jesus I surrender.
“Give to get!” becomes my theme.
“Sow a harvest”:
Twisted message...selfish dreams.
I surrender some:
Demanding You to come!
“I bind You, Lord! You must obey me!”
I surrender some.
Some to Jesus I surrender.
Preaching only “Give to get!”
I will ever seek more riches.
Have no mercy: no regret.
Some to Jesus I surrender,
Only giving to receive.
I preach “God wants Christians wealthy!”
“Name it! Claim it: and receive!”
I surrender some:
Declaring ‘Wealth will come!”
Riches are my Lord and Master!
I surrender some.
Some to Jesus I surrender:
The rest is used to buy more homes.
Doctrines taught to prompt more giving:
The Gospel barely even shown.
Some to Jesus I surrender.
Mention Him to get the crowds.
Fame and fortune are my motives,
Never to be said out loud.
I surrender some.
To my conference come!
Multi million dollar profits:
Boy...the sheep are dumb!
Some to Jesus I surrender .
Scripture out of context preached.
Stories told promote the offering.
Greedy crowds...yet no lost reached.
Some to Jesus I surrender.
Truth is mixed with secret lies.
Poison taken in small doses
Hides the signs the body dies.
Surrender…”Why?” I say.
God made me this way!
Seeking wealth is now my passion!
“Sow your seed today!”
Less and less I now surrender:
Truth becomes a seldom thing.
The voice of God replaced by my word.
Lack of truth deception brings.
Less and less I now surrender.
I am now almost a god!
Anything I say is gospel!
The Truth now barely gets a nod.
Barely now do I surrender.
Pride has blinded wisdom now.
Books and CDs quickly selling!
Blinded sheep before me bow!
Truth has gone astray!
Greed now rules the day!
“You can live in greed and lust now!”
“Prosperity’s the way!”
I no longer will surrender.
I've become top dog in Church!
I'm declared "The Nation's Preacher"
I will never leave my perch!
None to Jesus I surrender.
I preach “Wealth!” and call it “Love!”
I got rich from bilking others,
Claiming it came from above.
All the sheep to me surrender.
Discernment now does not exist.
Bible knowledge nonexistent.
No one sees something's amiss!
Surrender now today!
Bow to what I say!
I’ve become a famous preacher,
So don’t get in my way!
All my critics should surrender!
My word has become the norm!
No one sees the sand beneath me!
No one sees the coming storm!
Scriptures taken out of context.
Doctrines taught not truly Word.
Deception reigns...Satanic darkness:
Truth is rarely ever heard!
None to Jesus...all for me now!
I will live in lavish style.
I claim “Jesus is my Master!”
Missing heaven by a mile!
I surrender none!
Satan has now won!
Mention Jesus for effect now:
Transformation done!
Homes and cars…my private airplane:
All to me I truly give!
No one seems to notice one thing:
I got rich from “To me give!”
I have all I want and need now.
I have served the god of wealth!
All my riches can’t prevent the
Lack of truth and lack of health!
All I’ve preached has been one big lie:
Riches did not greed fulfill!
I bought Satan’s lies of riches:
Turned away from God’s true will.
I surrendered none
And now my life is done.
"Depart from Me. I never knew you."
I never served the Son!
I surrendered none
You think I have won
The lake of fire my destination
God...what have I done!?
Eternity is lost!
Much too great a cost!
Greed and gain were not my savior!
Now my soul is lost!
Why to Satan I surrendered,
Why the lies I lived and preached?
Earthly gain is not the answer!
Now its you I want to reach!
You cannot serve God and money!
Jesus Christ should be your goal!
Do not bow to gods of mammon,
Sacrificing your own soul!
Stop the word of greed:
That's not what you need!
Seek ye first the Lord and Savior!
From deception flee!
Jesus is the way!
Read His Word and pray!
Stay away from greed and gain now.
Seek God first today!
Narrow is the way:
Take that path today.
Do not preach a greedy gospel!
Oh…the price you’ll pay!
“All to Jesus I surrender.”
That is what I preach out loud.
My Mercedes and my Jaguar
Parked beside my mansion now.
Some to Jesus I surrender.
“Give to get!” becomes my theme.
“Sow a harvest”:
Twisted message...selfish dreams.
I surrender some:
Demanding You to come!
“I bind You, Lord! You must obey me!”
I surrender some.
Some to Jesus I surrender.
Preaching only “Give to get!”
I will ever seek more riches.
Have no mercy: no regret.
Some to Jesus I surrender,
Only giving to receive.
I preach “God wants Christians wealthy!”
“Name it! Claim it: and receive!”
I surrender some:
Declaring ‘Wealth will come!”
Riches are my Lord and Master!
I surrender some.
Some to Jesus I surrender:
The rest is used to buy more homes.
Doctrines taught to prompt more giving:
The Gospel barely even shown.
Some to Jesus I surrender.
Mention Him to get the crowds.
Fame and fortune are my motives,
Never to be said out loud.
I surrender some.
To my conference come!
Multi million dollar profits:
Boy...the sheep are dumb!
Some to Jesus I surrender .
Scripture out of context preached.
Stories told promote the offering.
Greedy crowds...yet no lost reached.
Some to Jesus I surrender.
Truth is mixed with secret lies.
Poison taken in small doses
Hides the signs the body dies.
Surrender…”Why?” I say.
God made me this way!
Seeking wealth is now my passion!
“Sow your seed today!”
Less and less I now surrender:
Truth becomes a seldom thing.
The voice of God replaced by my word.
Lack of truth deception brings.
Less and less I now surrender.
I am now almost a god!
Anything I say is gospel!
The Truth now barely gets a nod.
Barely now do I surrender.
Pride has blinded wisdom now.
Books and CDs quickly selling!
Blinded sheep before me bow!
Truth has gone astray!
Greed now rules the day!
“You can live in greed and lust now!”
“Prosperity’s the way!”
I no longer will surrender.
I've become top dog in Church!
I'm declared "The Nation's Preacher"
I will never leave my perch!
None to Jesus I surrender.
I preach “Wealth!” and call it “Love!”
I got rich from bilking others,
Claiming it came from above.
All the sheep to me surrender.
Discernment now does not exist.
Bible knowledge nonexistent.
No one sees something's amiss!
Surrender now today!
Bow to what I say!
I’ve become a famous preacher,
So don’t get in my way!
All my critics should surrender!
My word has become the norm!
No one sees the sand beneath me!
No one sees the coming storm!
Scriptures taken out of context.
Doctrines taught not truly Word.
Deception reigns...Satanic darkness:
Truth is rarely ever heard!
None to Jesus...all for me now!
I will live in lavish style.
I claim “Jesus is my Master!”
Missing heaven by a mile!
I surrender none!
Satan has now won!
Mention Jesus for effect now:
Transformation done!
Homes and cars…my private airplane:
All to me I truly give!
No one seems to notice one thing:
I got rich from “To me give!”
I have all I want and need now.
I have served the god of wealth!
All my riches can’t prevent the
Lack of truth and lack of health!
All I’ve preached has been one big lie:
Riches did not greed fulfill!
I bought Satan’s lies of riches:
Turned away from God’s true will.
I surrendered none
And now my life is done.
"Depart from Me. I never knew you."
I never served the Son!
I surrendered none
You think I have won
The lake of fire my destination
God...what have I done!?
Eternity is lost!
Much too great a cost!
Greed and gain were not my savior!
Now my soul is lost!
Why to Satan I surrendered,
Why the lies I lived and preached?
Earthly gain is not the answer!
Now its you I want to reach!
You cannot serve God and money!
Jesus Christ should be your goal!
Do not bow to gods of mammon,
Sacrificing your own soul!
Stop the word of greed:
That's not what you need!
Seek ye first the Lord and Savior!
From deception flee!
Jesus is the way!
Read His Word and pray!
Stay away from greed and gain now.
Seek God first today!
Narrow is the way:
Take that path today.
Do not preach a greedy gospel!
Oh…the price you’ll pay!
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