Today, I sit to write what may be one of the most powerful revelations of truth which God has spoken to me in recent years.
There are so many reasons why even the silliest of false doctrines is dangerous, and it all begins with the SUPPLANTING of truth, as FALSE TEACHING replaces the spreading of the TRUE Gospel.
That alone makes any and all false teaching EXTREMELY dangerous, as it SILENCES the true message of Jesus Christ.
From that one base of operation, Satan extends the tentacles of his distortions and perversions into every nook and cranny of the Church, secretly and deceptively grabbing hold of those who sit in a false security, wrapped in their blankets of false doctrine which erroneously tells them “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.”
To be sure, that passage of Scripture is TRUTH…but those who believe in the many deceptions of Satan are not truly wrapped within the protection of the true Word of God.
And…it is really that simple: Satan’s desire is to deceive the Church into believing it is SAFE and SECURE…all the while, blinding the Church to the fact that it has long been busy developing property on the sandy shores of heretical teachings.
There are two basic, ongoing, and historic themes of false doctrine:
The prosperity gospel and the “name it claim it” doctrines.
The prosperity gospel, of which I have often spoken, is the erroneous belief that God promises EARTHLY WEALTH to everyone who becomes a believer. The old “name it, claim it” gospel is closely related to the prosperity gospel, yet it branches out into what is the modern day POSITIVE CONFESSION gospel. It is this POSITIVE CONFESSION gospel that I want to deal with today.
POSITIVE CONFESSION hinges on the belief that we CREATE our world by what we speak.
POSITIVE CONFESSION states that I must NEVER speak a NEGATIVE confession, which is noted as anything which verbalizes BAD things. As with any false doctrine, we find that the doctrine of POSITIVE CONFESSION is premised on a passage of Scripture…in this case, the twisted interpretation of Proverbs 18:21, which begins:
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue”.
Of course, in context, this passage is referring to EDIFICATION, clearly noted by the relationship expressed in verse 20 and the second half of verse 21 itself, which refers to FRUIT which brings nourishment to “a man’s stomach.”
Throughout Scripture, we never truly see ANY passage which gives CREATIVE POWER to the word’s of a man…regardless of the famous preachers who espouse such a false doctrine. There is only ONE Creator…and His CREATION will never possess the particular attributes of God which make Him God…and God ALONE.
We seek to possess His SPIRITUAL attributes: love, peace, joy, longsuffering, etc…but NEVER will we be OMNIPRESENT, OMNISCIENT, and OMNIPOTENT.
And neither will we ever become CREATOR.
As I have said before, our words have power in one realm only:
What we speak does have “power”…but it is in the ability to BUILD UP or to TEAR DOWN someone with our words.
To verbally ABUSE someone is destructive in nature. To TEAR DOWN someone verbally can “kill” their spirit, harming them emotionally. But I do not possess the ability to speak LITERAL DEATH on a person…to stand and say “I declare and speak DEATH on you: literal, physical death!”, at which point, the person falls dead!
In the same way, I do not possess the ability to speak LIFE on a person, past the ability to UPLIFT them with my words of support with kind words. I cannot walk into a grave yard and say “I command you to RISE! You who are dead…I speak LIFE into your bodies! Come forth!” with the result being EMPTY GRAVES.
Only GOD is in control of actual LIFE and DEATH…and both are in HIS hands, not OUR hands.
None of this negates our responsibility to PRAY…to pray for those who are struggling, for those who are sick, even for those who are dying. We are to pray in FAITH…BELIEVING that God can do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING…that NOTHING is impossible with God.
But...our FAITH is in God ALONE…not in the miraculous acts He alone can perform.
Therefore, I pray the prayer of faith for someone who is sick and/or dying…and I leave the RESULTS to God.
There is one thing we know for sure:
Every “faith teacher” gets sick…and they eventually die.
I said this once before in a blog:
I have noticed that the “faith teachers” are not immune from sickness and death…regardless of their “confessions”.
The success rate of the prayers of “faith teachers” are no better than the success rate of the prayers of ANY OTHER minister.
Regardless of their “confessions”, they experience the same sicknesses and troubles as we all do. The facts fully confirm that statement, as many have experienced diseases and sickness and troubles.
One noted “faith teacher” declared that he “did not allow sickness” in his home…although his own wife had cancer, going through treatments and medical procedures as prescribed by the doctors treating her.
That brings me to the primary reason for this writing today:
To expose the deception of Satan regarding such false doctrines, as Satan successfully replaces TRUTH with blatant LIES.
Notice in the example I gave above of the minister whose wife had (has?) cancer. In that particular instance, the “faith teacher” continued to DENY that his wife had cancer, even refusing to admit that fact for a time when confronted with questions about the issue.
This may sound so ELEMENTARY…so SIMPLE…yet, it seems to be an OVERLOOKED truth regarding those who propagate such erroneous teachings as the “faith teachers” regularly espouse…but, here is that elementary and simple truth:
To deny a “declare” that you are NOT sick when you ARE to be guilty of one thing:
We cannot change TRUTH regardless of our words or our actions. The phrase I coined approximately ten years ago remains true:
“Truth exists…whether we like it or not.”
Our OPINIONS on truth are IRRELEVANT. Our opinion does NOT make something TRUE. Only when our opinion is founded in the Word of God does our opinion even matter!
And, with that in mind, we must realize that the Word of God says that Jesus is “the way, the truth, and the life.”
And Jesus…TRUTH…has NOTHING to do with LYING!
My point?
First...let us recognize that POSITIVE CONFESSION is often nothing more than DENIAL and LYING.
I want you to read that statement several times…and then, I am asking that you let that truth sink deep into your spirit.
What are the ramifications of LYING under the guise of a POSITIVE CONFESSION?
Let me ask this…without considering the actual subject matter we are dealing with here:
Should the message coming from the PULPIT of the Church EVER be a LIE? Should we ever go to Church with the thought that LYING is acceptable in a sermon spoken by a man who claims he is called to be a PREACHER/PASTOR? Does the Bible state, “You shall be told a lie, and that lie will make you free.”…or…does the Bible say, “You shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free?”
Here is the example I have given before, using it again for the benefit of those who have not seen it before:
Let’s say I am driving down the highway and suddenly a police car appears behind me, the lights flashing as that piercing “warning siren” is used to notify me that he is there. I pull over, not sure of why I am being pulled over. The officer walks up to my window and says, “Sir, are you aware that your tail light is out?” I answer honestly, saying “No, officer, I was not aware of that.” Luckily, the officer gives me a warning.
The key here is this:
When driving, I cannot see the tail lights of my own vehicle. By the officer INFORMING me of the situation, I am now able to FIX the tail light.
You see...
We never attempt to CORRECT...what is wrong when we have no knowledge that something IS wrong.
My work deals with WATER DAMAGE...and we often find that the DAMAGE is due to an UNDETECTED PROBLEM that has remained HIDDEN...only being REVEALED when the EVIDENCE of the LEAK is revealed by VISIBLE DAMAGE.
No one EVER attempts to FIX a LEAK until EVIDENCE of the LEAK appears...and that EVIDENCE is DAMAGE!
KNOWING there is a PROBLEM is ESSENTIAL in FIXING a problem before it makes its presence known by VISIBLE DAMAGE!
We MUST know TRUTH in order to take care of whatever is WRONG.
So…how does a POSITIVE CONFESSION which is actually a LIE become so dangerous?
The POSITIVE CONFESSION often…and USUALLY…MASKS/COVERS the truth, not allowing the problem/sickness/sin to be taken care of!
Regarding sickness...the Bible tells us that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14).
The unbelievable intricacies of the human body are ASTOUNDING! God actually created our bodies to fight off disease and sickness, as our bodies miraculously work to HEAL THEMSELVES. And…some sicknesses actually HELP our bodies build up ANTIBODIES…allowing our body to gain strength as antibodies SEEK and DESTROY any unwelcome germs, viruses, and/or bacteria.
Even vaccines today are based on GOD’S design:
To introduce an “intruder” into the body, allowing the BODY ITSELF to then begin to work as God intended…as the body finds the best way to build up IMMUNITY to the introduced “intruder”.
It is simply AMAZING!
We all must admit…we are INDEED “fearfully and wonderfully made.”
Thus…we see that sickness itself serves a very valuable purpose, as it allows our body to build up ANTIBODIES which can fight off sickness and disease…even those MUCH WORSE than the sickness or disease that was just OVERCOME.
But...then we see ANOTHER problem with POSITIVE CONFESSION.
What does the Bible tell us to do when we ARE sick (That reality alone…the Bible actually noting that we will experience times of sickness…should be a major NEON SIGN that POSITIVE CONFESSION is simply unBiblical.)?
James 5:14 says, (NKJV) “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.”
Here…we find a MAJOR issue with POSITIVE CONFESSION.
How can I “call for the elders of the church” if I refuse to ADMIT that I am sick?
Just as POSITIVE CONFESSION can create situations of LYING, they often cause people to IGNORE and DISOBEY the Word of God!
You see…POSITIVE CONFESSION renders this portion of Scripture “unnecessary”, even relegating it to a “negative confession.”
In truth…POSITIVE CONFESSION denotes this passage of Scripture as “faithless”…placing it in the realm of “unbelief”. Thus, James 5:14 begins to be seen as WEAKNESS…and it is noted as being in OPPOSITION to the “power that lies within us…the power of our tongue to CREATE our world…to CREATE our healing…to speak faith-filled words instead of doubt-filled words.”
Can you see it?
Thus far, the false doctrine of POSITIVE CONFESSION has successfully caused many in the Church to speak LIES in place of TRUTH…and…it has successfully caused many in the Church to begin to IGNORE and DENY the very loving instruction of the Word of God, even causing the Word of God to be deemed IN ERROR at times!
Yes…Satan has truly deceived many when we see the Word of God…TRUTH…to be seen as IN ERROR and FALLIBLE. To believe the false doctrines of POSITIVE CONFESSION, much of Scripture MUST be rendered ERRONEOUS.
And…who would have ever thought we would see a time when the Church itself is actually HELPING society see the Word of God as a book which contains ERRORS!
Yet…that is the day in which we live…and THAT is the danger of FALSE TEACHING!
With all of that being said…there is one last reason why FALSE TEACHING/FALSE DOCTRINE is SO VERY DANGEROUS within the Church today.
This is something that God revealed to me during prayer yesterday…allowing me to realize that THIS is actually the MOST SERIOUS error…the most serious RESULT…of false teaching, especially in the realm of POSITIVE CONFESSION.
I am in the process of writing about the necessity of HEARING FROM GOD. God has spoken several things to me regarding DISCERNMENT in that realm.
Today, we see men and women who CLAIM to be hearing from God…yet, we can see that their WORDS do not measure up the what God has ALREADY SPOKEN in Scripture.
Suffice it to say…the measure of what is spoken is how it AGREES with the Word of God (the Bible).
I do not want to reveal what God is speaking to me regarding HEARING FROM GOD…but, suffice it to say, we MUST hear from Him!
He primarily does that through His WRITTEN WORD…but that MUST be accompanied by SOME personal times of communion with Him, with EVERY word we hear being measured by Scripture.
We know this:
God NEVER speaks in contradiction to His Word.
God WANTS to speak to us today: He LONGS for that communion with us! There is NOTHING more essential than our COMMUNICATION with God! If communication is broken…then trouble surely awaits!
And…it is this reality…this one truth…that we must keep in mind:
Satan wants our communication with God INTERRUPTED or fully BROKEN.
Thus…we can see this truth:
If God wants to speak to us…SO DOES SATAN!
The key?
Satan wants HIS voice to be heard IN PLACE OF the Voice of the Lord.
Satan wants HIS voice to be INDISTINGUISHABLE, as the voice of Satan is MISTAKEN for the Voice of God.
The ultimate goal of Satan is to SILENCE the Voice of God, replacing it with HIS OWN voice.
But many fail to recognize the subtle way in which Satan works, as he is noted in Scripture as a DECEIVER…entering in through men who are “wolves in sheep’s clothing.”
Matthew 7:15 NKJV "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”
Satan accomplishes this through TEACHING and PROPHECY…all of which are FALSE, opposing the truths of the Word of God.
Thus…we see that Satan works HEAVILY in the realm of what is being SPOKEN…and his focus is NOT outside the Church. Satan focuses on what is spoken WITHIN the Church!
Acts 20:29 says:
“For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.”
In EVERY case, Scripture shows us that Satan attacks THE FLOCK.
Can you see it?
And…the doctrines which are being espoused by “faith teachers” are actually part of Satan’s plan!
Once the message is COMPROMISED, Satan begins to FEAST on the FLOCK!
Now…here is what God so strongly impressed on me yesterday regarding false doctrine…especially in the realm of POSITIVE CONFESSION, which is built on the false interpretation of Proverbs 18:21 (quoted earlier):
The reason Satan has DECEIVED many with the false doctrine of POSITIVE CONFESSION is this:
What we speak IS powerful…and Satan wants to REPLACE the Word of God with the “confession” of man!
As I stated before, if I am sick, yet I proclaim a POSITIVE CONFESSION, saying “I am NOT sick!”, then I am CHOOSING to speak a LIE.
Yet…notice this about sickness: SICKNESS is REALIZED by the onset of SYMPTOMS.
So…what are SYMPTOMS?
Merriam-Webster defines SYMPTOMS thusly:
1. a: subjective evidence of disease or physical disturbance; broadly: something that indicates the presence of bodily disorder
b: an evident reaction by a plant to a pathogen
2. a: something that indicates the existence of something else <symptoms of an inner turmoil>
b: a slight indication : trace
SYMPTOMS are our NOTIFICATIONS which say, “Something is wrong!”
We should NEVER ignore SYMPTOMS!
The examples are endless:
Pains, swelling, bleeding…the list can go on and on.
It is in SYMPTOMS that we are given the ability to DISCOVER that SOMETHING IS WRONG.
My Dad recently had an unusual knot come up on his forehead. That knot was actually a SYMPTOM of something wrong…allowing an EXAMINATION of the knot, revealing a cancerous growth on my Dad’s forehead.
If not for that SYMPTOM, my Dad would not have known of the cancer which was present OUT OF VIEW/UNDER THE SKIN. Thus…it was the REVEALING POWER of the SYMPTOM which allowed for a proper DIAGNOSIS, which resulted in a surgical procedure which REMOVED the cancer.
Satan’s deceptive doctrine of POSITIVE CONFESSION is successfully blocking the realization of SYMPTOMS within the Body of Christ!
Instead of understanding the NECESSITY of SYMPTOMS…discerning the REVELATION which a SYMPTOM can bring…the Church is IGNORING the very things that bring KNOWLEDGE into the situations being faced, allowing the PROBLEMS and SINS and STRIFE and SICKNESSES to go UNCHECKED!
It begs the use of an old phrase:
The Church is IGNORING the need “to get to the root of the problem”, in many cases.
As with physical sickness and/or injuries, some SYMPTOMS only reveal a minor with a cut on the skin. I will call these SURFACE ISSUES.
Yet…even with SURFACE ISSUES…something seemingly “minor” in seriousness, when left untreated, can become a MAJOR issue. The smallest cut can become INFECTED…resulting in VERY SERIOUS problems and sickness…even leading to DEATH!
But…some SYMPTOMS are a revelation of a VERY SERIOUS issue…even from their first appearance!
And...IGNORING these SYMPTOMS can be catastrophic in the Church!
We can all recognize this truth:
Usually...IGNORING something will NOT make it go away!
In most cases…in almost EVERY case…there must be TREATMENT involved.
Now…with all of this in mind (and yes…I am aware of the lengthiness of this writing), let’s sum up the SPIRITUAL ramifications of the false doctrines of POSITIVE CONFESSION:
God WANTS to have communication with us.
God wants to GUIDE us in HIS ways.
God desires that we would follow Him in FAITH…trusting Him, realizing that He is looking out for us.
But...following Jesus requires us to traverse many different types of terrain.
We will find ourselves in valleys, on mountain tops, in deserts, in floods…and in every possible transition from one terrain to the other.
We will experience JOY and PAIN…LOSS and GAIN.
Throughout this walk of life, God will use SYMPTOMS to bring WARNING into our lives.
Whether SPIRITUAL or PHYSICAL, these SYMPTOMS serve a VITAL purpose:
Providing for us the KNOWLEDGE which speaks:
“Something is WRONG! You need to deal with this issue…IMMEDIATELY. Do not let it GROW and FESTER! Do not let it OVERWHELM your system! Do not let it lead to spiritual death! I am WARNING you because I LOVE you. Do not despise the onset of SYMPTOMS: they are My way of WARNING you…allowing you to do what is necessary to bring about a DIAGNOSIS and a TREATMENT…bringing HEALING to your body and spirit!”
When I ignore SYMPTOMS…I ignore the VOICE OF THE LORD in my life!
And…that is Satan’s goal with POSITIVE CONFESSION:
To get MY VOICE to speak in OPPOSITION to the Word of God.
God is often saying “You are sick.”...all for the purpose of REVEALING a need...the need that leads me to begin to PRAY and to SEEK Him.
And...what He REVEALS may be either a PHYSICAL or a SPIRITUAL sickness.
It is Satan’s desire that MY VOICE speaks in OPPOSITION to God…drowning out the Holy Spirit in my life.
In time...Satan knows that I will actually be PROGRAMMED to IGNORE and RENOUNCE the very VOICE OF GOD in my life!
The Church does not need POSITIVE CONFESSION…the Church needs TRUTH CONFESSION!
When the Church ADMITS its SICKNESSES, we can then seek God for the remedy of HEALING for what ails us.
We must not abandon the TRUTH for the false power of POSITIVE CONFESSION!
REALITY is more important than OZ!
The FAIRY TALE of OZ could not negate the TRUTH of KANSAS:
A horrible, destructive storm had ravaged the land…leaving DEATH and DESTRUCTION in its wake!
The WIZARD of OZ did NOT have any TRUE answers…and only GOD can bring us back to REALITY!
The Church must recognize the doctrines of POSITIVE CONFESSION for what they are:
Let the VOICE OF GOD be heard again! Let TRUTH be proclaimed UNIMPEDED! Let TRUTH do its work as it brings CHANGE and DELIVERANCE in ways that we cannot begin to imagine!
Let TRUTH silence the voice of Satan within the Church…allowing the work of GRACE to accomplish its purpose, bringing CONFESSION and REPENTANCE and TRANSFORMATION in the Body of Christ!
(Just a footnote: POSITIVE CONFESSION also leads its followers to label WORDS OF WARNING as “Negative confessions”. Thus…we must recognize that as God speaks WARNING to the WORLD and to the CHURCH in these last days, POSITIVE CONFESSION causes people to RENOUNCE and IGNORE the WARNINGS of the TRUE PROPHETS. This is EXACTLY what we see occurring when we read the WARNINGS of the Old Testament Prophets, as their voices were IGNORED. The people did not want to hear truth…so they refused to heed the WARNINGS of God which were spoken through the Prophets. The results were CATASTROPHIC!)
Insight on Life, Scripture and the Journey for Christians and the Church
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Monday, February 18, 2013
Infiltration and Indoctrination
Some ask, "How does false doctrine take root within the Church?" The answer is found in two words:
Merriam-Webster defines the word INFILTRATE thusly:
1. to cause (as a liquid) to permeate something by penetrating its pores or interstices
2. to pass into or through (a substance) by filtering or permeating
3. to pass (troops) singly or in small groups through gaps in the enemy line
4. to enter or become established in gradually or unobtrusively usually for subversive purposes <the intelligence staff had been infiltrated by spies>
to enter, permeate, or pass through a substance or area by filtering or by insinuating gradually
Merriam-Webster defines the word INDOCTRINATE thusly:
1. to instruct especially in fundamentals or rudiments : teach
2. to imbue with a usually partisan or sectarian opinion, point of view, or principle
INFILTRATION takes place as SERMONS OF MEN are valued ABOVE the Word of God...resulting in an ABSENCE of DISCERNMENT.
Acts 17:11 KJV “These [the Bereans] were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.”
INDOCTRINATION takes place as there is a GRADUAL DEPARTURE from the TRUTH.
1 Timothy 4:1 KJV “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;”
Notice these essentials:
1. The Bereans were EAGER to hear the TRUTH…not seeking to be ENTERTAINED but, instead, to be ENLIGHTENED.
2. The Bereans heard the sermons preached by Paul (as well as others), yet they never BELIEVED what was spoken until they had thoroughly “searched the Scriptures daily” for the purpose of CONFIRMING what was spoken..
3. The Bereans realized that what is spoken from a pulpit is not always TRUTH.
4. The Bereans realized that the FRUIT of a ministry is based on the ROOT of the ministry. In other words, what is spoken/preached/taught must be FIRMLY ESTABLISHED in the Word of God.
5. The Bereans realized that CONTEXT is ESSENTIAL. SERMONS may QUOTE the Word of God while not being ROOTED in the Word of God: a Scripture pulled FROM the Word of God (taken out of context) is no longer rooted IN the Word of God. (If you UPROOT a ROSE from the soil…it REMAINS a rose…but it is no longer ROOTED. Therefore…the rose cannot continue to GROW…nor can it continue to SURVIVE.)
6. The Bereans PROTECTED the TRUTH. They were UNWILLING to let ANY MAN deceive them. In so doing, they refused to be INFILTRATED and INDOCTRINATED.
Look again at the definition of INFILTRATE. Notice these words and phrases regarding infiltration:
1. To Permeate - the Word of God is DIFFUSED (not concentrated nor made the central focus)
2. To Penetrate - to enter by overcoming resistance
3. Filtering - subjecting the Word of God to a FILTER: to sift through to remove portions or particles
4. To pass through gaps - done through a LACK OF KNOWLEDGE regarding the Word of God
5. To enter in gradually - repeated teaching, done in incremental fashion
6. To enter in unobtrusively - due to lack of RESISTANCE (refusal to confront the error of the doctrine)
7. To enter in subversively - secretly introduced heresies which are SILENT KILLERS
8. To insinuate gradually - to introduce by stealthy, smooth, artful, subtle, indirect, and/or covert ways
But, in the SPIRITUAL realm, how does this apply? How can we further understand the POWER of the Word of God…the POWER we possess if we APPLY the Word of God to what we hear spoken from a pulpit?
What is the KEY?
We must understand that God NEVER intended for us to accept ANY teaching simply based on WHO the teacher is who fills the pulpit! Even though Paul and Silas had been commissioned by “the brethren”, the Bereans knew that the Word of God was TRUTH…and they knew that ANYTHING spoken…even if spoken by a REPUTABLE minister…must be MEASURED and EVALUATED in light of the TRUTH of the Word of God. Paul would write, “I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ. But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man. For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (Galatians 1:6-12 NKJV)
Paul uses this phrase…”but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ.” The word PERVERT refers to MUTATION or MORPHING. Imagine the old comic book character THE HULK…as the character DAVID BANNER morphs into a BEAST. In this same way, false teachers take the Word of God and they create a MUTATION…which is a teaching which GOES BEYOND the realm of TRUTH, as the false teaching actually GROWS BEYOND the ORIGINAL INTENT which God has PURPOSED for the passage being exegeted… creating a “new revelation” which is UPROOTED from the Word of God, with its ESSENTIAL CONNECTION to TRUTH being negated, separated, and eliminated. And…although it is seen as Scripture…the false teaching is based on Scripture REMOVED from is CONTEXT…thus, eliminating its TRUTH. Thus…the INCREDIBLE HULK (the false doctrine) begins to exist APART FROM David Banner (the truth…reality)…as the Word of God ceases to be the AUTHORITY in the matter.
There are many POPULAR TEACHINGS within the Church…the Body of Christ…which I would LOVE to ACCEPT and BELIEVE! We probably ALL need to admit that! I would LOVE for some teachings to be TRUE…being found ESTABLISHED and CONFIRMED by the Word of God! But we are not called to discover what we WANT and WISH to be true by the Word of God: we are called to discover what IS true!
NEVER be AFRAID or INTIMIDATED as you DARE to SEARCH the Word of God regarding what is spoken from the pulpit of your church as “Thus saith the Lord!” Too often, ministers and ministries present a “How dare you question what is being taught here!” attitude.
But…the reality and call of God through His Word is this:
How dare we NOT search the Word of God regarding what is being spoken from pulpits through “men of God” today! DARE to STUDY and KNOW the Word of God! DARE to NOT BELIEVE any teaching which cannot meet the scrutiny of STUDY and DISCERNMENT! DARE to QUESTION any and all teachings which are presented as “truth”…yet they appear “too good to be true” or they CONTRADICT other passages within the Word of God on the subject!
DARE to be as a BEREAN!
In Christ,
Merriam-Webster defines the word INFILTRATE thusly:
1. to cause (as a liquid) to permeate something by penetrating its pores or interstices
2. to pass into or through (a substance) by filtering or permeating
3. to pass (troops) singly or in small groups through gaps in the enemy line
4. to enter or become established in gradually or unobtrusively usually for subversive purposes <the intelligence staff had been infiltrated by spies>
to enter, permeate, or pass through a substance or area by filtering or by insinuating gradually
Merriam-Webster defines the word INDOCTRINATE thusly:
1. to instruct especially in fundamentals or rudiments : teach
2. to imbue with a usually partisan or sectarian opinion, point of view, or principle
INFILTRATION takes place as SERMONS OF MEN are valued ABOVE the Word of God...resulting in an ABSENCE of DISCERNMENT.
Acts 17:11 KJV “These [the Bereans] were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.”
INDOCTRINATION takes place as there is a GRADUAL DEPARTURE from the TRUTH.
1 Timothy 4:1 KJV “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;”
Notice these essentials:
1. The Bereans were EAGER to hear the TRUTH…not seeking to be ENTERTAINED but, instead, to be ENLIGHTENED.
2. The Bereans heard the sermons preached by Paul (as well as others), yet they never BELIEVED what was spoken until they had thoroughly “searched the Scriptures daily” for the purpose of CONFIRMING what was spoken..
3. The Bereans realized that what is spoken from a pulpit is not always TRUTH.
4. The Bereans realized that the FRUIT of a ministry is based on the ROOT of the ministry. In other words, what is spoken/preached/taught must be FIRMLY ESTABLISHED in the Word of God.
5. The Bereans realized that CONTEXT is ESSENTIAL. SERMONS may QUOTE the Word of God while not being ROOTED in the Word of God: a Scripture pulled FROM the Word of God (taken out of context) is no longer rooted IN the Word of God. (If you UPROOT a ROSE from the soil…it REMAINS a rose…but it is no longer ROOTED. Therefore…the rose cannot continue to GROW…nor can it continue to SURVIVE.)
6. The Bereans PROTECTED the TRUTH. They were UNWILLING to let ANY MAN deceive them. In so doing, they refused to be INFILTRATED and INDOCTRINATED.
Look again at the definition of INFILTRATE. Notice these words and phrases regarding infiltration:
1. To Permeate - the Word of God is DIFFUSED (not concentrated nor made the central focus)
2. To Penetrate - to enter by overcoming resistance
3. Filtering - subjecting the Word of God to a FILTER: to sift through to remove portions or particles
4. To pass through gaps - done through a LACK OF KNOWLEDGE regarding the Word of God
5. To enter in gradually - repeated teaching, done in incremental fashion
6. To enter in unobtrusively - due to lack of RESISTANCE (refusal to confront the error of the doctrine)
7. To enter in subversively - secretly introduced heresies which are SILENT KILLERS
8. To insinuate gradually - to introduce by stealthy, smooth, artful, subtle, indirect, and/or covert ways
But, in the SPIRITUAL realm, how does this apply? How can we further understand the POWER of the Word of God…the POWER we possess if we APPLY the Word of God to what we hear spoken from a pulpit?
What is the KEY?
We must understand that God NEVER intended for us to accept ANY teaching simply based on WHO the teacher is who fills the pulpit! Even though Paul and Silas had been commissioned by “the brethren”, the Bereans knew that the Word of God was TRUTH…and they knew that ANYTHING spoken…even if spoken by a REPUTABLE minister…must be MEASURED and EVALUATED in light of the TRUTH of the Word of God. Paul would write, “I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ. But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man. For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (Galatians 1:6-12 NKJV)
Paul uses this phrase…”but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ.” The word PERVERT refers to MUTATION or MORPHING. Imagine the old comic book character THE HULK…as the character DAVID BANNER morphs into a BEAST. In this same way, false teachers take the Word of God and they create a MUTATION…which is a teaching which GOES BEYOND the realm of TRUTH, as the false teaching actually GROWS BEYOND the ORIGINAL INTENT which God has PURPOSED for the passage being exegeted… creating a “new revelation” which is UPROOTED from the Word of God, with its ESSENTIAL CONNECTION to TRUTH being negated, separated, and eliminated. And…although it is seen as Scripture…the false teaching is based on Scripture REMOVED from is CONTEXT…thus, eliminating its TRUTH. Thus…the INCREDIBLE HULK (the false doctrine) begins to exist APART FROM David Banner (the truth…reality)…as the Word of God ceases to be the AUTHORITY in the matter.
There are many POPULAR TEACHINGS within the Church…the Body of Christ…which I would LOVE to ACCEPT and BELIEVE! We probably ALL need to admit that! I would LOVE for some teachings to be TRUE…being found ESTABLISHED and CONFIRMED by the Word of God! But we are not called to discover what we WANT and WISH to be true by the Word of God: we are called to discover what IS true!
NEVER be AFRAID or INTIMIDATED as you DARE to SEARCH the Word of God regarding what is spoken from the pulpit of your church as “Thus saith the Lord!” Too often, ministers and ministries present a “How dare you question what is being taught here!” attitude.
But…the reality and call of God through His Word is this:
How dare we NOT search the Word of God regarding what is being spoken from pulpits through “men of God” today! DARE to STUDY and KNOW the Word of God! DARE to NOT BELIEVE any teaching which cannot meet the scrutiny of STUDY and DISCERNMENT! DARE to QUESTION any and all teachings which are presented as “truth”…yet they appear “too good to be true” or they CONTRADICT other passages within the Word of God on the subject!
DARE to be as a BEREAN!
In Christ,
Friday, February 15, 2013
ILLUSIONS OF MINISTY: When "a form of godliness" fills the Pulpit
2 Timothy 3 (NKJV)
1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8 Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; 9 but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was. 10 But you have carefully followed my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, perseverance, 11 persecutions, afflictions, which happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra--what persecutions I endured. And out of them all the Lord delivered me. 12 Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. 13 But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14 But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 15 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
When the MESSAGE of our MINISTRY exists to promote our MINISTRY, then our MINISTRY ceases to actually MINISTER. Thus, the spreading of the GOSPEL ceases, and finances are no longer supporting the GOSPEL...they are simply financing a SELF-ADVERTISING RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION.
How often we hear the call, saying "Help me spread the Gospel"...yet, the Gospel is CONSPICUOUSLY ABSENT in the presentation!
As I watch Christian programming, I am overwhelmed at the ILLUSION of MINISTRY as the claim of "Spreading the Gospel" is made...yet the only mention of the Gospel is as a word in a ministry advertisement! In place of the Gospel, they have offered every possible doctrine and teaching which always seems to circle around one theme: "God wants you to sow a seed into this ministry...and if you obey God, He will bless you with earthly riches, fulfilling your every desire."
Many years ago, a man traveled from town to town promoting his attempt to lift a car over his head with one hand. Around town, posters depicted the man in a triumphant pose, his right hand firmly planted on his hip, as his left hand held aloft a large Chevy coupe. The townspeople were all talking...skeptic and believer alike. Excitement was in the air...and NO ONE was going to miss this event! As the time drew near, the crowd began to gather. One by one, the townspeople eagerly paid the price of admission, entering into the hidden arena and finding a seat. The anticipation was visibly evident in the crowd. Soon, the announcer entered the large circle as a microphone slowly lowered directly into the center. With a drum roll and the blast of trumpets, the announcer shouted, "Ladies and gentleman, tonight we will witness an attempt of a GREAT FEAT! The Great Strong Man will attempt to lift this car..."as a huge tarp was lifted, revealing the Chevy coupe..."not with TWO hands...but with only ONE hand! It is a dangerous test of superhuman strength! Now...I present to you...THE GREAT STRONG MAN!"
With that, The Great Strong Man ran into the circle, waving to the crowd and bowing repeatedly. Then...he held his hand up as if asking for silence. He turned and nodded toward the lone drummer...and the drum roll began! Bending slowly down, The Great Strong Man placed his hand on the support brackets specifically made to give balance during this amazing attempt. The drum roll grew louder, the crowd joining in with rhythmic clapping. Soon...the crowd was chanting together "Lift it! Lift it! Lift it!" Then...suddenly...The Great Strong Man strained with all his might, as his muscles bulged with the appearance that they would BURST at the slightest poke! Seconds passed...then minutes...yet, only one tire appeared to leave the ground...if only for one very brief moment. Within minutes, The Great Strong Man ceased his straining, shaking his head in disappointment as he looked in the direction of the announcer. The announcer sadly proclaimed, "Ladies and gentleman, tonight we have witnessed a noble attempt...yet, there are times when the body is weak, and the feat is just not possible. But...let's give The Great Strong Man a rousing applause for his grand attempt!" With that...the crowd left, a bit dejected and unfulfilled.
This scenario would be repeated in town after town...until, one day, a reporter sat down to interview The Great Strong Man. "How many times have you SUCCESSFULLY accomplished this great feat, sir?" Calmly, The Great Strong Man replied, "Never. I not once have claimed that I have ever actually LIFTED the car over my head with one hand: I have only said that I would ATTEMPT to accomplish so great a feat!"
This is a picture of many ministries they ask you to invest your finances into the "Spreading of the Gospel". With great advertising and with much "pomp and circumstance", the fanfare surrounding this coming "attempt at so great a feat" is proclaimed to all who will hear! As the excitement builds, the people are enthralled by the presentation...and they are eager to be a part of something so great! is here that reality should set in...if only the throngs of eager followers would look with discerning eyes! The futile attempt at the "great feat" is more powerful in its ADVERTISING than it is in its PERFORMANCE! Day in and day out...the fanfare surrounding the "coming attempt" FAR OUTWEIGHS any actual accomplishment of the advertised ACT. Actually...the financial resources are almost EXCLUSIVELY invested in the ADVERTISING of the ATTEMPT...while any ACTUAL attempt is FLIMSY and FUTILE in its execution. You most cases...the feat has never truly been done! The TRUE Gospel has been replaced by the FUND RAISING the "Spreading of the Gospel" has become the great HOOK LINE which draws in donors. Yet, the reality is this: the MESSAGE of these ministries is not TRULY the GOSPEL...the MESSAGE is the PRESENTATION OF A FUTILE EFFORT at some FUTURE ATTEMPT! The claim becomes "We need your financial support to fund our next attempt!"
In truth, the focus of the ministry has shifted from one of actually "Spreading the Gospel" to one of "Sow a seed into our ministry to allow God to prosper you as we make very few actual attempts at spreading the Gospel, focusing our attention almost EXCLUSIVELY on pleas for support, sprinkled with excerpts from our CRUSADES in which you can witness claims of physical healings of no visible sickness or disease, financial returns on 'sown seed', and a complete listing of our scheduled appearances for the upcoming months and year."
... OR...
"Sow a seed into our ministry as we offer you an encouraging, non-judgmental, non-sin-confronting, totally positive, favor-speaking, blessing-declaring, sin-accepting, obedience-denying, Bible-distorting, lie-filled, Satan-inspired, self-seeking, power-lacking, entertainment-filled church service! Join the masses as they flock to our church! Our large membership and huge attendance is PROOF that Jesus is on our we affirm that homosexuals can go to heaven...because we will ALL go to heaven with SOME type of sin! And...we affirm our Islamic brothers and we enter into ministry together (promising NOT to try to evangelize/steal each other's faithful believers!) to meet the societal needs of our community, setting aside Biblical truth in a religious unity in an effort to stamp out in INTOLERANCE in our hearts! We firmly renounce any LAW which demands OBEDIENCE to the TRUTHS of the Word of God, choosing EXTREME GRACE which covers our we call people to 'COME TO JESUS AS YOU ARE...TRUE CHANGE IS NOT NEEDED: freely LEAVE the Cross the same way you CAME to the Cross!' Come join our we seek to welcome you into our exciting presence...and under our impressive influence!"
Yes...we live in a day when the ILLUSION of ministry is greater than the TRUE spreading of the Gospel...and a day when defending the faith is called "being judgmental" and/or "legalism" and/or "negative thinking"...while false doctrine is held up as "new revelation" and/or "spiritual insight"...with declarations of "I got a word!" and/or "God wants Christians wealthy!" and/or "There are many paths to God!" and/or "Gold dust appeared in our service!" and/or "This is your year!" and/or "Favor! Favor! Favor! Blessing! Blessing! Blessing!"
Yes...The Great Strong Man has become an ORDAINED MINISTER...and his MINISTRY is EXPANDING and EXPLODING...right in our very faces! isn't "Coming to a church near you!": it is "Now at a church near you!" And it MAY BE appearing at your church next Sunday!
1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8 Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; 9 but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was. 10 But you have carefully followed my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, perseverance, 11 persecutions, afflictions, which happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra--what persecutions I endured. And out of them all the Lord delivered me. 12 Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. 13 But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14 But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 15 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
When the MESSAGE of our MINISTRY exists to promote our MINISTRY, then our MINISTRY ceases to actually MINISTER. Thus, the spreading of the GOSPEL ceases, and finances are no longer supporting the GOSPEL...they are simply financing a SELF-ADVERTISING RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION.
How often we hear the call, saying "Help me spread the Gospel"...yet, the Gospel is CONSPICUOUSLY ABSENT in the presentation!
As I watch Christian programming, I am overwhelmed at the ILLUSION of MINISTRY as the claim of "Spreading the Gospel" is made...yet the only mention of the Gospel is as a word in a ministry advertisement! In place of the Gospel, they have offered every possible doctrine and teaching which always seems to circle around one theme: "God wants you to sow a seed into this ministry...and if you obey God, He will bless you with earthly riches, fulfilling your every desire."
Many years ago, a man traveled from town to town promoting his attempt to lift a car over his head with one hand. Around town, posters depicted the man in a triumphant pose, his right hand firmly planted on his hip, as his left hand held aloft a large Chevy coupe. The townspeople were all talking...skeptic and believer alike. Excitement was in the air...and NO ONE was going to miss this event! As the time drew near, the crowd began to gather. One by one, the townspeople eagerly paid the price of admission, entering into the hidden arena and finding a seat. The anticipation was visibly evident in the crowd. Soon, the announcer entered the large circle as a microphone slowly lowered directly into the center. With a drum roll and the blast of trumpets, the announcer shouted, "Ladies and gentleman, tonight we will witness an attempt of a GREAT FEAT! The Great Strong Man will attempt to lift this car..."as a huge tarp was lifted, revealing the Chevy coupe..."not with TWO hands...but with only ONE hand! It is a dangerous test of superhuman strength! Now...I present to you...THE GREAT STRONG MAN!"
With that, The Great Strong Man ran into the circle, waving to the crowd and bowing repeatedly. Then...he held his hand up as if asking for silence. He turned and nodded toward the lone drummer...and the drum roll began! Bending slowly down, The Great Strong Man placed his hand on the support brackets specifically made to give balance during this amazing attempt. The drum roll grew louder, the crowd joining in with rhythmic clapping. Soon...the crowd was chanting together "Lift it! Lift it! Lift it!" Then...suddenly...The Great Strong Man strained with all his might, as his muscles bulged with the appearance that they would BURST at the slightest poke! Seconds passed...then minutes...yet, only one tire appeared to leave the ground...if only for one very brief moment. Within minutes, The Great Strong Man ceased his straining, shaking his head in disappointment as he looked in the direction of the announcer. The announcer sadly proclaimed, "Ladies and gentleman, tonight we have witnessed a noble attempt...yet, there are times when the body is weak, and the feat is just not possible. But...let's give The Great Strong Man a rousing applause for his grand attempt!" With that...the crowd left, a bit dejected and unfulfilled.
This scenario would be repeated in town after town...until, one day, a reporter sat down to interview The Great Strong Man. "How many times have you SUCCESSFULLY accomplished this great feat, sir?" Calmly, The Great Strong Man replied, "Never. I not once have claimed that I have ever actually LIFTED the car over my head with one hand: I have only said that I would ATTEMPT to accomplish so great a feat!"
This is a picture of many ministries they ask you to invest your finances into the "Spreading of the Gospel". With great advertising and with much "pomp and circumstance", the fanfare surrounding this coming "attempt at so great a feat" is proclaimed to all who will hear! As the excitement builds, the people are enthralled by the presentation...and they are eager to be a part of something so great! is here that reality should set in...if only the throngs of eager followers would look with discerning eyes! The futile attempt at the "great feat" is more powerful in its ADVERTISING than it is in its PERFORMANCE! Day in and day out...the fanfare surrounding the "coming attempt" FAR OUTWEIGHS any actual accomplishment of the advertised ACT. Actually...the financial resources are almost EXCLUSIVELY invested in the ADVERTISING of the ATTEMPT...while any ACTUAL attempt is FLIMSY and FUTILE in its execution. You most cases...the feat has never truly been done! The TRUE Gospel has been replaced by the FUND RAISING the "Spreading of the Gospel" has become the great HOOK LINE which draws in donors. Yet, the reality is this: the MESSAGE of these ministries is not TRULY the GOSPEL...the MESSAGE is the PRESENTATION OF A FUTILE EFFORT at some FUTURE ATTEMPT! The claim becomes "We need your financial support to fund our next attempt!"
In truth, the focus of the ministry has shifted from one of actually "Spreading the Gospel" to one of "Sow a seed into our ministry to allow God to prosper you as we make very few actual attempts at spreading the Gospel, focusing our attention almost EXCLUSIVELY on pleas for support, sprinkled with excerpts from our CRUSADES in which you can witness claims of physical healings of no visible sickness or disease, financial returns on 'sown seed', and a complete listing of our scheduled appearances for the upcoming months and year."
... OR...
"Sow a seed into our ministry as we offer you an encouraging, non-judgmental, non-sin-confronting, totally positive, favor-speaking, blessing-declaring, sin-accepting, obedience-denying, Bible-distorting, lie-filled, Satan-inspired, self-seeking, power-lacking, entertainment-filled church service! Join the masses as they flock to our church! Our large membership and huge attendance is PROOF that Jesus is on our we affirm that homosexuals can go to heaven...because we will ALL go to heaven with SOME type of sin! And...we affirm our Islamic brothers and we enter into ministry together (promising NOT to try to evangelize/steal each other's faithful believers!) to meet the societal needs of our community, setting aside Biblical truth in a religious unity in an effort to stamp out in INTOLERANCE in our hearts! We firmly renounce any LAW which demands OBEDIENCE to the TRUTHS of the Word of God, choosing EXTREME GRACE which covers our we call people to 'COME TO JESUS AS YOU ARE...TRUE CHANGE IS NOT NEEDED: freely LEAVE the Cross the same way you CAME to the Cross!' Come join our we seek to welcome you into our exciting presence...and under our impressive influence!"
Yes...we live in a day when the ILLUSION of ministry is greater than the TRUE spreading of the Gospel...and a day when defending the faith is called "being judgmental" and/or "legalism" and/or "negative thinking"...while false doctrine is held up as "new revelation" and/or "spiritual insight"...with declarations of "I got a word!" and/or "God wants Christians wealthy!" and/or "There are many paths to God!" and/or "Gold dust appeared in our service!" and/or "This is your year!" and/or "Favor! Favor! Favor! Blessing! Blessing! Blessing!"
Yes...The Great Strong Man has become an ORDAINED MINISTER...and his MINISTRY is EXPANDING and EXPLODING...right in our very faces! isn't "Coming to a church near you!": it is "Now at a church near you!" And it MAY BE appearing at your church next Sunday!
Friday, February 8, 2013
RELEVANCE without REASON: The Satanic Attack on the Simplicity of the Gospel
I went shopping the other day. As I looked at various items…clothes, house wares, etc…I shopped based on my personal tastes. That makes sense to me. Now, of course, we all have SOME propensity to shop for SOME things with others in mind. I mean, who wants to wear clothes that everyone considers RIDICULOUS! But, as I looked/shopped, I realized something…I do not look for things that I already have. Now, I am not saying I do not shop for SIMILAR things…even though, when it comes to jeans, I primarily buy Levi’s 501 jeans only…but I do not go buy the exact same shirt that I already have at home. Similar maybe…but not JUST like the one I already have. I buy things I like…but I want to wear a shirt that I like one day and ANOTHER shirt that I like ANOTHER day. What would be the point of buying 10 shirts EXACTLY the same and wearing them? I guess buying and wearing 10 would keep that particular group of shirts cleaner and allow me to wear that group of shirts for a LONG time, but I think that is…and would be…just a bit odd. I just do not need ANOTHER shirt like the one I ALREADY have. And, I realize that this same principle applies in the Church…and its search for RELEVANCE.
RELEVANCE has become “THE” Christian buzzword of this generation. Well, that and RELATIONSHIP. And both of these ideas are good ones…Biblical ones. That is….as long as they REMAIN Biblically based and Scripturally sound. As with any Christian, any minister, any disciple of Jesus…I want to have an impact on humanity. I want to reach out and give of myself to minister and witness to those who do not know Jesus as their Savior. I want to help those who DO accept Jesus to grow into more than followers and to become disciples of Jesus. From there, I hope to help each one become an apostle for the cause of Christ. That brings me back to my previous thought…RELEVANCE. The Church seems to be searching for it…but how will they know when they find it?
Is RELEVANCE simply POPULARITY? Can RELEVANCE be measured by church attendance? And I am curious…when did the Church LOSE its RELEVANCE? And…is it THE Church that needs relevance…is it YOUR church that needs RELEVANCE…is it YOU that needs RELEVANCE? What EXACTLY has become IRRELEVANT?
I guess the reason I am so confused by it all is that I read A LOT …A LOT…of Christian material and A LOT…A LOT…of other material (news online, newspapers, TV news, etc). I study and read the Bible A LOT…A LOT. I do not say any of this in a “look at me” kind of way. But, with all that I read…I have yet to see any REAL and BIBLICAL thought on being RELEVANT. I know it is a popular idea today to search for it…but, if so many are searching for RELEVANCE, then when did so many LOSE their RELEVANCE? And, if they have become IRRELEVANT, do they matter in this discussion…aren’t they, by admission, IRRELEVANT to all of this? That seems implausible to me…I would consider every creation of God RELEVANT. So…it, and they, must mean something different…you think?
The Church has certainly jumped on the “buzzword” bandwagon over the years. Some of it has been downright hilarious. Some words and phrases coined over the years have even been mistaken for SCRIPTURE. Sad…but true. Today, these words and/or phrases are CONSTANTLY being mentioned on Christian TV and in pulpits across American: A NEW SEASON, THE YEAR OF…., THE SPIRIT OF LACK, THE SPIRIT OF POVERTY, STEP INTO…., CLAIM…, PROPHETIC, FIRE, DESTINY…I could go on and on. Many of these words have some truth…many are spiritual hogwash. Some ministers create a “SPIRIT OF…” for every sin. That is just a modern day version of “The devil made me do it” syndrome.
What is my point in all of this? First, it is to say that “buzzwords” are just that…BUZZWORDS. But, too many times ministers are simply using a “word of the day” mentality…taking that word and “PROCLAIMING” it to a congregation. Just as in the Word of God, the Lord spoke many things…but in each case Jesus did NOT get a “buzzword” that He liked and use it to SOUND spiritual. Jesus spoke truth that was needed. Jesus spoke life. Jesus spoke to the SPECIFIC needs of those He encountered. Today, it often seems quite the contrary happens. Words get spoken for reactions. Ministers use “buzzwords” and hype to get a shout…or, in most cases, to get an offering.
Now…back to RELEVANCE. That is what ALL ministries are claiming and/or searching for in the Church today, it seems. But…I have to be honest…and I have to be true to God’s Spirit as He speaks to MY spirit. In ALMOST every case…I cannot find what they are searching for. In each case…I do not see that the ministry or church is seeking relevance…they are seeking popularity and better attendance! Why do I say that? Because what they claim, or change, to be RELEVANT is always based on APPEALING to the masses…APPEALING to the lost…APPEALING to the world. And it is there that I lose my understanding of their motives and ministry.
There are so many passages in the Word of God that tell us that the proclamation of the Gospel will not be popular. The Bible also tells us that those who proclaim the Gospel will NOT be widely accepted or even liked. Scripture also tells us that the gate/path to ETERNAL LIFE is narrow and only a FEW will find it. On top of all of that, I am DEFINITELY sure of this…being APPEALING is OFTEN times ANYTHING BUT being relevant. Even Satan uses the APPEAL of many things to ensnare humanity. It is the very idea of something APPEALING to our flesh that brings on the thought of sin, and when that APPEAL is harbored within us, it brings forth sin.
It is with all of this in my thoughts and spirit that I write this warning: THE SEARCH FOR RELEVANCE IS CAUSING A MISTAKEN FOCUS ON APPEALING TO THE MASSES!
Jesus lived on this earth approximately 2000 years ago. He came as a man…as the Son of God…to redeem mankind. He ministered for 3+ years, he was crucified, he arose on the 3rd day, and He is present with God the Father even now. Jesus did all of this so that we would not be condemned…He did it all so that EVERYONE could have eternal life. We accept this through BELIEF….FAITH….and Jesus gives salvation by grace. There is NOTHING irrelevant about that! It is totally RELEVANT!
Jesus, God’s Living Word, and His Written Word are relevant in every life, in every church, in every country on every continent. And all that He did….all that He said…all that He Is….can NEVER be made IRRELEVANT! The Gospel of Jesus Christ is always RELEVANT! And the message of the Gospel is the NUMBER ONE priority of the Church! The message of the Church, therefore, should always be RELEVANT!
Sadly, the Church’s focus and claim to be “searching for RELEVANCE” is, in essence, telling the world that….somehow….the message of “Jesus Christ and Him crucified” has become IRRELEVANT. Yet, the Church will only become IRRELEVANT if it ceases to preach and proclaim that message! And….sadly….it is beginning to do just that!
The Church has become APPEAL focused. The Church has become ATTENDANCE focused. The Church has become SELF focused. In doing so….the Church has made the GOSPEL a secondary issue. The thought is this: “We need to get them here to reach them (the lost). So, we must APPEAL to them.” Really? Really? REALLY? Paul would write to Timothy and say it this way: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” (2 Timothy 4:3-4) Paul is writing about this very subject: APPEALING to the listeners.
It is here that the Church fails to recognize why it is losing influence in the world today. It is here that the Church fails to see that the statistics by George Barna regarding the loss of Biblical truths within the Church are NOT a reason to try different ways to APPEAL to the masses…but, instead, the statistics SHOULD lead us to realize that all the modern ideas of entertainment and APPEAL built into modern “worship” are destroying the foundations of the Church! In trying to PLEASE the masses…the Church has quit being RELEVANT. Why? Remember my story at the beginning of this writing: my recent shopping trip? That story applies here.
This generation has almost every possible device, game, gadget and “new idea” at its immediate disposal. I am AMAZED at what kids have today! Even before many go to elementary school, they already have things that most adults never had 20 years ago. We live at a time when it seems “the sky is the limit.” With all that kids have today…they STILL get bored. There just doesn’t seem to be enough to keep them happy. Therein lies the problem: in my day, in my generation, my parents…THANK GOD…did not seem to focus so much on my HAPPINESS! They, instead, focused on my WELL-BEING! And trust me…there IS a difference.
With all of this in mind, I have come to realize…not on my own, but through prayer and through God’s Spirit…that the Church has become just like most parents today: it is in the “make them happy” business. APPEALING TO THE MASSES has become the “LAW OF MINISTRY”. Yet, notice with me some examples from the business world that gives us insight to reality: BEST BUY is struggling to survive, office supply stores are closing down, KMart/Sears is on the verge of disappearing, and other businesses of various kinds that were once so POPULAR have now found themselves struggling. In a market driven world, when people quit buying, businesses close their doors. But…the Church is, and never was supposed to be, a business. Yet, many churches are finding the same problems. But, unlike in business, the Church was…is…WRONG to ever base its success on APPEALING to the masses.
If you are like me, you would agree with my opening story of shopping. So, let me ask this: would you even enter the doors of a store that ONLY had…ONLY offered…items that you ALREADY HAVE? If you looked through the windows of a department store and, in every area, you saw shirts that were EXACTLY like ones you already have at home, would you bother going in? And if you did go in and have a look…finding that the store DID INDEED only have things EXACTLY like you already have…would you ever bother going back? I think not. This is the problem with the Church today.
The Church, in its search for RELEVANCE, has been supplying the masses with things they want. In the realm of music, the problem IS NOT music that is modern and new…the problem is the FOCUS of the music and how it is presented. And…using the term PRESENTED is appropriate. It was a great time when the Church began to leave behind what we called “song service” and began to utilize and enter into a time of WORSHIP as a body of believers. That change from simply singing Christian songs to actually using songs to focus on Jesus and to worship Him was…and remains…a powerful aspect of ministry in the Church. But many fail to see that MANY songs considered WORSHIP today are NOT worship songs at all…they may be good Christian songs, but they are not WORSHIP. I have said it before and I say it again…even PRAISE and WORSHIP are not the same thing. I can praise anyone for anything…yet WORSHIP is much more. In a figurative sense…and maybe we should make it more literal…BOWING is maybe the ultimate act of WORSHIP in Scripture. That act alone shows our reverence to God…showing He is above us, we are below Him, that He is the Supreme God of the Universe, that HE IS ABOVE ALL. Here is an example of a SONG OF WORSHIP:
“Worship You…I will worship You. Lord, in this place I seek your face and worship you. Through all my days I will give you praise…Lord, in this place my hands I raise, and Lord I worship You.” (WORSHIP YOU by Rick Riso)
Notice the focus of the words: they are from CREATION to CREATOR…from me to God. The focus here is upward. That is ALWAYS the direction of worship. But today, I sit through services where MOST songs are SELF focused…or even OUTWARD focused…with very few songs actually UPWARD focused. Instead of paying attention to FOCUS and DIRECTION during worship, the Church has bought in to songs with admittedly beautiful lyrics and beautiful melodies…but many of these beautiful songs have NOTHING to do with worship. I recently even sat through what could be considered nothing more than a PERFORMANCE…yet they called it WORSHIP. It was complete with cute moves and staging for all to see. The worship team moved into groups at one point, they did cute hand motions, they bounced and moved to the beat together…a nice PERFORMANCE. But NOT worship. There is NO WAY to focus on what THEY were doing while still focusing ON GOD! What they did was for VISUAL EFFECT…to appeal to those watching. Somehow…they forgot the intent: to put ALL FOCUS ON GOD. Now, music is just ONE very visible example of this problem. But it does paint the picture of how we give the masses the style of music…the style of ministry…they want, yet we leave out the necessary SUBSTANCE to make it real.
All of these ideas and words have culminated in this: the Church mistook APPEAL for RELEVANCE…and in appealing to the masses, it actually began to offer to the masses EXACTLY what they can get…and have….outside of the Church. Thus, this MASS APPEAL may have gotten people to come see what we offer…but it also caused the masses to realize the Church was not offering anything beyond what they already have! And, worst of all, the masses saw no difference in those who labeled themselves as CHRISTIANS and those who did NOT take on the Christian label. In essence, the masses were offered much of the same things that they already had…and they saw that what they were offered didn’t seem to have ANY effect on those who already HAD it. They saw a WORDLY Church that offered no real change.
Whether I have spoken all of this in the best possible way I do not know. I sat today and simply wrote from the heart in a way that I would say it to anyone in person. But, I know this: the Church must return to being DIFFERENT and DISTINCTIVE from the world…rather than seeking ways to be more LIKE the world. It is JESUS CHRIST that makes us different. It is our desire to please HIM that makes us different. It is our adherence to HIS WORD that makes us different. We must be a part of the world…but we must not let the world be a part of us. We have tried to make the Gospel palatable…yet we made it weak and phony. In an effort to be NON-OFFENSIVE, we started using terms such as CHURCHED and UNCHURCHED…when the truth is we are all either SAVED or UNSAVED. CHURCHED is irrelevant…SAVED is RELEVANT!
I think the Church should do this: stop offering the masses the same ol’ shirt! We CAN be RELEVANT…but RELEVANT is NOT synonymous with APPEALING. We can try all we want…but the Bible says…and will ALWAYS say…the GOSPEL is an offence to those who do not believe. The Gospel, I admit, is HARD to believe. It is HARD to live. But…it is believed and lived by FAITH! It is not accepted by being APPEALING…it is accepted by FAITH. And the Gospel is ESPECIALLY this: RELEVANT!
I pray the Church again begins to let the HOLY SPIRIT do HIS work…the work of drawing men to Christ. I pray the Church then again begins to simply preach the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST and again makes strong disciples out of all believers. In doing so, I pray the Church leaves the four walls of its buildings and again begins to go out, witnessing everywhere they go, proclaiming the good news…the GOSPEL. I pray the Church does this: dares to be DIFFERENT!
RELEVANCE has become “THE” Christian buzzword of this generation. Well, that and RELATIONSHIP. And both of these ideas are good ones…Biblical ones. That is….as long as they REMAIN Biblically based and Scripturally sound. As with any Christian, any minister, any disciple of Jesus…I want to have an impact on humanity. I want to reach out and give of myself to minister and witness to those who do not know Jesus as their Savior. I want to help those who DO accept Jesus to grow into more than followers and to become disciples of Jesus. From there, I hope to help each one become an apostle for the cause of Christ. That brings me back to my previous thought…RELEVANCE. The Church seems to be searching for it…but how will they know when they find it?
Is RELEVANCE simply POPULARITY? Can RELEVANCE be measured by church attendance? And I am curious…when did the Church LOSE its RELEVANCE? And…is it THE Church that needs relevance…is it YOUR church that needs RELEVANCE…is it YOU that needs RELEVANCE? What EXACTLY has become IRRELEVANT?
I guess the reason I am so confused by it all is that I read A LOT …A LOT…of Christian material and A LOT…A LOT…of other material (news online, newspapers, TV news, etc). I study and read the Bible A LOT…A LOT. I do not say any of this in a “look at me” kind of way. But, with all that I read…I have yet to see any REAL and BIBLICAL thought on being RELEVANT. I know it is a popular idea today to search for it…but, if so many are searching for RELEVANCE, then when did so many LOSE their RELEVANCE? And, if they have become IRRELEVANT, do they matter in this discussion…aren’t they, by admission, IRRELEVANT to all of this? That seems implausible to me…I would consider every creation of God RELEVANT. So…it, and they, must mean something different…you think?
The Church has certainly jumped on the “buzzword” bandwagon over the years. Some of it has been downright hilarious. Some words and phrases coined over the years have even been mistaken for SCRIPTURE. Sad…but true. Today, these words and/or phrases are CONSTANTLY being mentioned on Christian TV and in pulpits across American: A NEW SEASON, THE YEAR OF…., THE SPIRIT OF LACK, THE SPIRIT OF POVERTY, STEP INTO…., CLAIM…, PROPHETIC, FIRE, DESTINY…I could go on and on. Many of these words have some truth…many are spiritual hogwash. Some ministers create a “SPIRIT OF…” for every sin. That is just a modern day version of “The devil made me do it” syndrome.
What is my point in all of this? First, it is to say that “buzzwords” are just that…BUZZWORDS. But, too many times ministers are simply using a “word of the day” mentality…taking that word and “PROCLAIMING” it to a congregation. Just as in the Word of God, the Lord spoke many things…but in each case Jesus did NOT get a “buzzword” that He liked and use it to SOUND spiritual. Jesus spoke truth that was needed. Jesus spoke life. Jesus spoke to the SPECIFIC needs of those He encountered. Today, it often seems quite the contrary happens. Words get spoken for reactions. Ministers use “buzzwords” and hype to get a shout…or, in most cases, to get an offering.
Now…back to RELEVANCE. That is what ALL ministries are claiming and/or searching for in the Church today, it seems. But…I have to be honest…and I have to be true to God’s Spirit as He speaks to MY spirit. In ALMOST every case…I cannot find what they are searching for. In each case…I do not see that the ministry or church is seeking relevance…they are seeking popularity and better attendance! Why do I say that? Because what they claim, or change, to be RELEVANT is always based on APPEALING to the masses…APPEALING to the lost…APPEALING to the world. And it is there that I lose my understanding of their motives and ministry.
There are so many passages in the Word of God that tell us that the proclamation of the Gospel will not be popular. The Bible also tells us that those who proclaim the Gospel will NOT be widely accepted or even liked. Scripture also tells us that the gate/path to ETERNAL LIFE is narrow and only a FEW will find it. On top of all of that, I am DEFINITELY sure of this…being APPEALING is OFTEN times ANYTHING BUT being relevant. Even Satan uses the APPEAL of many things to ensnare humanity. It is the very idea of something APPEALING to our flesh that brings on the thought of sin, and when that APPEAL is harbored within us, it brings forth sin.
It is with all of this in my thoughts and spirit that I write this warning: THE SEARCH FOR RELEVANCE IS CAUSING A MISTAKEN FOCUS ON APPEALING TO THE MASSES!
Jesus lived on this earth approximately 2000 years ago. He came as a man…as the Son of God…to redeem mankind. He ministered for 3+ years, he was crucified, he arose on the 3rd day, and He is present with God the Father even now. Jesus did all of this so that we would not be condemned…He did it all so that EVERYONE could have eternal life. We accept this through BELIEF….FAITH….and Jesus gives salvation by grace. There is NOTHING irrelevant about that! It is totally RELEVANT!
Jesus, God’s Living Word, and His Written Word are relevant in every life, in every church, in every country on every continent. And all that He did….all that He said…all that He Is….can NEVER be made IRRELEVANT! The Gospel of Jesus Christ is always RELEVANT! And the message of the Gospel is the NUMBER ONE priority of the Church! The message of the Church, therefore, should always be RELEVANT!
Sadly, the Church’s focus and claim to be “searching for RELEVANCE” is, in essence, telling the world that….somehow….the message of “Jesus Christ and Him crucified” has become IRRELEVANT. Yet, the Church will only become IRRELEVANT if it ceases to preach and proclaim that message! And….sadly….it is beginning to do just that!
The Church has become APPEAL focused. The Church has become ATTENDANCE focused. The Church has become SELF focused. In doing so….the Church has made the GOSPEL a secondary issue. The thought is this: “We need to get them here to reach them (the lost). So, we must APPEAL to them.” Really? Really? REALLY? Paul would write to Timothy and say it this way: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” (2 Timothy 4:3-4) Paul is writing about this very subject: APPEALING to the listeners.
It is here that the Church fails to recognize why it is losing influence in the world today. It is here that the Church fails to see that the statistics by George Barna regarding the loss of Biblical truths within the Church are NOT a reason to try different ways to APPEAL to the masses…but, instead, the statistics SHOULD lead us to realize that all the modern ideas of entertainment and APPEAL built into modern “worship” are destroying the foundations of the Church! In trying to PLEASE the masses…the Church has quit being RELEVANT. Why? Remember my story at the beginning of this writing: my recent shopping trip? That story applies here.
This generation has almost every possible device, game, gadget and “new idea” at its immediate disposal. I am AMAZED at what kids have today! Even before many go to elementary school, they already have things that most adults never had 20 years ago. We live at a time when it seems “the sky is the limit.” With all that kids have today…they STILL get bored. There just doesn’t seem to be enough to keep them happy. Therein lies the problem: in my day, in my generation, my parents…THANK GOD…did not seem to focus so much on my HAPPINESS! They, instead, focused on my WELL-BEING! And trust me…there IS a difference.
With all of this in mind, I have come to realize…not on my own, but through prayer and through God’s Spirit…that the Church has become just like most parents today: it is in the “make them happy” business. APPEALING TO THE MASSES has become the “LAW OF MINISTRY”. Yet, notice with me some examples from the business world that gives us insight to reality: BEST BUY is struggling to survive, office supply stores are closing down, KMart/Sears is on the verge of disappearing, and other businesses of various kinds that were once so POPULAR have now found themselves struggling. In a market driven world, when people quit buying, businesses close their doors. But…the Church is, and never was supposed to be, a business. Yet, many churches are finding the same problems. But, unlike in business, the Church was…is…WRONG to ever base its success on APPEALING to the masses.
If you are like me, you would agree with my opening story of shopping. So, let me ask this: would you even enter the doors of a store that ONLY had…ONLY offered…items that you ALREADY HAVE? If you looked through the windows of a department store and, in every area, you saw shirts that were EXACTLY like ones you already have at home, would you bother going in? And if you did go in and have a look…finding that the store DID INDEED only have things EXACTLY like you already have…would you ever bother going back? I think not. This is the problem with the Church today.
The Church, in its search for RELEVANCE, has been supplying the masses with things they want. In the realm of music, the problem IS NOT music that is modern and new…the problem is the FOCUS of the music and how it is presented. And…using the term PRESENTED is appropriate. It was a great time when the Church began to leave behind what we called “song service” and began to utilize and enter into a time of WORSHIP as a body of believers. That change from simply singing Christian songs to actually using songs to focus on Jesus and to worship Him was…and remains…a powerful aspect of ministry in the Church. But many fail to see that MANY songs considered WORSHIP today are NOT worship songs at all…they may be good Christian songs, but they are not WORSHIP. I have said it before and I say it again…even PRAISE and WORSHIP are not the same thing. I can praise anyone for anything…yet WORSHIP is much more. In a figurative sense…and maybe we should make it more literal…BOWING is maybe the ultimate act of WORSHIP in Scripture. That act alone shows our reverence to God…showing He is above us, we are below Him, that He is the Supreme God of the Universe, that HE IS ABOVE ALL. Here is an example of a SONG OF WORSHIP:
“Worship You…I will worship You. Lord, in this place I seek your face and worship you. Through all my days I will give you praise…Lord, in this place my hands I raise, and Lord I worship You.” (WORSHIP YOU by Rick Riso)
Notice the focus of the words: they are from CREATION to CREATOR…from me to God. The focus here is upward. That is ALWAYS the direction of worship. But today, I sit through services where MOST songs are SELF focused…or even OUTWARD focused…with very few songs actually UPWARD focused. Instead of paying attention to FOCUS and DIRECTION during worship, the Church has bought in to songs with admittedly beautiful lyrics and beautiful melodies…but many of these beautiful songs have NOTHING to do with worship. I recently even sat through what could be considered nothing more than a PERFORMANCE…yet they called it WORSHIP. It was complete with cute moves and staging for all to see. The worship team moved into groups at one point, they did cute hand motions, they bounced and moved to the beat together…a nice PERFORMANCE. But NOT worship. There is NO WAY to focus on what THEY were doing while still focusing ON GOD! What they did was for VISUAL EFFECT…to appeal to those watching. Somehow…they forgot the intent: to put ALL FOCUS ON GOD. Now, music is just ONE very visible example of this problem. But it does paint the picture of how we give the masses the style of music…the style of ministry…they want, yet we leave out the necessary SUBSTANCE to make it real.
All of these ideas and words have culminated in this: the Church mistook APPEAL for RELEVANCE…and in appealing to the masses, it actually began to offer to the masses EXACTLY what they can get…and have….outside of the Church. Thus, this MASS APPEAL may have gotten people to come see what we offer…but it also caused the masses to realize the Church was not offering anything beyond what they already have! And, worst of all, the masses saw no difference in those who labeled themselves as CHRISTIANS and those who did NOT take on the Christian label. In essence, the masses were offered much of the same things that they already had…and they saw that what they were offered didn’t seem to have ANY effect on those who already HAD it. They saw a WORDLY Church that offered no real change.
Whether I have spoken all of this in the best possible way I do not know. I sat today and simply wrote from the heart in a way that I would say it to anyone in person. But, I know this: the Church must return to being DIFFERENT and DISTINCTIVE from the world…rather than seeking ways to be more LIKE the world. It is JESUS CHRIST that makes us different. It is our desire to please HIM that makes us different. It is our adherence to HIS WORD that makes us different. We must be a part of the world…but we must not let the world be a part of us. We have tried to make the Gospel palatable…yet we made it weak and phony. In an effort to be NON-OFFENSIVE, we started using terms such as CHURCHED and UNCHURCHED…when the truth is we are all either SAVED or UNSAVED. CHURCHED is irrelevant…SAVED is RELEVANT!
I think the Church should do this: stop offering the masses the same ol’ shirt! We CAN be RELEVANT…but RELEVANT is NOT synonymous with APPEALING. We can try all we want…but the Bible says…and will ALWAYS say…the GOSPEL is an offence to those who do not believe. The Gospel, I admit, is HARD to believe. It is HARD to live. But…it is believed and lived by FAITH! It is not accepted by being APPEALING…it is accepted by FAITH. And the Gospel is ESPECIALLY this: RELEVANT!
I pray the Church again begins to let the HOLY SPIRIT do HIS work…the work of drawing men to Christ. I pray the Church then again begins to simply preach the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST and again makes strong disciples out of all believers. In doing so, I pray the Church leaves the four walls of its buildings and again begins to go out, witnessing everywhere they go, proclaiming the good news…the GOSPEL. I pray the Church does this: dares to be DIFFERENT!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Proper Training: When the Church is Armed for Selfish Pursuits
What happens when the Church is involved in TRAINING…yet, the Church is TRAINED in SELFISH PURSUITS?
The Church in America seems to spend MORE time training ATTENDEES in GOLD MINING search of FINANCIAL GAIN and EARTHLY RICHES and EARTHLY HAPPINESS AND CONTENTMENT...instead of training BELIEVERS as SOLDIERS, preparing the Church for the SPIRITUAL BATTLES being waged by Satan through FALSE DOCTRINE and ANY and ALL forms of SPIRITUAL EVIL.
Thus...the Church is now armed with PICK AXES and other GOLD MINING TOOLS instead of being EQUIPPED and ARMED with the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT!
I have never seen a SPIRITUAL BATTLE won with CARNAL WEAPONRY!
2 Corinthians 10:3-6 NKJV
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.
Notice this: GOLD MINING tools are NOT MENTIONED in God's Word! There are TWO DISTINCT categories of TOOLS mentioned in God's Word:
1. Weapons of Warfare - Ephesians 6:10-18 NKJV
"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints--"
2. The tools for SOWING, REAPING, HARVESTING - John 4:35 NKJV
“Do you not say, 'There are still four months and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!”
Keep this TRUTH at the FOREFRONT of ALL DOCTRINE in this area: in EVERY instance, the focus of these tools are SPECIFICALLY explained in reference to SOUL WINNING, WORKS, or actual FARMING...NOT in WEALTH GAINING or WEALTH SEEKING!
The ABSENCE of any mention of GOLD MINING tools…or ANY OTHER tools of SEEKING WEALTH…is SIGNIFICANT!
You see…God’s Word speaks of the “desires” of the heart. God’s Word also says “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Luke 12:34 NKJV) Thus, we see that if our desire is EARTHLY GOLD, then our HEART is BURIED with that gold!
Further, EVERY instance/mention of a DESIRE to ACQUIRE WEALTH (TREASURE) is noted in a NEGATIVE light in God’s Word.
James 5:3 NKJV (The desire to gain WEALTH and POSSESSIONS leads to DESTRUCTION.)
“Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.”
Ephesians 22:25 NKJV (The prophets have deceived the people for the purpose of gaining TREASURES.)
The conspiracy of her prophets in her midst is like a roaring lion tearing the prey; they have devoured people; they have taken treasure and precious things; they have made many widows in her midst.
The Church in America has CONSISTENTLY focused on:
Personal happiness
Contentment (in place of CONVICTION)
Motivational Speaking
Morality (in place of TRUTH and HOLINESS) - You can be MORAL and remain UNSAVED!
Personal “truth” instead of Universal truth (The Word of God being replaced by “my view” of God)
In each case, people are DECEIVED into believing that these “doctrines” are “spiritual pursuits”. Yet, in every case, these “doctrines” are put IN PLACE OF… “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness…” (Matthew 6:33 NKJV)
And…THIS IS ESSENTIAL: notice that the “things” that “shall be added to you” are NOT in ANY WAY denoted as EARTHLY WEALTH and RICHES! What is “added” then? It is CLEAR…because in the PRECEDING verses, Jesus is discussing the NECESSITIES OF LIFE. Jesus is saying that we will have FOOD to eat, WATER to drink, and CLOTHES to wear! NEVER is there a promise of WEALTH…just a promise of PROVISION of NECESSITIES.
But…remember: Scripture EXPLAINS and DEFINES Scripture. And, we learn in God’s Word that we are to WORK if we are to EAT! You see…there is a DIRECT correlation between our LABOR and our NEEDS being met!
I have said this REPEATEDLY over the past year: We are in a SPIRITUAL BATTLE. And…Satan has SUCCESSFULLY gotten the Church to focus on PANNING and MINING FOR GOLD…causing the
Church to lay down the “weapons of our warfare” without a fight!
God is calling the Church out of the CREEKS and MINES of the GOLD RUSH…calling BELIEVERS to RETURN TO BATTLE in the fight against EVIL! Notice this: when GOLD MINING…you must wield a PICK AXE…and you must strike AGAINST the ROCK! The PROSPERITY GOSPEL is NOT a doctrine of TRUTH…it is a doctrine which strikes AGAINST the Word of God and TRUTH!
As people are dying and going to hell…the Church is down at the GOLD MINE hoping to strike it rich! In doing so, Satan has DECEIVED the Church into FOLLOWING a doctrine which is actually STRIKING A BLOW against TRUTH! This GOLD MINING mentality must END!
So…back to the beginning:
The Church in America seems to spend MORE time training ATTENDERS in GOLD MINING search of FINANCIAL GAIN and EARTHLY RICHES and EARTHLY HAPPINESS AND CONTENTMENT...instead of training BELIEVERS as SOLDIERS, preparing the Church for the SPIRITUAL BATTLES being waged by Satan through FALSE DOCTRINE and ANY and ALL forms of SPIRITUAL EVIL.
Thus...the Church is now armed with PICK AXES and other GOLD MINING TOOLS instead of being EQUIPPED and ARMED with the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT!
I have never seen a SPIRITUAL BATTLE won with CARNAL WEAPONRY!
The Church in America seems to spend MORE time training ATTENDEES in GOLD MINING search of FINANCIAL GAIN and EARTHLY RICHES and EARTHLY HAPPINESS AND CONTENTMENT...instead of training BELIEVERS as SOLDIERS, preparing the Church for the SPIRITUAL BATTLES being waged by Satan through FALSE DOCTRINE and ANY and ALL forms of SPIRITUAL EVIL.
Thus...the Church is now armed with PICK AXES and other GOLD MINING TOOLS instead of being EQUIPPED and ARMED with the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT!
I have never seen a SPIRITUAL BATTLE won with CARNAL WEAPONRY!
2 Corinthians 10:3-6 NKJV
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.
Notice this: GOLD MINING tools are NOT MENTIONED in God's Word! There are TWO DISTINCT categories of TOOLS mentioned in God's Word:
1. Weapons of Warfare - Ephesians 6:10-18 NKJV
"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints--"
2. The tools for SOWING, REAPING, HARVESTING - John 4:35 NKJV
“Do you not say, 'There are still four months and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!”
Keep this TRUTH at the FOREFRONT of ALL DOCTRINE in this area: in EVERY instance, the focus of these tools are SPECIFICALLY explained in reference to SOUL WINNING, WORKS, or actual FARMING...NOT in WEALTH GAINING or WEALTH SEEKING!
The ABSENCE of any mention of GOLD MINING tools…or ANY OTHER tools of SEEKING WEALTH…is SIGNIFICANT!
You see…God’s Word speaks of the “desires” of the heart. God’s Word also says “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Luke 12:34 NKJV) Thus, we see that if our desire is EARTHLY GOLD, then our HEART is BURIED with that gold!
Further, EVERY instance/mention of a DESIRE to ACQUIRE WEALTH (TREASURE) is noted in a NEGATIVE light in God’s Word.
James 5:3 NKJV (The desire to gain WEALTH and POSSESSIONS leads to DESTRUCTION.)
“Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.”
Ephesians 22:25 NKJV (The prophets have deceived the people for the purpose of gaining TREASURES.)
The conspiracy of her prophets in her midst is like a roaring lion tearing the prey; they have devoured people; they have taken treasure and precious things; they have made many widows in her midst.
The Church in America has CONSISTENTLY focused on:
Personal happiness
Contentment (in place of CONVICTION)
Motivational Speaking
Morality (in place of TRUTH and HOLINESS) - You can be MORAL and remain UNSAVED!
Personal “truth” instead of Universal truth (The Word of God being replaced by “my view” of God)
In each case, people are DECEIVED into believing that these “doctrines” are “spiritual pursuits”. Yet, in every case, these “doctrines” are put IN PLACE OF… “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness…” (Matthew 6:33 NKJV)
And…THIS IS ESSENTIAL: notice that the “things” that “shall be added to you” are NOT in ANY WAY denoted as EARTHLY WEALTH and RICHES! What is “added” then? It is CLEAR…because in the PRECEDING verses, Jesus is discussing the NECESSITIES OF LIFE. Jesus is saying that we will have FOOD to eat, WATER to drink, and CLOTHES to wear! NEVER is there a promise of WEALTH…just a promise of PROVISION of NECESSITIES.
But…remember: Scripture EXPLAINS and DEFINES Scripture. And, we learn in God’s Word that we are to WORK if we are to EAT! You see…there is a DIRECT correlation between our LABOR and our NEEDS being met!
I have said this REPEATEDLY over the past year: We are in a SPIRITUAL BATTLE. And…Satan has SUCCESSFULLY gotten the Church to focus on PANNING and MINING FOR GOLD…causing the
Church to lay down the “weapons of our warfare” without a fight!
God is calling the Church out of the CREEKS and MINES of the GOLD RUSH…calling BELIEVERS to RETURN TO BATTLE in the fight against EVIL! Notice this: when GOLD MINING…you must wield a PICK AXE…and you must strike AGAINST the ROCK! The PROSPERITY GOSPEL is NOT a doctrine of TRUTH…it is a doctrine which strikes AGAINST the Word of God and TRUTH!
As people are dying and going to hell…the Church is down at the GOLD MINE hoping to strike it rich! In doing so, Satan has DECEIVED the Church into FOLLOWING a doctrine which is actually STRIKING A BLOW against TRUTH! This GOLD MINING mentality must END!
So…back to the beginning:
The Church in America seems to spend MORE time training ATTENDERS in GOLD MINING search of FINANCIAL GAIN and EARTHLY RICHES and EARTHLY HAPPINESS AND CONTENTMENT...instead of training BELIEVERS as SOLDIERS, preparing the Church for the SPIRITUAL BATTLES being waged by Satan through FALSE DOCTRINE and ANY and ALL forms of SPIRITUAL EVIL.
Thus...the Church is now armed with PICK AXES and other GOLD MINING TOOLS instead of being EQUIPPED and ARMED with the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT!
I have never seen a SPIRITUAL BATTLE won with CARNAL WEAPONRY!
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